Option profit calculator in Title/Summary

Option Profit Calculator
A software program for Windows computers that helps you compare stock and option transactions. It allows you to input information about the transactions such as purchase and sale (or execution) dates, purchase and sale prices, and so on. It gives you the actual profit from the transaction if the transaction goes as expected and the potential loss in a worst case scenario.
- Publisher: Leithauser Research
- Last updated: November 16th, 2009

Gross Profit Margin Calculator
The Gross Profit Margin Calculator is a 32 bit Windows application for calculating Gross Profit Margin based on Cost Of Goods Sold. The Gross Profit Margin Calculator calculates resale prices with or without taxes, Profit Margins from income statements, purchasing prices based on a fixed margin and current market values, hypothetical figures by allowing you to edit calculated results.
- Publisher: MicroTask Computer Services
- Last updated: June 27th, 2008

Option Calculator
Free software for option traders. You can : calculate the value of put and call options (The Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model, calculate option greeks (delta, vega, gamma, theta, see graph of option position (long call option or long put option). Calculate implied volatility.
- Publisher: trader-soft
Option profit calculator in Description

MHS Financial Calculators
MHS Financial Calculators is an easy and powerful financial tool that can help you calculate your investments and loans
- Publisher: Wakeeson Inc
- Last updated: August 9th, 2015

Stock Calculator
As its name clearly says, Stock Calculator is a tool meant to help you perform calculations to let you determine the share prices needed by a stock to return profit. It's basically a share price calculator that enables you to find out the needed values for obtaining profit, including through performing 'what if' analyses.
- Publisher: sspi-software
- Home page: www.sspi-software.com
- Last updated: May 29th, 2011

Moffsoft Calculator
Moffsoft Calculator can replace the calculator that is built in Windows as it includes a lot of other features. As most applications of this type, this one has been designed to resemble a real handheld calculator; so, it is quite unlikely that anyone has problems to use its basic features. However, some people may have difficulties performing financial operations.
- Publisher: Moffsoft
- Home page: www.moffsoft.com
- Last updated: July 18th, 2014

Practical Sports Betting Calculator
The PSB Calculator is a brilliant device that enables you to bet on multiple selections in a sporting event so that whichever selection wins, you win, too. The PSB Calculator has been designed to make the mathematical side of your investment much easier. It will take the headaches out of calculating the size of your bets, the size of your returns, and the size of your profits.
- Publisher: Equestrian Publishing
- Last updated: April 17th, 2008

Home Selling Calculator
Home Selling Calculator gives you the ability to see the effect of time on market on your net profit from selling your home. Home Selling Calculator is Windows®-based and runs on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7.Home Selling Calculator includes a Home Inspection Form to help you understand what buyers are looking at when they look at homes.
- Publisher: Home Selling Calculator
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011
Additional Option profit calculator selection

Fidelity Active Trader Pro
Fidelity Active Trader Pro is an easy online trading tool platform. Main features: - Streaming, customizable quotes and watch lists. - Integrated access to positions, charts, news, alerts, and orders help identify entry and exit strategies. - Real-time integrated balances, history, and positions with real-time tax lot detail.
- Publisher: FMR LLC.
- Home page: www.fidelity.com
- Last updated: December 8th, 2015

Slopeys ED BPC
Slopeys ED BPC is a BPC market program that allows you to track quotes for various stocks and commodities. The app provides real-time quotes, allows you to export data to CSV, XLS, XLSX and PDF files, allows you to calculate the potential profit, and to stay in touch with the latest news
- Publisher: Slopey
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2016

SSA Benefit Calculator
SSA Benefit Calculator is a handy tool developed by the Social Security Administration of the United States of America to help contributors to calculate, or better said estimate, their social benefits. As obvious as it may sound, this tool is only useful for people who have a social security number.
- Publisher: Social Security Administration
- Last updated: March 29th, 2014

Flow Calculator
Flow calculator is a small, compact and useful tool which helps in doing flow related calculations very easy and fast. The main advantage of this software is its compactness and size. The simple interface only contains three text boxes. These text boxes correspond to the inside diameter of the cylindrical pipe, velocity and the volumetric flow rate.
- Publisher: eesiflo.com
- Home page: www.eesiflo.com
- Last updated: November 17th, 2010

BMI & BMR Calculator
BMI stands for “Body Mass Index” and BMR for “Basal Metabolic Rate”. The body mass index is pretty popular these days and it’s basically a number that tells if you’re underweight, overweight or normal. The basal metabolic rate is the number of calories that your body needs each day (excluding any physical activity).
- Publisher: freebmicalculator
- Home page: freebmicalculator.org
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008

Molecular Weight Calculator
This program can calculate the molecular weight and percent composition of chemical formulas and amino acids, providing a graphical user interface to edit the formulas and parsing options. It recognizes user-definable abbreviations, custom elemental isotopes, and can display up to 20 compounds simultaneously.
- Publisher: Matthew Monroe
- Last updated: October 9th, 2012

Income Tax Calculator
Income Tax Calculator is a program that estimates your federal income tax for the years 2000-2016 and finds your current tax bracket. "Tax bracket" shows percentage tax rate on the top dollars earned. The program includes options for tax calculation based on filing status, average tax option that calculates average tax from the year, and more.
- Publisher: Ashkon Software LLC
- Home page: www.ashkon.com
- Last updated: July 30th, 2016

Beautiful Calculator
Beautiful Calculator is a scientific calculator that has many features which result in enhanced convenience for your calculation needs, making it a great replacement for your ordinary default calculator. You can see, edit and print the calculations log and support your documents.
- Publisher: Rayslab Inc.
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

NokiaFREE Unlock Codes Calculator
With Nokia Free Unlock Codes Calculator we can unlock our cell phones and we can use it in any company that we want. When we open the program can find eight boxes and one little window. In the first box we can put our cell phone model we can choose between: Alcatel, LG, Maxxon, NEC, Nokia, Samsung, Siemens, Sony, Panasonic and Vitel.
- Publisher: NokiaFREE.org
- Last updated: July 27th, 2022

Calculator of Trader
It calculates: quantity of lots, size of leverage, profit, loss, open position, stop loss, take profit and more. You can enter comments, specify the commission, swap, the number of days, pip's value, size of lot, pip's price, profit pips, loss pips and profit/loss.
- Publisher: Softaddress Ltd
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008