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Openkm addin in Title/Summary

OpenKM Excel AddIn

OpenKM Excel AddIn

OpenKM is a Open Source electronic document management system. Documents are not created or consumed in a vacuum – information is created for a purpose. The flow of documents through the business cycle can be managed and tracked. OpenKM ensures information workers can find, use, share and secure valuable corporate content.

  • Publisher: OpenKM
  • Home page: www.openkm.com
  • Last updated: August 16th, 2011


OpenKM is a program that provides full document management capabilities including version control and file history, metadata, scanning, workflow, search. It also allows the social activities around content to be used to connect people to other people, information to information and people to information.

  • Publisher: OpenKM
  • Home page: www.openkm.com
  • Last updated: May 10th, 2016
Toggle Script Debugging Addin

Toggle Script Debugging Addin

The Toggle Script Debugging Addin is a simple addin for Visual Studio 2008 that allows you to quickly enable and disable script debugging from Visual Studio. When you don't need to debug JavaScript files, simply click on the addin icon and Script debugging will be disabled.

  • Publisher: PageBrooks.com
  • Last updated: February 25th, 2009

Openkm addin in Description



OKM Word AddIn is a program compatible with Microsoft Word from version 2000 to version 2007. First you must select the OpenKM tool bar option to set your configuration values to access OpenKM from the client computer. You can navigate across folders and select a document that you want to edit.

  • Publisher: OpenKM Document Management System
  • Home page: wiki.openkm.com
  • Last updated: June 5th, 2015
Outlook Shutdown Addin

Outlook Shutdown Addin

Typically, the solution is to uninstall the offending addin. However, if you really like an addin and can't wait for the developer to fix it or have no addin's installed and Outlook STILL stays running the background then you'll want to try Shutdown Addin.

Visual Studio 2008/2010 Close Editors Automatically Addin

Visual Studio 2008/2010 Close Editors Automatically Addin

This addin will ensure that no more than 10 editors are open at a time. You can configure the number of editors that can be open at a time. Each time you open an editor in Visual Studio the addin will check to see if the maximum number of open editor windows has been exceeded. If it has then the addin will close the least recently used editors until the number open is equal to the maximum.

  • Publisher: voidpointer.net
  • Last updated: July 15th, 2012
OfficeOne PowerPoint Web Browser Assistant

OfficeOne PowerPoint Web Browser Assistant

owerPoint Web Browser Assistant addin assists you in inserting live web pages on slides on your presentation. It uses Microsoft Internet Explorer to display the web pages. Since Internet Explorer can display PDF files too, you can use this addin to insert PDF files on slides. In addition to PDF files, Java code can be inserted into PowerPoint slides if they are on the web page.

  • Publisher: OfficeOne
  • Last updated: January 7th, 2010
OfficeOne Event Generator

OfficeOne Event Generator

Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 and later versions support a lot of events. The handler for these events can only reside in addins. The free Event Generator addin redirects these events to the presentations .Event Generator addin calls to the subroutines in all modules in the presentation when it receives the events from PowerPoint.

  • Publisher: OfficeOne
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2012

Additional Openkm addin selection

Resource Central Addin

Resource Central Addin

Resource Central Addin is a program designed to work with Outlook 2007, 2010 and 2013 that makes it easy to manage your organization's critical resources. You can search and sort resources by location and category, list and book available conference rooms, workstations or hot desks, order individualized catering and other services.

  • Publisher: Add-On Products
  • Last updated: September 4th, 2014
Signal Spam AddIn

Signal Spam AddIn

Signal Spam is a plugin for Microsoft’s Outlook or Mozilla’s Thunderbird, designed to report your spam directly from your Mail User Agent. In order for your reporting to reach the best efficiency, you will have to register yourself and allow Signal Spam to use them to fight spam.

CodeTwo FolderSync Addin

CodeTwo FolderSync Addin

This Outlook add-in enables synchronization of folders. Any changes made in monitored folders are instantly copied to the folders selected by an administrator. During synchronization the program does not compare the data included in items. If prior to the first synchronization, both folders contain identical items, these items will be duplicated and can be removed manually.

  • Publisher: CodeTwo
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2014
Autodesk Configurator 360 addin

Autodesk Configurator 360 addin

Autodesk Configurator 360 addin uploads the currently active Autodesk Inventor document to Configurator 360, truly making it “absurdly easy” to publish configurable models to the web. An Autodesk ID is required. Parts and assemblies can be configured using model and user parameters and iLogic rules.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2016
Quality Center Microsoft Excel Addin

Quality Center Microsoft Excel Addin

The Microsoft Excel Add-in enables you to export your test plan, requirements, or defects in Microsoft Excel directly to Quality Center. You can view the exported test plan in the test plan tree, the exported requirements in the requirements tree, and the exported defects in the defects grid.

  • Publisher: Mercury Interactive
  • Last updated: February 3rd, 2011
IDAutomation Word Excel Addin 2007

IDAutomation Word Excel Addin 2007

With this tool you can easily generate barcodes in Microsoft® Word and Microsoft® Excel® with a single click after highlighting the data to be encoded in the barcode. Main features: - Quickly change an entire data column or row to barcodes. - Royalty-free with the purchase of any IDAutomation barcode font package. - Supports all linear and 2D barcode fonts

Mapcite Excel Addin

Mapcite Excel Addin

The Excel addin can be used to visualize your Excel data on a map. The maps are obtained using the Bing Maps service. You can export a map with plotted data to Word, PowerPoint and PDF formats. You can automate different tasks using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), this requires a developer license.

  • Publisher: MAPCITE
  • Last updated: July 8th, 2014
ICS Process Monitor Addin for PACTware

ICS Process Monitor Addin for PACTware

ProcessMonitor Add-in is used for cyclical reading measured data from field devices, presentation of measured data in charts and archive them in text files or databases for a later documentation or analysis. An online configuration defines which device variables are to be read. That can be all parameters or measured values that are provided by the DTM of a device.

  • Publisher: ICS GmbH
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2014
Mockup 360 Addin

Mockup 360 Addin

Autodesk Mockup 360 add-in is a plug-in for Autodesk Inventor that allows you to create mockups and upload your models directly to the Autodesk Mockup 360 website. The program also enables you to collaborate with people. New mockups can be created easily from your existing 3D data.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 29th, 2014
PowerPoint2Doc PowerPoint Addin

PowerPoint2Doc PowerPoint Addin

PowerPoint2Doc is a Com Addin for Microsoft® PowerPoint that exports the text in the active presentation into a Microsoft® Word document. This is useful if you need to count the words in a PowerPoint document. PowerPoint2Doc is completely free, with no strings attached. Text in text boxes, tables, and embedded Excel worksheets is exported.

  • Publisher: Ginstrom IT Solutions (GITS)
  • Last updated: February 3rd, 2009