Osama biladine in Title/Summary

Sniper Osama
With Sniper Osama you prepare an ambush with your sniper rifle in your hands waiting for someone special to take him down. This someone special is no other than Osama Bin Laden himself. You have a unique opportunity to get your name written in the history as the one who got the most wanted man in the world.
- Publisher: Lucky Legend
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2020

Saddam Osama Fly
Sadam And Osama joined forces and together they are trying to escape to Europe. They turned themselves in to a fly in attempt to be as fast as possible. You have your gun ready and waiting for them to show up. Be really fast on your trigger and super precise to shoot them down before they cross the border.
- Publisher: Lucky Legend
- Last updated: February 24th, 2010
Osama biladine in Description

Recycle Bin Laden
Recycle Bin Laden is an icon replacement application for Windows computers. The application serves only one purpose and it might be considered of bad taste for more than 250 million people around the globe. It replaces your default Recycle Bin icon with an image of 2001 War-on-Terror target Osama Bin Laden.
- Publisher: Zamaan's Software
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008
Additional Osama biladine selection

Spark Loader
Spark Loader is a boot loader for AVR microcontrollers that can be used for programming flash and EEPROM using a serial link (USB to Serial converters can be used) between your computer and the microcontroller through any free COM (or USB) port. It has the responsibility of transmitting flash and EEPROM data into the microcontroller.
- Publisher: Osama's Lab
- Home page: sites.google.com
- Last updated: January 9th, 2014

World Domination 2
Are you ready to dominate the world a second time around? If you are, get geared up for World Domination 2! This time you will have even MORE ways of achieving world domination with spies, diplomacy, propaganda, or an all-out war with aircraft carriers and submarines! Two actions every turn must be enough to carry out your strategy and plan your path to victory!
- Publisher: Youdagames
- Home page: www.youdagames.com
- Last updated: November 14th, 2009