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Pc performer x64 in Title/Summary

Cantabile Performer (x64)

Cantabile Performer (x64)

On stage you can't afford to wait for things to load. With Cantabile's sub-session support you can pre-load a whole set of plugins in a suspended state and switch between them instantly. Fast session loading will re-use plugins from the previous session in the next session where possible.



Performer is an easy-to-use advanced FTP client designed to automate your daily essential FTP tasks: carry out scheduled downloads, regular back ups, search users' hard disks for files and upload them to different accounts, send e-mail upon retrieval of a file to specific users, e-mail alert upon success/failure of file transfer, password-protect files, read files and much more...

  • Publisher: TransSoft Ltd
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2010
Performer Notification

Performer Notification

Performer Notification is the tool of choice for live cam users to stay in touch with their favorite models. Know exactly when your favorite performers are online so you wait less, save time and chat more.Main features:- Incredibly easy to use - Featuring PerformerSync™ technology to give you the most current live performer status available

  • Publisher: Archlight Mediagroup, LLC
  • Last updated: September 2nd, 2010

Pc performer x64 in Description

Si Offline Performer

Si Offline Performer

Si Offline Performer is an offline graphic system and editor for the Si Performer live sound mixing consoles. A key benefit of Si Offline is in its graphical presentation and operation. Built as a facsimile of the real console and employing the same mode of operation, Si Offline acts as a fantastic training aid for anyone who has either not had the chance to work on a console.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate

Microsoft Visual Studio simplifies the basic tasks of creating, debugging and deploying applications. Deliver business results using productive, predictable, customizable processes and increase transparency and traceability throughout the lifecycle with detailed analytics.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2013
Document Recovery for SharePoint

Document Recovery for SharePoint

With this program you can retrieve documents and files from corrupted SharePoint databases. The recovered documents are saved into a newly created directory. Document Recovery for SharePoint supports Microsoft SharePoint Server 2007 (x32, x64), SharePoint Server 2007 SP1 (x32, x64), SharePoint Server 2007 SP2 (x32, x64), Office SharePoint 2007 (x32, x64), Office SharePoint 2007 SP1 (x32, x64).

VLC Codec Pack

VLC Codec Pack

VLC Codec Pack supports almost every compression and file type used by modern video and audio files. VLC Codec Pack includes VLC Player to help with broken or poorly encoded files.Package components:- ffdshow DirectShow Video Codec 20130123 x86 Revision 4500. - ffdshow DirectShow Video Codec 20130123 x64 Revision.

  • Publisher: VLC Codec Pack
  • Home page: www.vlccodec.com
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2013
Dimension Pro RTAS Patch

Dimension Pro RTAS Patch

This update provides several new features, usability and performance enhancements and bug fixes. New Configurations -Intel Enabled Mac Support (Audio Unit only) — A new AU package file provides full compatibility on Intel-based Mac Systems. -RTAS Support — RTAS package provides native plug-in support through RTAS for Pro Tools 7.0 and above (Mac) and Pro Tools 6.0 and above (Windows).

  • Publisher: Cakewalk Music Software
  • Last updated: April 2nd, 2008

Additional Pc performer x64 selection

x64 Components

x64 Components

x64Components can enable the Preview Pane for ALL newly enabled filetypes such as MKV and FLV. Explorer properties are displayed for non native filetypes such as MKV and FLV. Allow use of the PowerDVD decoders for 32bit LiveTV in Media Center. Support playback of MKV files on Extenders and on the Xbox One, support use of the LAV filters with the Play To function for MKV files.

  • Publisher: Shark007
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2017
PDF Creator Pilot x64 Edition

PDF Creator Pilot x64 Edition

With this program you can create protected PDF documents and use high-quality fonts to show text in different languages. The program allows you to use the PDF library from any programming language C++, C#, Delphi, Visual Basic, VB.NET, VBScript, ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, Python and moreover you can read, merge, and modify existing PDF documents.

Digital Performer

Digital Performer

Meet the 64-bit instrument plug-in powerhouse for your Digital Performer desktop. Inspired by legendary subtractive synthesizers, MX4 combines several core synthesis techniques in a unified, hybrid synthesis engine that delivers fresh and vintage sounds alike. As you explore its many banks and hundreds of presets, you'll soon rely on MX4 as your "go-to" instrument.

  • Publisher: MOTU
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2021
Bluebeam Vu x64

Bluebeam Vu x64

Bluebeam Vu is a document manager and viewer for PDF files. You can view your PDF files as they were meant to be viewed; with markups, comments, annotations display clearly and accurately so that nothing is missed. Vu also allows you to fill out and save PDF forms, and digitally sign your PDFs.

  • Publisher: Bluebeam Software
  • Home page: www.bluebeam.com
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2015
DTSAC3 Source Filter x64

DTSAC3 Source Filter x64

DTS/AC3 Source Filter is a compact and useful application which reads and passes DTS and AC3 frames to decoders from files. In order to install this filter, you need to copy DLL or AX files in the system32 folder from C:\Windows\System32. Access Run from the Start Menu and type regsvr32 filename.dll or regsvr32 filename.ax.

Loan Performer

Loan Performer

Loan Performer offers higher security, better reporting and new services for your clients. Experience an ultimate first class Management Information System with SMS banking, Biometric Finger Print Scanning, WAN functionality, Internet Access for account holders, Standing Orders, Multi-Currency, Poverty Assessment etc.

Blue Cat's Triple EQ x64 AAX

Blue Cat's Triple EQ x64 AAX

Blue Cat's Triple EQ is a 3 bands semi-parametric equalizer with the customizable wave shape - you can visualize the filter shape and make necessary changes using the WYSIWYG editor. The application can be installed as a plugin in supported programs. The 64-bit AAX can be installed in Avid ProTools program.

Cantabile Performer

Cantabile Performer

Cantabile was built from the ground up to solve the problems faced by performing musicians. By using VST instruments and effects your PC becomes an incredibly flexible, high quality and high performance sound and effects module. Choose from the vast range of free and commercial plug-ins available.

Blue Cats Chorus DX-x64

Blue Cats Chorus DX-x64

Blue Cats Chorus DX-x64 is a pack of audio effects. Originally designed to simulate several voices, just as if several persons were playing together the same notes, it also enables you to drastically change the original sound and create deep pitch modulation or crazy 'bubbling' effects.

Antimalware Performer

Antimalware Performer

Antimalware Performer is an effective solution to find and remove malware infections present on your PC. It also provides protection shields against new malware infections. Furthermore, this tool also offers a powerful browser cleaner to remove unwanted toolbar and add-ons for optimizing your browsers (supports Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera and Safari) and a system startup optimizer.

  • Publisher: PerformerSoft LLC
  • Last updated: April 10th, 2013