Osh bookshelves in Title/Summary

osh Toolkit
The new OSH legislation is now kicking in. The good news is that you can now purchase osh software that will do it all for you. The OSH ToolKit software does it for you – it provides you with all the tools you need and how to use them to prevent workplace accidents: Specific safety systems for your business Action plans – what to do & how to do it
- Publisher: Employers Assistance Ltd
- Home page: www.employers.co.nz
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

OSH Bookshelf 2008
The OSH Bookshelf is divided into the following user interfaces : - Main Menu / Search - Search Result From the main menu, you may access the search function. In order to search any publications containing particular keywords, you may just enter keywords in English inside the dialogue box, then click on the search button. All the relevant publications will be shown in the result list.
- Publisher: Occupational Safety & Health Council
- Home page: www.oshc.org.hk
- Last updated: February 16th, 2009
Osh bookshelves in Description

eBookwise Librarian
If you are the proud owner of an eBookwise-1150 reading device and would love to use it to read documents in formats different to those supported by your e-book reader, then you need eBookwise Librarian. This Windows-based tool will transform any DOC, RTF, HTML, TXT, Rocket, and OPF document or book into an IMP file that you can then upload into your e-book reader.
- Publisher: Fictionwise, Inc.
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

GEB eBook Librarian
In the wake of Gemstar's recent announcement that they are withdrawing from the eBook market, the GEB eBook Librarian was created to allow users of the Gemstar eBook device (including the REB1100, REB1200, GEB1150 and GEB2150 models) to create (from DOC, RTF, HTML, RB and TXT files) and download personal content to their eBook devices.
- Publisher: Breeno
- Home page: www.breeno.org
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2009

The Portable Bookshelf (PBS) Toolkit provides a collection of executables, both stand-alone and web based, which generate and populate a web-based information system for large software systems. PBS provides a default framework for the displaying subsystem landscapes, and links to generated and static documentation for those subsystems.
- Publisher: UWaterloo
- Last updated: July 24th, 2009
Additional Osh bookshelves selection
- Publisher: TOSHIBA
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2020

CS-Script for Notepad++
This plugin allows convenient editing and execution of the C# code (scripts). It also allows the usual C# intellisense and project management tasks to be performed in a way very similar to the MS Visual Studio. In addition to this, it provides generic debugging functionality (with the integrated Managed Debugger) as well as the ability to prepare C# scripts for the deployment packages.
- Publisher: OSH
- Last updated: January 27th, 2015

iBookshelf is an application for cataloging your book collection and designing bookshelves based for it. Written in C#/Mono using the Gtk# graphical toolkit. This project is specifically an experiment in computer aided design. Main features: - ISBN entry using CueCat, standard barcode scanner, or manual entry. - Automatic data fetch using Amazon web services
- Publisher: NYP
- Home page: ibookshelf.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: April 20th, 2009

IBM SoftCopy Librarian
The IBM Softcopy Librarian provides you with the ability to manage PDFs, BookManager softcopy books, and shelves you receive from IBM and from other companies. The Softcopy Librarian keeps a catalog of all the book, PDF, and shelf files that you send to your repository from any level of a CD, from your local hard drive, or from the IBM PUBLIB Web site.
- Publisher: IBM
- Home page: www-01.ibm.com
- Last updated: May 29th, 2015

Break Reminder
Break Reminder is a program to help prevent OOS/RSI and to assist in the healing process if these or similar conditions already exist. Small interface that discretely runs in the background monitoring your computer use, which uses timers (to your settings) that remind you to take a break.
- Publisher: Chequers Software Limited
- Home page: cheqsoft.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

My Own Bookshelf
Improving literacy starts with letting students select the books they want to read. With My Own Bookshelf authoring tool, you can easily create virtual books for student reading. The page design application walks you through creating books and placing them on virtual bookshelves.
- Publisher: SoftTouch
- Last updated: June 8th, 2010