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Pactware yokogawa dtm europe hart in Title/Summary

Honeywell Enhanced DTM Library HART

Honeywell Enhanced DTM Library HART

​Honeywell Field Device Manager (FDM) simplifies maintenance tasks, saves time and provides the flexibility and scalability needed to perform a complete device configuration and management tasks in the plant environment through smart plant instrumentation. This is the HART Device Type Manager for the ST800, ST700, ST3000, STT250 temperature transmitters.

ICS Generic HART Release FDT DTM

ICS Generic HART Release FDT DTM

ICS Generic HART Release FDT DTM contains parameterization, diagnosis, display of dynamic variables and data acquisition with archiving in csv-formatted text files or Microsoft ACCESS data bases. In addition 5 calibration methods with a step by step guide are provided.

  • Publisher: ICS GmbH, Ettlingen
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
Magnetrol HART DTM Library

Magnetrol HART DTM Library

DTM (Device Type Manager) is not a stand-alone program but a device-specific software driver designed to operate within a frame program such as PACTware. It includes all special information needed to communicate with a specific device (e.g., Pulsar RX5).There are two basic categories of DTMs—Communication (e.g., HART, Fieldbus, Profibus) and Field Device (e.g., Pulsar Radar transmitter).

  • Publisher: Magnetrol
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2012

Pactware yokogawa dtm europe hart in Description

Bullet DTM

Bullet DTM

Bullet DTM is a free-to-use PACTware configuration utility. The BULLET enables new and existing wired HART field devices to communicate with host applications by means of WirelessHART technology. The BULLET is permanently installed by attaching it directly into an available spare port of a HART field device, or by means of using a short, right angle elbow conduit connector.

  • Publisher: MACTek
  • Home page: mactekcorp.com
  • Last updated: February 9th, 2016
Trebing + Himstedt DTM Library

Trebing + Himstedt DTM Library

The Trebing + Himstedt DTM Library contains CommDTMs for network transition for communication with PROFIBUS DP, PA, and HART devices in PROFIBUS networks. The Trebing + Himstedt DTM Library CommDTMs can be used in all FDT frame applications according to FDT specification 1.2 + Addendum. These include, amongst others, the Endress + Hauser FieldCare application and PACTware.

  • Publisher: Trebing + Himstedt Prozessautomation GmbH & Co. KG
  • Last updated: September 23rd, 2011
Pepperl+Fuchs R2000 DTM Collection

Pepperl+Fuchs R2000 DTM Collection

Pepperl+Fuchs R2000 DTM Collection is a DTM (Device Type Manager) for operating R2000 sensors. DTMs can run only in conjunction with an FDT framework application, such as PACTware version 4.x or higher. This package includes DTM and corresponding communication DTM.



FLX DTM is flow meter software designed for the FLUXUS F601. FLEXIM’s range of FLUXUS flow meters supports the HART communication protocol. Moreover, the flow meters for permanent installation can be integrated by the FDT DTM Device Manager into any FDT frame application.

  • Publisher: FLEXIM
  • Home page: www.flexim.com
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2014
is HRT CommDTM

is HRT CommDTM

The Device Type Manager isHRT CommDTM is compatible to all FDT 1.2.1 compliant frame applications (Pactware, Fieldcare etc.). It requires the isHRT USB communication interface as its hardware base. The CommDTM takes care of the management and configuration of the communication interface. It replaces the vendor specific configuration software with a standard FDT approach.

Additional Pactware yokogawa dtm europe hart selection

ICS Process Monitor Addin for PACTware

ICS Process Monitor Addin for PACTware

ProcessMonitor Add-in is used for cyclical reading measured data from field devices, presentation of measured data in charts and archive them in text files or databases for a later documentation or analysis. An online configuration defines which device variables are to be read. That can be all parameters or measured values that are provided by the DTM of a device.

  • Publisher: ICS GmbH
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2014
City Navigator Europe NT

City Navigator Europe NT

City Navigator Europe NT is a program that provides detailed road maps and points of interest for your Compatible Devices, so you can navigate with exact, turn-by-turn directions to any address or intersection. It includes more than 10.4 million km of roads, including motorways, national and regional thoroughfares, local roads in Western Europe and many countries in Eastern Europe.

  • Publisher: Garmin Ltd
  • Last updated: February 25th, 2013
Crossfire Europe

Crossfire Europe

Crossfire Europe is an exciting, fun, freeware and action game. Crossfire Europe involves lots of mission and objectives for you to experience, developing your character step by step and improving on your skills as a soldier that eliminates the bad guys

  • Publisher: SG INTERACTIVE
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2014


PACTware uses a standardised interface between the frame program PACTware and the individual software modules for instrument operation. This interface is known as FDT; the software modules for instrument adjustment are called DTMs. This configuration makes modern and user-friendly adjustment concepts possible because the interface for instrument adjustment is optimally adapted to each instrument.

  • Publisher: PACTware Consortium
  • Last updated: September 26th, 2013


This software allows you to program the sensor connected to UC-PROG1-USB device. A variety of sensor parameters can be programmed in this way, enabling the sensor to be optimally configured for the required task. The sensor is parameterized using the PACTware parameterization software.



OTDR Viewer is a free, limited functionality version of the AQ7932 OTDR Emulation Software that allows OTDR file viewing and analysis, not including printing and report creation functionalities. You can load trace files recorded by a Yokogawa OTDR AQ7275 and AQ7280.

  • Publisher: Yokogawa Electric Corporation
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2017
Build-a-lot 3: Passport to Europe

Build-a-lot 3: Passport to Europe

Build-a-lot 3: Passport to Europe is a strategy game. The Build-a-Lot series is related to the real-estate business. On every level you will act as a contractor whose objective is to earn a given amount of money or to meet the construction needs of a certain town before the allotted time is up. This edition is based in Europe.

  • Publisher: HipSoft LLC
  • Last updated: January 29th, 2012
TM5-7 DTM Library

TM5-7 DTM Library

TM5-7 DTM Library is a program that allows Modicon TM5 (IP 20) and Modicon TM7 (IP 67) distributed I/O islands to be integrated on the CANopen bus using the "Performance distributed I/O configuration software" for external automation applications. The program has support for a variety of IO modules.

  • Publisher: Schneider Electric
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2012
Dragon Nest Europe

Dragon Nest Europe

Dragon Nest Europe is a 3D action RPG, based on the "Eternity" engine developed in-house that can implement vivid graphics. It is a next-gen action RPG which seeks to bring out quick and dynamic action in its gameplay. You are about to enter a fantastic world filled with magic, wonder, hideous monsters, evil villains, and endless adventure.

  • Publisher: Eyedentity Games Inc.
  • Last updated: February 25th, 2013
Map of Europe

Map of Europe

Map of Europe is a Worldwide Background Map for GPS TrackMaker, which is the most complete free program for GPS devices. This base-map includes POINTS OF INTEREST (POI) such as campsites, parks, even restaurants, hospitals, etc. So if you are planning to travel to Europe this map is all you need to travel safe and always know where you are.

  • Publisher: Geo Studio Technology
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008