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Pcr educator and school in Title/Summary

WinFlash Educator

WinFlash Educator

The ability to easily develop, administer and score "real" tests at home can be a great help to students needing more practice in test taking. Deck creators considering selling or simply distributing the content they've created will want the compilation/compression technology (with optional password protection) capabilities provided in Educator.

  • Publisher: Open Window Software
  • Home page: www.openwindow.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Math Educator

Math Educator

Math Educator is a simple and very easy to use tool to teach kids addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Easy-using and redesignable interface are just some of the ultimate features of Math Educator.Math Educator is free to use and it's one of the best educational tools.

  • Publisher: NonTube Software
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2010
ThinkWave Educator

ThinkWave Educator

ThinkWave Educator is an easy-to-use grade book that makes it easy for teachers manage tests and assignments, attendance, and create reports.ThinkWave Educator has an intutive, easy-to-use, interface that can be learned quickly. Multiple classes can be maintained in a single gradebook. There is no need to click multiple times to access different classes.

  • Publisher: ThinkWave Inc.
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008

Pcr educator and school in Description

Fast PCR

Fast PCR

The FastPCR software is an integrated tools environment that provides comprehensive facilities for designing any kind of PCR primers for standard, long distance, inverse, real-time PCR (LUX and self-reporting), multiplex PCR, group-specific (common primers for phylogenetically related DNA sequences) and unique



PerlPrimer is written in Perl and Perl/Tk. In addition, for QPCR functionality PerlPrimer uses the open-source Spidey executable from NCBI, and restriction enzyme data from the REBASE project is used when adding cloning sites. The program is designed to be cross-platform compatible and has been developed and tested on both Microsoft Windows and GNU/Linux-based operating systems.

PCR Remote

PCR Remote

PCR Remote Control enables you to control your Icom PCR-100, PCR-1000, PCR-1500 or PCR-2500 over the internet. Using SHOUTcast or a similar Audio Server, you "Broadcast" your radio over the internet allowing others to hear whats going on in your local community.

  • Publisher: Jay L. Bray
  • Last updated: April 16th, 2010
TI-SmartView™ emulator for the TI-84 Plus Family

TI-SmartView™ emulator for the TI-84 Plus Family

TI-SmartView™ emulator for the TI-84 Plus Family 3.1

  • Publisher: Texas Instruments Incorporated.
  • Home page: education.ti.com
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2009
Alitronika DvsStation 2

Alitronika DvsStation 2

Alitronika's DVSStation is an integrated Transport Stream Player, Recorder, Analyzer and Editor. Indeed DVSStation is the only application software one may need to make a complete DVB transport stream station, be it Transport Stream generation, recording or analyzing.

  • Publisher: Alitronika
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011

Additional Pcr educator and school selection

NetSupport School

NetSupport School

NetSupport School is a classroom management solution with collaboration, monitoring, control, and assessment features. It allows teachers to stream a virtual whiteboard with students' computers for real-time instruction. You can also share the desktop, selected applications, and videos to selected students.

  • Publisher: NetSupport Ltd
  • Last updated: August 13th, 2013
NetOp School Student

NetOp School Student

Netop School6 is the premium classroom management software for today's networked classrooms and computer labs, providing powerful tools for lesson preparation, teaching and evaluation in one complete solution. It has all the tools you’d expect from a classroom management software: screen-sharing, remote control, application launch, and more.

  • Publisher: Netop
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2012
3D Fish School Screen Saver

3D Fish School Screen Saver

3D Fish School Screen Saver Free is a marine theme screensaver. Choose from both freshwater and marine tanks, then customize 3D animated underwater background with sound. Now you can download and try it now for free.Download and relax with the peaceful images and sound.

  • Publisher: Gelios Software
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2021
OBS School Atlas

OBS School Atlas

The authoritative physical and political maps as well as the maps covering climatic variations, geology, structure, soil types, vegetation and areas of human endeavour, such as agriculture, industry, communication and tourism, will help students understand the relationship between geographical features and human activities.

  • Publisher: Orient Blackswan Private Limited
  • Last updated: February 19th, 2012
School of Dragons

School of Dragons

This is a game based on the popular Dreamworks movie How to train your dragon. In it, you are a rookie dragon flyer who needs to help your people to fight rogue pirates and other enemies. To do so, you need to learn how to pilot your dragon and accomplish a series of tasks.

NetOp School Teacher

NetOp School Teacher

Netop School6 is the premier solution for computerized teaching from Netop, the world’s leading provider of classroom management software. Designed for educators who teach in networked classrooms or computer labs, Netop School6 incorporates powerful tools for preparation, instruction and evaluation in one complete solution.

  • Publisher: Danware Data A/S
  • Last updated: August 10th, 2011
EarMaster School

EarMaster School

EarMaster School 5.0 is a program for teaching ear training. Once the program is installed, it will ask you to enter your name in order to create a new user account. After that, the game will check your system in order to configure your sound card and preferred instrument to play the songs.

  • Publisher: EarMaster ApS
  • Last updated: February 16th, 2011
School Management System

School Management System

New reliable and fast school managenet software with the geat customers support. It'll help you with your daily school management routines and deliver you from your paperwork. Standard Edition is FREE!!! Do not miss this unique opportunity.

  • Publisher: Eleonora Alekseykina
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2008
Arabic School Software

Arabic School Software

Learn Arabic Fast and easy - offers interactive multimedia Arabic lessons suitable for beginners, and ideal for children.

  • Publisher: Learn Arabic
  • Home page: www.arabicsp.com
  • Last updated: September 14th, 2008
RTO School

RTO School

RTO School is a software that helps you to simulate drive lessons with rules , street signs and police officers. Is like in the real drive lessons, and you have a lot of options that can help you to improve your drive skills and take your driver licence.

  • Publisher: Shiv Graphics
  • Last updated: December 28th, 2011