Oxygen forensic suite 2012 upload in Title/Summary

Oxygen Forensic Suite 2014
This is a forensic tool for checking mobile phones. The present version includes Social Graph. It can be used to review connections between mobile device owners and their contacts, pinpoint connections between multiple device owners, and detect their common contacts.
- Publisher: Oxygen Software
- Last updated: April 14th, 2014

Oxygen Forensic Suite 2013
The program is used for extracting passwords of applications on a mobile device. It can also get details such as the date when the application was opened, geo-location of the last run, etc. Report generation is also possible. This can be a good forensic tool for analyzing phones.
- Publisher: Oxygen Software
- Last updated: November 6th, 2013

Oxygen Forensic Plist Viewer
Plist files, known as Property List XML Files, contain a lot of valuable forensic information in Apple devices. Browser history, Wi-Fi access points, speed dials, Bluetooth settings, global applications settings, Apple Store settings and even more data can be extracted from .plist files. Oxygen Forensic Plist Viewer offers convenient analyzing of device data.
- Publisher: Oxygen Software
- Last updated: October 28th, 2011
Oxygen forensic suite 2012 upload in Description

Oxygen Forensic Viewer
Oxygen Forensic Viewer is a stand-alone tool for viewing and sharing information collected with other Oxygen Forensic products. The app uploads .ofb backups made in Oxygen Forensic products and allows accessing the complete set of evidence, analyzing deleted data, examining suspects’ communications and locating all types of evidence with built-in search.
- Publisher: Oxygen Software
- Last updated: September 29th, 2016

Kingsoft Writer Free
Kingsoft Writer 2012 is a word processor that is fully compatible with all Word. Features:edit document, insert clipart or pictures, Equation Editor, etc. New functions: spell-check feature, web layout, insert page break by single-click, etc.
- Publisher: Kingsoft Office
- Last updated: September 21st, 2011

Kingsoft Writer Free 2012
A word processor that is highly compatible with MS Word. Features a paragraph adjustment tool, drag-and-drop table feature, automatic spell check, a PDF converter, small package size, multi-tab interface, set encryption for documents and more.
- Publisher: Kingsoft Office
- Last updated: June 14th, 2012

Kingsoft Office Suite Professional
Kingsoft Office Professional 2012 allows users to create and edit office documents. The powerful paragraph adjustment tool allows you to edit your paragraphs with ease. It supports dropping and dragging the paragraph directly.
- Publisher: Kingsoft Office
- Last updated: August 22nd, 2012

Kingsoft Office Suite Standard
Kingsoft Standard 2012 allows users to create, edit and save office files. Fully compatible with MS office. Includes a spell checker, PDF converter, paragraph adjustment tool, tables with drop and drag feature, encryption, template, online update,etc.
- Publisher: Kingsoft Office
- Last updated: August 22nd, 2012
Additional Oxygen forensic suite 2012 upload selection

Oxygen Forensic SQLite Viewer
Oxygen Forensic SQLite Viewer is a program that allows to explore the database files with the following extensions: SQLite, SQLite3, SQLitedb, DB3. The program enables you to parse the most widespread database file formats, it automatically restores deleted data from databases, it converts data (time stamps and texts) to a readable format and shows data in a convenient table view.
- Publisher: Oxygen Forensics, Inc
- Last updated: November 28th, 2014

MahJong Suite 2012
Each MahJong game has billions of possible shuffles to play, so the game remains fresh no matter how many times you play. Enjoy the detailed statistics of each game with graphs, 3D charts (pies and bars) and tables to estimate your skill level statistics for All Games, Won games, Not Won games, Over Average, Under Average, Not Played.
- Publisher: TreeCardGames
- Home page: www.mahjongsuite.com
- Last updated: April 8th, 2012

Quick Tool for Autodesk Product Design Suite 2012
Autodesk® Product Design Suite Standard 2012 is for product designers and engineers who want to complement 2D mechanical design processes with product visualization capabilities:Rapidly explore product design concepts and produce stunning illustrations in a robust digital sketchbook.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Home page: usa.autodesk.com
- Last updated: March 19th, 2012

Spotmau PowerSuite 2012
This is an everyday toolset for PC maintenance and optimization. With this complete package, you can almost solve all your PC problems. You can easily install and use it in your Windows. Spotmau PowerSuite is a must-have toolkit providing all essential utilities for every PC owner.
- Publisher: Spotmau Software Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: August 29th, 2022

Aurigma Upload Suite
Upload Suite is a set of upload components designed for document management systems, file sharing Web sites, Web 2.0 projects, photo print services, galleries, social networks, e-commerce, and other upload-enabled solutions. Its primary intent is making mass file uploads easy.
- Publisher: Aurigma Inc.
- Home page: www.aurigma.com
- Last updated: November 12th, 2015

TweakNow PowerPack 2012
TweakNow PowerPack 2012 is a fully-integrated suite of utilities that let you fine-tune every aspect of your computer's operating system and Web browser. The suite also gives you a complete picture of all aspects of your computer's hardware, including detailed information about your motherboard, processor, video card, memory, hard disk and network.
- Publisher: TweakNow
- Last updated: April 18th, 2013

Quick Uninstall Tool for Autodesk Inventor 2012
There are occasions when Autodesk Inventor may experience installation problems after failed installs or uninstalls of other Autodesk products. In these cases, it is recommended that you completely remove them from the system and then attempt the new installation on the cleaned system.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Home page: usa.autodesk.com
- Last updated: April 27th, 2011

Autodesk Factory Design Suite Ultimate 2012
Autodesk® Factory Design Suite Ultimate 2012 is an advanced factory layout and equipment design solution that helps machine and equipment builders, system integrators, and manufacturers better design, optimize, and visualize factory layouts and factory equipment in one economical and convenient purchase.Autodesk® Inventor®.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Home page: usa.autodesk.com
- Last updated: October 8th, 2011

IdiomaX Translation Suite
IdiomaX is a suite that helps you to perform this task in a very easy and fast manner. It has several functions, all of them very useful, such as a Document translator, a word and phrase translator, aWindow contents translator, and more. If you need to translate many documents in a variety of languages, then you may want to try it.
- Publisher: IdiomaX LLC.
- Last updated: June 5th, 2011

Oxygen Phone Manager II for Nokia phones
A complete software tool to manage data and settings of your Nokia.
- Publisher: Oxygen Software
- Last updated: September 4th, 2011