cube map in Title/Summary

Gabbasoft Cube Demo
Gabbasoft Cube Demo 0.03.0007 Alpha is a 3D Rubik´s Cube puzzle game. In Gabbasoft Cube Demo you will play with a Rubik´s Cube, twisting a cube slice by left clicking over the cube and moving to the desired direction. You can move the whole cube by holding the right mouse button. You can also zoom in or out, using the cursor movement keys.
- Publisher: GabbaSoft, Inc.
- Last updated: March 24th, 2010

CubeTheSphere is a program that allows you to transform a spherically mapped bitmap into a cube map. The program enables you to preview the 6 panels, and auto-save all 6 as BMP files. It can only load BMP and JPEG files, so you're on your own with 2D format conversion.
- Publisher: Quantum Leap Computing
- Last updated: March 26th, 2015

BI-Lite CUBE-it Zero
BI-Lite CUBE-it Zero is an OLAP Cube builder available in a number of editions, which brings building cubes within the grasp of anyone familiar with MS Access or SQL Server.CUBE-it Zero bridges the gap between Access Queries and OLAP CUBES. CUBE-it Zero extends the reach of OLAP cubes to everyone by enabling the creation of cubes using a simple 4 step process.
- Publisher: Academy Software Products Ltd
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2013 cube map in Description

This is a plugin for GIMP. It allows you to load and save images in the Direct Draw Surface (DDS) format. Load/save DDS files, optionally using DirectX texture compression (DXT) . Optional automatic mipmap generation when saving. Load cube map faces and volume map slices into separate layers.
- Publisher: skirst
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 11th, 2011

3D Virtual Cube
This free program is an animated 3D version of Rubik's cube. You can turn the cube and spin the cube's slices using the mouse. Also, you can customize the program by changing the colors of the cube's faces. Also, it includes three variations of traditional Rubik's cube, namely OddzOn, Arxon and Bicolor. A must for Rubik's cube fans.
- Publisher: NIERSOFT
- Last updated: April 4th, 2008

Universal tool for small and medium business network. It automatically turnes selected server into a router/internet gateway with a set of over 80 functions, including Unified Threat Management, VoIP PBX, email, antivirus, antispam and more.
- Publisher: A-Real Consulting
- Last updated: July 12th, 2018

3Doku is an innovative Sudoku game for Windows computers. It is still a Sudoku game, in which you have to solve a mathematical puzzle on a sheet with 9 by 9 grid so that you use each number from 1 to 10 only one time in each row, column, and smaller grid. 3Doku, however, brings this to a new level by rendering several Sudoku puzzles in a cube in three dimensions.
- Publisher: Simone Tellini, Francesco Mariani
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 24th, 2008

Ultimate Magic Cube
This program lets you create your own Rubik-style 3-D puzzles. You can choose between several basic shapes and add cutting planes as desired, according to the difficulty degree you want to obtain. If you like Rubik cube and want to create and solve challenging puzzles, this program will delight you.
- Publisher: Wouter Meesen
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 18th, 2010
Additional cube map selection

Cubemaps can be assembled from separate face images that can be loaded into each cubemap face and interactively flipped vertically, horizontally, and diagonally in order to align the faces. Angular extent filtering and edge seam fixup provides new high quality filtering results for prefiltered environment mapping, and cubemap mipchain generation.
- Publisher: ATI Research Inc.
- Last updated: March 26th, 2008

EDraw Mind Map
Edraw Mind Map is a free mind map freeware with rich examples and templates which make it easy to create mind maps, brain-storming diagrams, project timeline, life planner, SWOT analysis and sketch maps. It can visualize your thinking and quickly arrange and organize your work, all to benefit you as well as people around you.
- Publisher: EDrawSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

3D World Map
3D World Map is a pack comprising two programs: a realistic 3D world map and a screen saver. The wonderful screensaver will shows you a view of the planet Earth revolving around the Sun; and the brilliant 3D world map includes information about all the countries and the cities of the world.
- Publisher: Longgame
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

AutoCAD Map 3D
AutoCAD Map 3D is a complex tool for mapping, infrastructure planning and management that allows for CAD and GIS data to be accessed, analyzed and integrated in various projects. Geo-spatial data can be managed in such way that the workflow can be optimized and productivity be improved.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 21st, 2012

Karnaugh Map Minimizer
Karnaugh Map Minimizer is a program designed to minimize the Boolean functions. This is an interactive application that supports up to eight variables at the same time. Originally, Karnaugh Map Minimizer was designed for teaching purposes, i.e. both students and teachers can benefit from the functionality of this utility.
- Publisher: Robert Kovacevic
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Autodesk Map 2004
In a continuing effort to provide high quality products, Autodesk has released Autodesk Map 2004 Service Pack 1, which fixes or addresses a variety of issues discovered by customers or by Autodesk's internal testing team. His topology name and description are now remembered and restored even if a create topology operation fails.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 7th, 2009

Memory-map is intended to help you plan and review your travels. The tool uses the global positioning system (GPS) to keep track of your route, which is marked on high-quality maps, by means of raster images. Luckily, there are many of these maps available. Of course, you need a GPS device to benefit from all of its advantages, and, luckily, the program supports a wide array of models.
- Publisher: Memory-Map, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 20th, 2021

Map of Europe
Map of Europe is a Worldwide Background Map for GPS TrackMaker, which is the most complete free program for GPS devices. This base-map includes POINTS OF INTEREST (POI) such as campsites, parks, even restaurants, hospitals, etc. So if you are planning to travel to Europe this map is all you need to travel safe and always know where you are.
- Publisher: Geo Studio Technology
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Map Maker
Map Maker is an easy and intuitive tool that can create maps with ease. You will not mind shedding any amount for this tool that will make it easy in creating the most informative maps with minimum efforts. With its easy to use interface the user can easily handle the creation of maps without the expert knowledge of GIS, and many more features that make creating maps at your finger tips.
- Publisher: Map Maker Ltd
- Last updated: May 26th, 2017

Remere's Map Editor
Remere's Map Editor is a map editor coded in C++ for the OpenTibia Project . It supports many advanced features such as autobordering and placing of composite objects. Runs under both Linux and Windows using wxWidgets and OpenGL. Development began during the summer of 2007 due to Remere's frustration of the only map editor available at the time.
- Publisher: Remere
- Last updated: July 24th, 2012