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Opencpn aisdecoder in Title/Summary



OpenCPN is a chartplotter navigation software designed to be used at the helm station of your boat. It lets you chart a course and track your position right from your laptop. It can also accept AIS input for target-tracking and collision alerting. AIS for automatic MOB handling is also possible with SART having selectable MMSI.

  • Publisher: opencpn.org
  • Home page: opencpn.org
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Opencpn aisdecoder in Description



GE2KAP is a free program that enables you to create charts from GE and chart images. You can select the area from Google Earth for which you you want to create a chart, select the depth unit and the GE delay. The program is also capable of overlaying OPENCPN charts and chart images.

  • Publisher: Paul Higgins
  • Home page: www.gdayii.ca
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2015

Additional Opencpn aisdecoder selection

Ais Decoder

Ais Decoder

The Ais Decoder can decode all the NMEA VDM or VDO content of all 27 AIS message types including !AIVDM, !BSVDM and !ABVDM. The program accepts AIS data from an AIS Receiver, decodes the data and presents the decoded data in a form suitable for display and analysis by mapping program (eg Google Earth or Google Maps), or for analysis using Excel, or by a database (eg MySql).

  • Publisher: Neal Arundale
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2017