Orifice plate sizing spreadsheet in Title/Summary

FlowCalc32 is a Windows orifice plate sizing program for calculation of various differential pressure flow measurement devices. The program can be used to calculate orifice plates, venturi and nozzle flow meters or to calculate the effects of changes in operating conditions, variation of pipe and primary device bore diameters etc.
- Publisher: Control Engineering Sweden AB
- Last updated: April 4th, 2012

Orifice Design Calculator Demo
Size a gas/liquid orifice plate using ISO5167 (2003) International standard and Crane's Flow of Fluids through Valves equation 3.22, Fittings and Pipes, calculate the mass flow rate require for a certain orifice size and plot a profile chart of various mass flow rates vs orifice size.
- Publisher: WeBBusterZ Engineering
- Last updated: September 10th, 2012

Orifice Design Calculator
Size a gas/liquid orifice plate using ISO5167 (2003) and Crane's Flow of Fluids through Valves, Fittings and Pipes, calculate the mass flow rate require for a certain orifice size and plot a profile chart of various mass flow rates vs orifice size.
- Publisher: WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
- Home page: www.webbusterz.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Orifice plate sizing spreadsheet in Description

Flowcalc32 CE
FlowCalc32 CE is a Windows orifice plate sizing program for calculation of various differential pressure flow measurement devices. The program can be used to calculate orifice plates, venturi and nozzle flow meters or to calculate the effects of changes in operating conditions, variation of pipe and primary device bore diameters etc.
- Publisher: Control Engineering Sweden AB
- Home page: www.controlengineering.se
- Last updated: October 22nd, 2009

GASCalc™ is a Windows based suite of tools designed to calculate various parameters associated with gas piping and equipment. It can be used to calculate blowdown (venting) time, compressibility and other gas properties, lost gas volumes - pipe size, flow, and stress values - orifice meter sizing - regulator, relief, and valve sizing - numerous other flow and stress related values.
- Publisher: Bradley B Bean, PE
- Home page: www.b3pe.com
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012

Flowel makes sizing orifice plates, nozzles, and venturis easier than ever. Flowel requires MicrosoftT Windows MET, NTT, 2000T, XPT, or XP Pro. Flowel is part of a total flow element solution that includes training, technical support, and ISO 9000 validation documentation. Flowel provides the latest calculation methods, an optional fluid properties package and an intuitive interface.
- Publisher: Emerson Process Management
- Last updated: November 8th, 2009

It will size orifice plates for given design conditions, find pressure drop for a given flow, or flow for a given pressure drop. It is designed for gas orifices.The program let you calculate the following orifice-types:- Gas Orifice- Liquid Orifice- Restriction Orifice - Gas- Restriction Orifice - Liquid
- Publisher: Norcraft Software
- Home page: www.norcraft.com
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011

Block Load
Carrier's Block Load program is a powerful, fully featured HVAC load estimating program suitable for commercial buildings of any size. Block Load is a tool for consulting engineers, design/build contractors, HVAC contractors, facility engineers and other professionals involved in the design, analysis or installation of commercial building HVAC systems.
- Publisher: Carrier Corporation
- Home page: www.commercial.carrier.com
- Last updated: April 19th, 2008
Additional Orifice plate sizing spreadsheet selection

This program lets you easily make the calculations related to the design of the beams so they can stand the daily use of the building, as well as resist movements from diverse sources such as earthquakes or the daily passing of heavy trucks, taking into account the use of the building, as well as other factors. For specialized users only.
- Publisher: Survey Design Associates Limited
- Home page: www.superbeam.co.uk
- Last updated: August 14th, 2018

InstruCalc calculates the sizes of control valves, flow elements, and relief devices; produces data sheets for calculated items; and prepares instrument summaries and uses data sheets as a database for generating reports. The Control valve and Flow element modules now will calculate, display and print graphs of your calculations .
- Publisher: Gulf Publishing Company
- Last updated: August 21st, 2011

Gnumeric Spreadsheet
Gnumeric starts up quickly and handles large spreadsheets while remaining responsive. A spreadsheet should calculate the right answer. Gnumeric's built-in functions and tools are accurate as several researchers have found. Gnumeric Spreadsheet is an open-source spreadsheet program.
- Publisher: Gnumeric
- Home page: www.gnumeric.org
- Last updated: June 10th, 2014

Plate 'n' Sheet Professional
Plate 'n' Sheet Professional can be used to design various shapes using sheet metals. It gives you precise unfolding and cutting designs of commonly used shapes in metals, plastics, and insulation industries. The design can be exported into DXF format.
- Publisher: R & L CAD Services Pty Ltd
- Home page: www.plate-n-sheet.com
- Last updated: January 16th, 2012

Excel File Size Reduce Software
Compress the file size of one or more MS Excel files. Results may vary; software intended for Excel files older than 2003. Excel 2000 or higher required.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Last updated: March 14th, 2008

MS Word File Size Reduce Software
Compress the file size of one or many Word documents. Some Word files do not reduce as well as others. Results may vary. Word 2000 or higher required.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Last updated: August 5th, 2008

Bytescout Spreadsheet SDK
Read and write XLS, XLSX from ASP.NET, .NET, VB, C#, PHP and other programming languages without Excel installed! Supports formula calculations, text formatting, rows, columns, sheets management and much more!
- Publisher: ByteScout, Inc
- Home page: bytescout.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Saravel Refrigerant Pipe Sizing
Saravel Refrigerant Pipe Sizing program designed by Saravel Corp. Design & Engineering Department , has following specifications: Refrigerant Selection, Valves and Fittings Selection, Unit Conversion, Save entered data for future use, Double Riser Calculation, Print the calculation Result, Refrigerant piping instruction
- Publisher: saravel
- Home page: www.saravel.com
- Last updated: October 16th, 2009

InstruCalc Instrument Sizing Suite - Single
InstruCalc will calculate, display and print graphs of its calculations. Graphs available for Control Valves are: valve Cv and flow; valve pressure drop and flow; linear trim; and, equal percent trim. Flow Element graphs include: flow and differential
- Publisher: I-Size Solutions Inc.
- Last updated: March 16th, 2012

GemBox.Spreadsheet is a .NET component for developers. GemBox.Spreadsheet is used in a wide range of scenarios, from individual developers who need a simple way to read and write Excel documents to large corporations which need to generate large reports quickly and efficiently.
- Publisher: GemBox Software
- Last updated: July 25th, 2013