Particle flow tool box2 pro in Title/Summary

Particle Flow Tools Box#2 Pro for 3ds max 2011 (32-bit)
The latest provocative package of particle awesomeness from The Wizard of OrbaZ is Particle Flow Tools: Box#2 Pro. Special PhysX operators and tests let Particle Flow communicate with the physics-simulation engine. You can adjust world settings, use 3ds Max forces in simulations, bind particles together and disintegrate bound groups, and more.
- Publisher: Orbaz Technologies, Inc.
- Home page:

Particle Flow Tools Box#2 Pro for 3ds max 2011 (64-bit)
Taking advantage of the powerful PhysX™ simulation engine from NVIDIA® (included free, works with and without PhysX-enabled hardware), Box#2 Pro provides operators and tests to replicate real-world effects such as natural and man-made forces, binding particles together and then breaking the bonds, collisions between particles and with other objects, and more.
- Publisher: Orbaz Technologies, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012

Particle Flow Tools Box#2 Pro for 3ds Max 2010
This easy-to-use new software integrates with the Particle Flow system to let you create sophisticated, realistic physics simulations.Box#2 Pro provides operators and tests to replicate real-world effects such as natural and man-made forces, binding particles together and then breaking the bonds, collisions between particles and with other objects, and more.
- Publisher: Orbaz Technologies, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012
Particle flow tool box2 pro in Description

Particle Flow Tools for 3ds max 2012
Particle Flow Tools consist of freeware and commercial software. The commercial software is organized into Boxes.The plug-in extends the power of the original Particle Flow system with 14 new operators in three categories: Painting, Groups, and Utilities. The Painting tools cause particles to emit from hand-specified parts of objects, or based on animated textures.
- Publisher: Orbaz Technologies, Inc.
- Last updated: April 25th, 2012

Quickstart Flow Chart Maker Pro
Now you can easily create your own flow charts with Quickstart Flow Chart Maker Pro. Turn your ideas into clear and easy-to-understand flow charts to communicate effectively. Quickly create customized flow charts, diagrams, organizational charts, and more.
- Publisher: Selectsoft
- Last updated: October 11th, 2011

PFC2D (Particle Flow Code in 2 Dimensions) is a discontinuum code used in analysis, testing, and research in any field where the interaction of many discrete objects exhibiting large-strain and/or fracturing is required. Because PFC2D is not designed to examine a particular type of problem, its range extends to any analysis that examines the dynamic behavior of a particulate system.
- Publisher: Itasca
- Last updated: October 18th, 2011

HARDiNFO Pro is a full-featured benchmark tool that provides you with information about the hardware and software installed on your computer. It only takes a few seconds for HARDiNFO Pro to provide you with exhaustive data about your system, devices, peripherals, laptop-specific info, system monitor, and network, as well as to benchmark them all against the app’s database.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 11th, 2017

scanpst.exe Pro
Scanpst.exe Professional - an Outlook (PST file) recovery tool. Scanpst.exe Pro is an alternative to MS Outlook inbox repair tool named Scanpst.exe. Download and scan your PST file for free. Later, register Scanpst.exe Pro and recover your mailbox.
- Publisher: scanpst.exe
- Last updated: April 24th, 2012
Additional Particle flow tool box2 pro selection

Equipment/Tool Organizer Pro
Equipment/Tool Organizer Pro is a simple to use inventory database for companies, schools, institutions, public facilities that want to track tool/equipment movement. It gives you an easy way to catalog, organize, manage and track all your equipment/tool items and process check in and check out transactions.
- Publisher: PRIMASOFT PC, INC.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Creating pro-looking DVDs, Blu-ray discs, and video CDs is a simple and hassle-free task with CyberLink PowerProducer. This wizard-based tool can also transform your image collections into slideshows and capture video and photos via any camera connected to your system. You can then combine any of these captures with existing video clips and slideshows to create stunning discs.
- Publisher: CyberLink Corp.
- Last updated: October 6th, 2020

Sap Flow Tool
Sap Flow Tool is a software for the analysis and visualisation of sap flow data.Main features: -Visually fix bad data -2D and 3D visualisation of sap velocities,sap flux densities and sap flow rates -Interactive radial sap flux density and sap velocity profile
- Publisher: Phyto-IT

STAAD.Pro V8i SELECTseries
STAAD.Pro V8i SELECTseries is a 3D structural analysis and design tool. Main features: - Text Blocking and bookmarking, allows large chunks of the file to be hidden to allow quicker navigation through the data. - Database Link, gives direct access to the profile databases so that the correct names of profiles can be selected.
- Publisher: Bentley Systems, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 1st, 2013

BadCopy Pro
BadCopy Pro is a very good data recovery tool for Windows. It can recover lost or corrupted data from a variety of media, such as hard drives, flash memory drives, CDs and DVDs, floppy disks, etc. BadCopy Pro has some filtering options so that your searches do not take forever.
- Publisher: Jufsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

XTools Pro
XTools Pro is a set of more than 90 tools and functions for spatial analysis, shape conversions, and table management in ArcGIS. Data Tools allows the creation of new geodatabases, feature classes, and tables, deletion of datasets, change of data sources, and also the rename of multiple datasets.
- Publisher: XTools Pro, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 31st, 2019

Wisdom-soft AutoScreenRecorder Pro
AutoScreenRecorder Pro is a very nice and versatile screen recording and editing tool. The program is a must have for both professionals and amateurs, who always need or want to record what is happening on their PC screen. The application is very powerful and completely equipped to be the best among all other screen recording software.
- Publisher: Wisdom Software Inc.
- Last updated: April 2nd, 2012

Smart Card ToolSet PRO
Research your GSM SIM card, EMV payment card, security card or any other smart card!The program supports COM+, ActiveX and Plug-Ins interfaces and any of your own applications can work with a smart cards via Smart Card ToolSet PRO.
- Publisher: SCard SOFT
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 14th, 2012

PDF-Pro 5.1 is a light, fast and affordable PDF editor featuring such tools as batch console, page organizer, virtual printer and editor. You can easily create, comment and edit and comment PDF files with PDF-Pro 5.1.
- Publisher: ePapyrus Inc.
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2014

Socusoft Photo To Video Converter Professional
If in need of a straightforward software solution to transform your static photo collections into attractive slideshows complete with effects and background music, Socusoft Photo To Video Converter Professional is a fine option to consider. It produces pro-looking results via a clear and well-organized tabbed interface that will guide you – like a wizard – through the various steps required.
- Publisher: Socusoft
- Last updated: August 25th, 2013