Opc clients in Title/Summary

Softing OPC Toolbox
The OPC Toolbox is a family of high-end toolkits for the quick and easy development of OPC clients and servers for Windows, Windows CE, Linux and more platforms. Main Features: - Complete C++ and .NET class library including implementation samples - Wizards for automated creation of OPC clients and servers - Optimized for its particular area of application and individual requirements
- Publisher: Softing
- Home page: www.softing.com
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2012

Automated Solutions Modbus OPC Server
Automated Solutions' OPC Data Access Servers are designed for all local or remote OPC Clients such as HMI, SCADA, Operator Interface and custom-built (VB, VC++, Visual Studio.NET, MS Office, etc.) applications. These servers also offer the most advanced features in the industry. Click on one of the servers below for specific product features.
- Publisher: Automated Solutions
- Home page: www.automatedsolutions.com
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2010

Delta OPC
Delta OPC is a Delta communication tool. SCADA and OPC clients can communicate with and monitor Delta products by means of Delta OPC. Besides, users can set communication and devices which they want to monitor by means of OPC configurators. Users can set the signal function generated by a PC to simulate the state of a register or the value in a register in a PLC.
- Publisher: Delta Electronics INC.
- Last updated: March 26th, 2014
Opc clients in Description

MatrikonOPC Funnel
MatrikonOPC Funnel provides a single gateway to all your process data. Now your applications only have to make one simple connection to access all of your plant data. Features include: -Supports aliases: rename tags with useful descriptions to make it easier to configure clients -Perform simple calculations for a specific point
- Publisher: Matrikon Inc.
- Home page: www.matrikonopc.com
- Last updated: November 21st, 2011

NETxKNX OPC Server - Direct (KNX)
NETxKNX OPC Server is a system that allows the control and - in connection with an applicable OPC client - the visualization of small KNX plants. It builds a connection between the world of KNX and other systems. The experience and the know-how out of the large projects were used during developing the large amount of small systems.
- Publisher: NETxAutomation
- Home page: www.netxautomation.com
- Last updated: March 16th, 2010

Gray Simulator
This program is an OPC Server that can be useful in OPC Clients debugging. Gray Simulator provides a set of various OPC tags: harmonic waves; triangle waves; square waves; ramps; random numbers and logical variables; random strings; random dates; enumerations; storage registers of different types.
- Publisher: Graybox Software
- Last updated: September 28th, 2010

This software allows OPC clients such as HMI (Human Machine Interface) and SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems to exchange plant floor data with PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers). Supports TCP/IP, UDP/IP or Serial (Direct, Telephone Modem or Radio) I/O. No need to change OPC Server if you change your hardware or HMI/SCADA software.
- Publisher: IOServer Pty Limited
- Last updated: June 11th, 2014

NETxAutomation KNX OPC Server
Moreover, it is possible to add additional control functionality, that is not available in the KNX system. For this, server tasks, timers, response events and scripts are available. Through its powerful and scalable server engine, the NETx KNX OPC Server is a reliable standard solution for every KNX project.
- Publisher: NETxAutomation
- Last updated: July 28th, 2016
Additional Opc clients selection

MatrikonOPC Explorer
MatrikonOPC Explorer is a free OPC Client packed with functionality for testing and troubleshooting OPC servers and OPC connections. Unlike other OPC clients, MatrikonOPC Explorer installs easily and provides results quickly thanks to its intuitive user interface and streamlined workflow.
- Publisher: Matrikon Inc.
- Last updated: December 17th, 2018

BACnet OPC Server
The Data Access (DA) server enables interchange of Data from a BACnet-compliant device to an OPC Client using BACnet Read Property,BACnet Read Multiple Properties.Three OPC Servers all in one (DA, AE and HDA),Integrate BACnet data into OPC Complient SCADA workstations. Converts BACnet Alarms to OPC Alarms.BACnet auto discovery of devices and objects.Explorer-style interface.
- Publisher: SCADA Engine
- Home page: www.scadaengine.com

KOYO Ethernet OPC Server
KOYO Ethernet OPC Server supports all memory types of the Direct Logic 205 and 405 series PLCs via Ethernet H2-ECOM and H4-ECOM modules. This server application is multi-threaded for high performance and services data to all OPC clients on local and remote systems.
- Publisher: Open Automation Software
- Home page: www.opcsystems.com

OPC90 Server
OPC90 Server is a software that enables data exchange between all compatible OPC clients and ABB Bailey Command Series, NET90, INFI90, INFI90 Open and Harmony systems. OPC90 Server supports all exception report blocks, supervisory control of blocks, system status monitoring including problem report collection.
- Publisher: The RoviSys Company

Features: - Does not require RSLinx or other third party drivers - Supports ControlLogix native tag names - No limits on number of OPC Clients, Devices, or Items. - Single server runs multiple concurrent protocols - Modular OPC DA Server allows for licensing of individual drivers - Licensing can be accomplished via web, telephone, or email - Supports tag scaling to engineering units
- Publisher: Automated Solutions, Inc.
- Home page: www.automatedsolutions.com

Matrikon OPC Server for Simulation
MatrikonOPC Simulation Server is a free utility used to help test and troubleshoot OPC applications (clients) and connections. Testing applications on "live" OPC servers may result in loss of actual production data. The MatrikonOPC Simulation Server creates an simulated environment so that in the event of a problem, no real process data is lost.
- Publisher: Matrikon Inc
- Home page: www.matrikonopc.com
- Last updated: September 20th, 2011

Cognex In-Sight OPC Server
Cognex In-Sight OPC Server is a program that can be used to publish the OPC tags to an OPC Client. The program supports OPC Data Access clients based on versions 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0 of the OPC Specification. It also allows HMI, SCADA and programming environments to access various data from In-Sight sensors.
- Publisher: Cognex Corporation
- Last updated: January 12th, 2012

Automated Solutions Modbus/TCP Master OPC Server
OPC Server provides high-speed Ethernet connectivity to Modbus/TCP Servers (Slaves). It can be used for all local/remote OPC DA Clients. It is tested for OPC Data Access 3.00 Compliance. This application comes with Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET OPC Client project and source codes.
- Publisher: Automated Solutions, Inc.
- Home page: automatedsolutions.com
- Last updated: May 10th, 2015

OPC UA Sample Applications
OPC UA Sample Applications is a program that provides a suite of OPC UA Clients and Servers that demonstrate the OPC UA technology and its most popular functionality. It comes with: - A central dashboard application with the built-in documentation allowing you to launch applications. - Samples that demonstrate DataAccess, HistoricalData and HistoricalEvents, Alarms and Conditions.
- Publisher: OPC Foundation
- Home page: opcfoundation.org
- Last updated: June 25th, 2015

OPC UA Local Discovery Server
OPC UA Local Discovery Server is a special OPC-UA service that provides information about other OPC-UA servers available. If you want to retrieve a list of OPC Unified Architecture servers registered on a local or remote computer, call the DiscoverServers method, passing it the name or address of the remote machine (use empty string for local computer).
- Publisher: OPC Foundation
- Home page: opcfoundation.org
- Last updated: August 5th, 2016