Outlook custom desktop alerts in Title/Summary

Cricinfo Desktop Alerts
This is more effective than e-mail or RSS. Your message will be delivered with 100% guarantee. No spam filters, no obsolete addresses. Your customers don't need to know what RSS is and what to do with it. They need to download small application only.
- Publisher: Skinkers Communications
- Home page: static.espncricinfo.com
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

Desktop Alerts Administrator
Desktop Alert Administrator allows campaign owners to send alerts and sms to their customers right from their desktop without wasting any time in going to the website. This ensures quick and hassle free sending of the alerts. You can select the campaign, template, expiry period and alert types.
- Publisher: BusinessAlerts
- Home page: www.alertsdesktop.com
- Last updated: November 17th, 2011

NowInStock.net Desktop Alerts
NowInStock.net Desktop Alerts is a small application which enables a person to monitor the availability of products tracked at NowInStock.net via their computer's desktop. Desktop Alerts runs via the Adobe© AIR™ runtime. Currently Adobe AIR runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
- Publisher: unknown
- Last updated: March 8th, 2010
Outlook custom desktop alerts in Description

Messageware OWA Desktop
OWA Desktop brings OWA webmail functionality to the user’s desktop, mirroring the desktop Outlook experience, but with the added benefit of a thin client. No more need for a log-on every time a user would like to view or send a message or access their calendar. New mail and appointment alerts, with one-click access to advanced features, are provided to the user in real time.
- Publisher: Messageware Incorporated
- Home page: www.messageware.com
- Last updated: June 4th, 2012

VueMinder Calendar Pro
VueMinder Calendar Pro is a Windows application that will allow you to keep track and manage all your events, appointments, tasks and other reminders. VueMinder Calendar Pro will notify you by showing pop-up reminders or a desktop alert, sending an email, a text message or even a voice reminder on your mobile phone.
- Publisher: VueSoft
- Home page: www.vueminder.com
- Last updated: January 6th, 2012

Yammer Notifier
Yammer Desktop Notifier is a utility that provides desktop notifications regarding your Yammer activity. The Desktop Notifier is a desktop companion to the Yammer web experience that keeps you in the loop, even when you don't have Yammer open. You will get alerted to Yammer activity as it's happening and customize which alerts you want to receive.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page: products.office.com
- Last updated: October 31st, 2016

AuctionSplash lets you do all the main eBay tasks from your desktop. If you create a listing then you can use our free templates to make your auction really stand out. AuctionSplash will then let you verify your new listing (checking that everything has been entered correctly) and then preview it.
- Publisher: Splash Software Ltd
- Last updated: August 7th, 2011

Servantix Network Monitor
Servantix Network Monitor does more than simply ping devices on your network. It can interrogate multiple services on each device to ensure not only that the device reachable but that critical services are accessible. Servantix Network Monitor includes 19 pre-configured service monitors including HTTP, FTP, DNS, SMTP, POP3 and many more.
- Publisher: Servantix
- Last updated: March 9th, 2010
Additional Outlook custom desktop alerts selection

DYMO LabelWriter Drivers
DYMO Label Software includes many features that make it flexible and easy to use. The software now contains two editors: Label Editor and Tape Editor. The Label Editor is much the same as previous versions of the software, allowing you to design and print DYMO die-cut labels.
- Publisher: DYMO Corporation
- Last updated: February 5th, 2013

Gmail Notifier Pro
Gmail Notifier Pro is a Windows application capable of checking multiple accounts for new messages and display notifications. The software also offers support for any e-mail service and the most popular calendar services, social networks, document and news sources. It can be opened in the web browser with a new message prepared, including the selected files as attachments.
- Publisher: IntelliBreeze Software
- Home page: www.gmailnotifier.se
- Last updated: August 17th, 2015

WebIS Desktop Sync: Outlook
Syncs Events, Tasks, Notes between Outlook to Pocket Informant 2.0 via network - Supports local WiFi Bonjour Syncing with little configuration - Supports user-configured port connection allowing for sync over WAN - Syncs Event Categories as Calendars or Tags - Syncs Task Categories as Calendars, Tags, Projects, or Contexts
- Publisher: Web Information Solutions, Inc.
- Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Fusion Pack
Fusion Pack is all-in-one bundle including: official patches, mods pack and the version of Fusionizer. Fusion Pack includes mods pack, modified UP3 sounds with added 'screaming dive' effect and explosion sounds audible from inside the cockpit, UP3 landscape textures, a few default skins and custom desktop icons for the game itself and JSGME.
- Publisher: Alpha Trion
- Home page: fusionpack.net
- Last updated: January 14th, 2009

Scott's Gmail Alert
With Scott's Gmail Alert monitor any number of Gmail inboxes and labels. Customize each account with individual colors and sounds. Instantly reply to emails without opening a browser. Works with unique Google Apps domains and standard free accounts. Receive desktop alerts for events from your private personal calendar, or sync up with any number of public calendars.
- Publisher: Scott Merryfield
- Last updated: September 14th, 2011

Cloudmark Desktop for Microsoft Outlook
Cloudmark Desktop is an award-winning spam-blocker which adds 6 functional buttons only to your Microsoft Outlook interface. By using this small add-on you can say goodbye to spam, phishing, and email-borne viruses. It installs in moments and begin working instantly. It is also simple and it locks most spam automatically.
- Publisher: Cloudmark, Inc
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

MessengerPlusLive UK TB Toolbar
MessengerPlusLive UK TB Toolbar is a browser utility which helps you to get instant access to the most important Messenger Plus! tools. It is recommended to have this toolbar installed on your PC because it comes by default with an entire suite of useful tools for anyone.
- Publisher: MessengerPlusLive UK TB
- Last updated: February 18th, 2013

Alienware Screensaver
This screensaver contain slideshow of 12 high quality wallpapers. Make them roll out on your desktop when its idle. Just install this package and configure settings from personalize section and everything works fine. Customize your desktop with this cool Alienware wallpapers as screensaver.
- Publisher: ExpoThemes
- Last updated: August 16th, 2022

Central Desktop for Outlook
With this program, you can synchronize your tasks and calendar events in Outlook and vice versa. The Central Desktop for Outlook add-on provides a 2-way sync for tasks and calendar events between Microsoft Outlook and Central Desktop. It works on Microsoft Windows: 2000, XP, Vista, or Windows 7, Microsoft Outlook: 2000, 2003, 2007, or 2010.
- Publisher: Central Desktop
- Last updated: January 11th, 2012

Actual Virtual Desktops
Actual Virtual Desktops allows you to create and customize any number of virtual desktops that you need. Each program that you run, can be assigned to a particular desktop. You can customize the look of each desktop with separate wallpaper, icons, etc.
- Publisher: Actual Tools
- Home page: www.actualtools.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024