Oxygen xml author reviews in Title/Summary

Oxygen XML Author
You can collaborate with other members of your team to contribute and modify content from anywhere on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. The adaptive and innovative user interface is designed to allow you to interact with XML content in the most efficient and productive way possible.
- Publisher: SyncRO Soft SRL
- Home page: www.oxygenxml.com
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

oXygen XML Web Author
Oxygen XML Web Author brings XML editing and reviewing to any modern web browser. It can help you collaborate with other members of your team to contribute and modify content from anywhere on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices. This program features built-in support for DITA, DocBook, TEI, and XHTML document types.
- Publisher: SyncRO Soft
- Home page: www.oxygenxml.com
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

Oxygen XML Editor
Oxygen XML Editor is a comprehensive tool for editing, converting, and debugging of XML data. It can perform XQuery and XPath queries against a native XML database, through a connection to the database server. Support for all types of XML documents and similar file types are ensured, including XML Schemas, CSS, XSLT, WSDL, RelaxNG, Schematron, Ant, and XQuery.
- Publisher: SyncRO Soft SRL
- Home page: www.oxygenxml.com
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023
Oxygen xml author reviews in Description

XPontus XML Editor
XPontus XML Editor is a simple XML Editor oriented towards text editing. It can perform validation(DTD, XML Schema, Relax NG, Batch XML validation), XSL transformations(HTML, XML, PDF, SVG), schema/DTD generation, XML/DTD/HTML/XSL code completion, code formatting and much more.
- Publisher: XPontus Team
- Home page: xpontus.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: May 7th, 2008

Oxygen XML Developer
Oxygen XML Developer is the class-leading tool dedicated to XML development, focusing on XML source editing, Schema designer, and XSLT editing/debugging. It offers powerful support to help you edit, transform, and debug XML based documents, making XML development easy and effective.
- Publisher: SyncRO Soft SRL.
- Home page: www.oxygenxml.com
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

Oxygen XML Diff
<oXygen/> XML Diff is a complete solution for comparing and merging XML files. It offers both directory and file comparison, six different diff algorithms and multiple levels of comparison. - Compare XML files - Merging file differences - Compare directories - Compare files inside ZIP-based archives
- Publisher: SyncRO Soft
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2011

Adobe FrameMaker
Adobe FrameMaker is a complete solution for authoring, enriching, managing and publishing technical documentation. You can collaborate with PDF-based reviews, author with XML/DITA and DTD support, manage content using the integration with leading content management systems and Dropbox.
- Publisher: Adobe
- Last updated: August 11th, 2016

Oxygen Forensic Plist Viewer
Plist files, known as Property List XML Files, contain a lot of valuable forensic information in Apple devices. Browser history, Wi-Fi access points, speed dials, Bluetooth settings, global applications settings, Apple Store settings and even more data can be extracted from .plist files. Oxygen Forensic Plist Viewer offers convenient analyzing of device data.
- Publisher: Oxygen Software
- Last updated: October 28th, 2011
Additional Oxygen xml author reviews selection

Quark Copydesk
Do you struggle with an editorial workflow and review process that involves handwritten comments, manually applied changes, and double or triple-checking to make sure changes are made properly?QuarkCopyDesk® can help writers and reviewers fit copy precisely to the final QuarkXPress layout, eliminating extra keystrokes and risk of errors — resulting in a more efficient production environment.
- Publisher: Quark Inc.
- Last updated: August 4th, 2022

XMLmind XML Editor
XMLmind XML Editor is a strictly validating DocBook, DITA, MathML, XHTML and XML editor. It can also be used to create documents conforming to your own custom schema. The program provides three synchronized views of the documents so you can easily edit them.
- Publisher: XMLmind
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

Liquid XML Studio 2014
Liquid XML Studio 2014 is an advanced graphical XML development environment. You can visualize and edit an abstracted view of your XML schema (XSD) using an intuitive user interface and validate your XSD against the W3C standards. You can also author, validate and debug your XSLT stylesheet, set breakpoints within the XSLT source, watch variables and analyse the call stack.
- Publisher: Liquid Technologies Limited
- Last updated: July 18th, 2014

XMetaL Author Enterprise
XMetaL Author Enterprise helps you get to market faster by bringing structure and automation to the process of content creation. Using XML standards such as the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA), XMetaL enables authors to re-purpose higher-value information products into the myriad of languages and formats your customers demand.
- Publisher: JustSystems Canada, Inc.
- Last updated: August 14th, 2015

Adobe Acrobat Standard
Adobe Acrobat Standard software enables business professionals to reliably create, combine, and control Adobe PDF documents for easy, more secure distribution and collaboration. With Acrobat Standard you can: * Combine and arrange documents * Manage shared reviews * Use familiar review and commenting tools * Save in Microsoft Word * Capture web pages * Sign documents digitally * Etc.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems
- Last updated: May 21st, 2013

DriveImage XML
DriveImage XML is an easy to use and reliable program for imaging and backing up partitions and logical drives. Image creation uses Microsoft's Volume Shadow Services (VSS), allowing you to create safe "hot images" even from drives currently in use. Images are stored in XML files, allowing you to process them with 3rd party tools.
- Publisher: Runtime Software, LLC
- Home page: www.runtime.org
- Last updated: October 18th, 2012

XML Notepad
XML Notepad 2007 is a small free application from Microsoft that aims to provide a small environment for editing XML files quickly. With a lot of handy features, it's really comfortable to work with complex files thanks to the unique "nudge" and "change to" operations.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page: privacy.microsoft.com
- Last updated: September 9th, 2021

Oxygen Ringtone Workshop for Nokia phones
Oxygen Ringtone Workshop is a ringtone editor for Nokia mobile phones. This software allows you to manage and customize your mobile phone ringtones with the help of your computer. It works under Microsoft Windows"95, "98, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems family and supports FBUS cable or Infrared connection. This program is freeware.
- Publisher: Oxygen Software
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Liquid XML Studio
Liquid XML Studio is a professional application that allows you to create and edit XML documents. Main features: - XML sample builder. - XSD documentation generation - XML Dependancy viewer. - XSD refactoring tools. - XML Code Generation using Liquid XML Data Binder.
- Publisher: Liquid Technologies Limited
- Home page: www.liquid-technologies.com
- Last updated: October 6th, 2015

Microsoft XML Parser und SDK
The Microsoft® XML Parser (MSXML) SDK includes header and .lib files, and documentation for the MSXML. This SDK provides several improvements over the MSXML SDK including language filtering; improved code samples in Microsoft JScript®, Microsoft Visual Basic®, and C++; and links to utilities you can use for creating XML applications.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: November 11th, 2010