Opera minimize tray during start in Title/Summary

Minimize to Tray Plus
MinimizeToTray Plus is an extension that makes it possible to minimize Firefox, Thunderbird and other Mozilla based applications to the system tray. Features: - Minimize application to the system tray. - Tray menu for preforming certain functions of the programs. - Start the application minimized at computer startup. - Ability to always show a tray icon for the application. - and more.
- Publisher: Michael Buckley
- Last updated: October 18th, 2010

TheBest Minimize to Tray
This is a nice desktop enhancement utility created by ITSTH. The purpose of this program is to minimize applications besides the tray clock, using small icons, instead of the normal tray bar icons that Windows uses. This allows the tray bar to be less clogged. It also hides programs that you don't want other people to see that you are using.
- Publisher: IT Services Thomas Holz
- Home page: www.replybutler.com
- Last updated: July 29th, 2012

4t Tray Minimizer
4t Tray Minimizer aims to help you to better manage your windows, allowing you to open more of them without getting overwhelmed because of their number. With 4t Tray Minimizer, you can indeed minimize any window to the tray, make any window transparent, force the selected window to stay at the top, and roll it up and down.
- Publisher: 4t Niagara Software
- Last updated: August 13th, 2011
Opera minimize tray during start in Description

A JPEG wallpaper slideshow program. As it runs from the system tray, it changes your wallpaper using various JPEG images. You specify a directory a directory of JPEG's and thefrequency at which you want them to change.
- Publisher: Serhiy Perevoznyk
- Last updated: March 18th, 2010

Enhance Internet Explorer with quick links in tray, web search in Google and Yahoo, unwanted windows and popup killer, automatic proxy management system, quick IE properties manager, IE toolbar skins and other internal IE customization options
- Publisher: F-Group Software
- Last updated: March 30th, 2008

Desktop Video Reader App
Offer an exciting new way for customers and users to watch your videos and read your news with an innovative, branded desktop application. Companies like eBay, AOL and NASDAQ are already using Adobe AIR to deliver engaging RIAs to their users’ desktops. Main Features: - An innovative way to approach your user; - Run on all major desktop operating systems;
- Publisher: Domenico Citrangulo
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011

PowerMenu is an application that adds some extra menu options in the default windows control menu, already available options such as Minimize, Restore, Close etc. are remained intact. It adds four new menu items - Always On Top, Transparency and Minimize To Tray and Priority.
- Publisher: Thong Nguyen
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

PC Sleep
PC Sleep is a free easy-to-use application that performs simple but useful time-related actions. Several system functions are available. In this respect, you will be able to log off, restart your system, shut it down, and put it in standby or in hibernation. The developers have avoided crowding the interface with useless elements so that you can use this program right from the start.
- Publisher: PC sleep
- Last updated: March 23rd, 2012
Additional Opera minimize tray during start selection

Solve window clutter, speed-launch desktop shortcuts and access your computer desktop easily with just two mouse clicks. How many application windows do you have open during your typical computer work? If your answer is "many" - DESKonTOP is right for you!
- Publisher: Alexander Cherepnev
- Last updated: October 30th, 2012

If you're tired of installing one utility after another to fit all your needs, WireKeys is the solution you've been looking for. Now you can manage *all* your hotkeys from one place instead of remembering preferences of tens applications. And hotkey in WireKeys can be much more useful and effective than in any other application.
- Publisher: WiredPlane.com
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2008

Ever wanted the ability to hide Outlook or to minimize it to the sytem tray? Now you can! HideOutlook creates a Tray Icon, and allows you to show and hide Outlook by clicking the icon. It can also be set to hide Outlook when you minimize it. System requirements: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP.
- Publisher: r2 Studios
- Home page: www.r2.com.au
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

USBVirusScan will launch any program you provide as a command line parameter each time a USB stick is inserted. USBVirusScan uses a system tray icon and balloons to announce the insertion of a USB drive. If you want to hide this system tray icon, start USBVirusScan with option -i, like this: USBVirusScan -i cmd /k %d:
- Publisher: Didier Stevens
- Home page: blog.didierstevens.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Synei System Utilities
Synei System Utilities is a collection of various tools intended to optimize your system so it regains its original level of performance. The highest impact on performance has TuneUp which finds and fixes registry problems. However, in general, SSU seems to have something for every system issue.
- Publisher: Synei
- Home page: www.synei.com
- Last updated: December 12th, 2016

Internet Download Manager
Accelerate downloads by up to 10 times and easily organize your downloads with this tool. Schedule and resume broken downloads after errors. Download videos from from different steaming sites like YouTube. Supports all popular browsers and protocols.
- Publisher: Tonec Inc.
- Home page: www.internetdownloadmanager.com
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Experience faster, distraction-free browsing with Ad blocking, and browse privately. Smoothly sync your data and send files between Opera and Chromebook. Keep your tabs arranged in separate groups for contextual browsing. Chat with AI on desktop and mobile in Opera Browser. ChatGPT and Aria, Opera’s free and unlimited browser AI, are seamlessly integrated into your browser.
- Publisher: Opera Software
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Start Killer
Start Killer is an interesting application that can hide the start button and disable the start menu. Running this program instantly hides the start button; start menu can be selectively enabled (while hiding the button) using its settings page. Simply close it to reset everything.
- Publisher: Tordex
- Last updated: October 5th, 2015

PS Tray Factory
PS Tray Factory is a system tray icons manager that will allows you to: hide low-activity icons from a system tray into special menu,change the order of icons in the system tray (sort tray icons),restore icons in system tray at crash Explorer.
- Publisher: PS Soft Lab
- Home page: www.pssoftlab.com
- Last updated: March 10th, 2016

Start Menu 7
Start Menu 7 allows users to customize and change the looks and organization of Windows Seven start menu. This utility keeps the positions of programs the same place regardless of new installations or removals. It’s also capable of changing the size of the icons and can make the menu transparent.
- Publisher: OrdinarySoft
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2021