Pc health kit software review in Title/Summary

Omron Health Management Software
Omon Health Management Software (OHMS) allows you to easily upload data from you blood pressure monitor or pedometer directly to your personal computer. By using the Health Management Software to keep track of your health and fitness data, you can easily set goals and analyze your progress, as well as provide vital updates to your health care provider.
- Publisher: Omron Healthcare
- Last updated: November 8th, 2012

PsychReport Pro-Mental Health Management Software
The PsychReport provides a full range of clinical case - mental health management functionality for Psychology. It can handle an unlimited number of patients.
- Publisher: Mdansby.com, LLC
- Home page: www.mdansby.com
- Last updated: February 9th, 2015

PsychReport-Mental Health Management Software
The PsychReport provides a full range of clinical case - mental health management functionality for Psychology. It can handle an unlimited number of patients.
- Publisher: Mdansby.com, LLC
- Last updated: February 10th, 2015
Pc health kit software review in Description

HIPAA File Viewer
HIPAA File Viewer (for 5010 and 4010) allows you to view multiple HIPAA files simultaneously. It parses both 4010 and 5010 files and recognizes the following files: 837 P,D,I Health Care Claim, Professional, Dental, and Institutional, 835 Health Care Claim Payment/Advice, 834 Health Care Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance.
- Publisher: HSU Computing
- Home page: www.HSUComputing.com
- Last updated: February 21st, 2018

System Medic
System medic software optimizes the system to operate at its efficiency. Prolonged usage of the system builds unnecessary files in the system that keeps clogging the memory and performance. System medic software eliminates the unwanted performance detoriation factors by analyzing the critical areas of the system that has deficiency in operation.
- Publisher: Iomatic Software, Inc.
- Home page: www.iomatic.com
- Last updated: April 12th, 2008

ProFILE for Windows
ProFILE® 3.2 for Windows Health Management Software is an improved version of our software program. The most recent, enhanced program works with Synbiotics ELISA diagnostic kits as an overall health management tool aiding in the analysis and maintenance of historical data.
- Publisher: Synbiotics Corporation
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

HTML Kit software is a complete web page editor and creator for those HTML, XML and Script developers that desire to have many tools together in a single application. Page preview at the same time, displaying the inserted changes in code. The application can open multiple web page files. The split view of the editor allows the user to copy and paste code between two different page windows.
- Publisher: HTML-Kit
- Home page: www.htmlkit.com
- Last updated: February 14th, 2008

HealthFix+ is a health care software with which you can track your body features like weight, waist, hip and more. Additionally you can make different calculations like Body Mass Index, Body Fat percentage or Waist to Hip Ratio. This application is basically recommended for home users to follow their health related features.
- Publisher: SimADCom
- Last updated: March 8th, 2011
Additional Pc health kit software review selection

MAX30101 EV Kit Software
The EV kit consists of two boards. USBOSMB is the mother board and MAX30101DBEVKIT is the daughter board that includes the MAX30101 and an accelerometer. The EV kit is powered using the USB supply to generate +1.8V for the sensor and +4.5V for the internal LEDs of the MAX30101, and +3.3V for the accelerometer.
- Publisher: Maxim Integrated
- Last updated: November 9th, 2017

Drive Health™
Everybody knows, having a "healthy" disk will prevent future headaches. People who are always aware about monitoring its hard drive disks will appreciate a little extra help to prevent injuries having the complete control of your data information, something "deeper" to work with. Drive Health is a powerful reporting tool that will predict possible failures prevent losing your precious data.
- Publisher: Helexis Software Devlopment
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

AVI Converter
AVI Converter is an ideal solution intended to convert AVI digital video into Flash video. It supports various video formats converting them to Flash files and makes it possible to export movie into legacy Flash 3, Flash MX or FLV formats.
- Publisher: SWF Kit Software
- Last updated: May 13th, 2010

The software ErgoFellow has 17 ergonomic tools to evaluate and improve workplaces conditions, in order to reduce occupational risks and increase productivity.It is very useful for ergonomists and for all professionals in the area of occupational safety and health. It's also very good for educational purposes.
- Publisher: FBF SISTEMAS
- Home page: www.fbfsistemas.com
- Last updated: April 8th, 2011

Software Administration Kit
The Software Administration Kit (SAK) is an unique all-in-one solution for customer tracking and order tracking, form letter and e-mail submission, sales report generation, version management and order fulfillment. You can import order notifications from all major registration services and shopping cart systems.
- Publisher: Lobstersoft
- Last updated: October 21st, 2008

FLV to AVI Converter
FLV to AVI Converter is the most feature-rich FLV conversion utility on the web, which provides a list of ways to manipulate Flash video to fit user needs. It converts FLV video into other popular formats and makes animations load faster.
- Publisher: SWF Kit Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Seismic Toolkit
STK (Seismic Tool Kit) software is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: various filters, spectral analysis, polarization, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, instrumental response...etc. Signals processed in STK must be in SAC format.
- Publisher: domi_reymond, ptrv
- Last updated: February 7th, 2019

Minerva Health Manager
Personal Health Manager organizes important health information for you and your family. It helps you privately manage your individual health history; from detailed information on your health conditions, medications, allergies, immunizations, and insurance to storing your test results, diagnoses, treatments, and contents of your official advance directive.
- Publisher: Minerva Health Technologies Inc.
- Last updated: August 28th, 2012

Chakras describes the chakras as energy centers in the spine and how the chakras can be activated. The application introduces the 7 chakras (Root Chakra to Crown Chakra) along with their Sanskrit names: Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Visuddha, Ajna and Sahasrara.
- Publisher: Zentrum Publishing
- Last updated: January 30th, 2016

The software has been developed since 1989 by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance based at the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, and is used by clinical, public health, veterinary, and food laboratories in over 90 countries to support local and national surveillance programs.
- Publisher: World Health Organization
- Home page: whonet.org
- Last updated: March 25th, 2022