Pdf scan optimizer contrast clean in Title/Summary

A-PDF Scan Optimizer
A-PDF Scan Optimizer provides a quick way to correct the skew scanned image; downsample image; black/white image and delete blank page in Acrobat PDF documents directly.
- Publisher: A-PDF.com
- Home page: www.a-pdf.com
- Last updated: July 15th, 2014

Lantsoft PDF Scan Optimizer
Help you to de-skew the scanned image with the PDF files, convert the scanned image to black, white or gray in PDF files and delete unwanted blank page in the PDF files easily.
- Publisher: Lantsoft.com
- Last updated: December 20th, 2013

A-PDF Scan and Split
A-PDF Scan and Split is an utility that lets you batch scan large volumes, unrelated documents and then create multiple PDF files separated base on blank page or barcode page. It also work with PDF files scanned already. It is a idea solution when you have a batch scanner and need scan a batch of unrelated papers which have various pages.
- Publisher: A-PDF Solution
- Home page: www.a-pdf.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Pdf scan optimizer contrast clean in Description

4Videosoft Registry Optimizer
4Videosoft Registry Optimizer is an advanced system cleaner. Registry Optimizer helps clean computer system and optimize PC registry entries by scanning your system, identify registry errors and select correction for the best results. You can also use this privacy cleaner to search for history records thoroughly and get the complete information of them easily.
- Publisher: 4Videosoft Studio
- Home page: www.4videosoft.com
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

WinCleaner Memory Optimizer
Cleans, optimizes and frees your computer's memory. Memory is vital to the performance of your computer and that is why this software can help boost your system's performance. WinCleaner Memory Optimizer is set-and-forget software.
- Publisher: Business Logic Corporation
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Dataownerclub Memory Optimizer
Dataownerclub Memory Optimizer can clean memory taken up by unused applications to boost PC performance. You can also set this application can automatically clean and free up the memory at a periodic interval (by default, once every 5 minutes). This program is quite small in size and makes very little use of CPU.
- Publisher: Dataownerclub
- Last updated: May 31st, 2018

A-PDF Scan Paper
A-PDF Scan Paper is a professional desktop utility program that lets you to scan and organize your paper in PDF format. It provides a powerful ability to scan and repair your paper documents. A-PDF Scan Paper uses clear thumbnails and metadata to allow you to easily organize, filter, secure, send and retrieval your scanned documents.
- Publisher: A-PDF Solution
- Home page: www.a-pdf.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

A-PDF Scan to FlipBook
A-PDF Scan to Flipbook is powerful software which combines most of features of scanner and flash Flip Book generator. The program enables you to scan your paper books into online flash flip book with page-flipping effect. A-PDF Scan to FlipBook will provide you with all the tools you need to create a professional-looking e-book with flipping page capabilities.
- Publisher: A-PDF Solution
- Home page: www.a-pdf.com
- Last updated: April 5th, 2012
Additional Pdf scan optimizer contrast clean selection

PDFill PDF Editor
PDF Editor to replace Adobe Acrobat: Create, Fill, Save, Delete, Submit, Reset PDF Form. Insert Text, Image, URL, Whiteout and Highlight, Drawing, Comment, Stamp and Ink into PDF. Scan paper forms into PDF. PDF Writer and PDF Tools.
- Publisher: PlotSoft
- Home page: www.pdfill.com
- Last updated: September 27th, 2016

WinASO Registry Optimizer
WinASO Registry Optimizer is an utility that can fix all the registry errors, PC errors, crashes, and system slowdown. The program features: advanced scanning algorithm that scans the entire registry in seconds, comprehensive error report listing registry errors in 20 categories, powerful registry fixer that quickly fixes all registry problems, and more.
- Publisher: X.M.Y. International LLC
- Last updated: July 24th, 2018

Canon MF Toolbox
Canon MF Toolbox is a nice and very useful tool which can help you to scan your documents and print them easily. It also help you to configure the printer and scanner settings. It has a simple interface which makes it much easily to manipulate. You have the possibility to send by email the documents you have taken from the printer and scanner.
- Publisher: Canon Inc.
- Last updated: June 26th, 2020

Presto! PageManager
Create, edit, and open PDF files with Presto! PageManager Professional. Main Features : - Split and Merge PDF - Save Modes: When saving images as PDF files, you can select to save as Image, Text and Image, or Text under Image. - PDF Writer: A virtual printer - Convert PDF to RTF - Other PDF Options: Rotate, OCR: Annotate, Stamp - Image Editing Options - Auto-Cropping
- Publisher: NewSoft Technology Corporation
- Home page: www.newsoftinc.com
- Last updated: January 12th, 2022

Wondershare PDFelement
One-stop PDF solution powered by AI. Fast, affordable, and easy way to edit, convert, sign PDFs, and more - accessible across desktop, mobile, and web platforms. Quickly summarize PDFs into text summaries and export them as Markdown files. Translate or rewrite entire PDF documents and export modified versions instantly.
- Publisher: Wondershare Technology Group Co. Limited
- Home page: pdf.wondershare.com
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

Scan to PDF
ScanToPDF is intended to convert hard-copy documents into PDF files. The application can import pages directly from a scanner. Besides, it supports creating a portable document from standard image files. The tool has a straightforward interface, so much so that it’s quite improbable that someone can have any difficulty to use.
- Publisher: O Imaging Corporation
- Last updated: December 6th, 2016

Uniblue Powersuite is a set of tools to optimize Window settings, remove unwanted files, and rectify registry errors. Defragmentation of hard disks and registry hive files improves the response and file-access speed. Cleaning of duplicate files, removing old backup files, compressing large data, and uninstalling unwanted programs could also be done.
- Publisher: Uniblue Systems Limited
- Home page: www.uniblue.com
- Last updated: February 5th, 2019

VeryPDF Scan to Word OCR Converter
VeryPDF Scan to Word OCR Converter can recognize the text in scanned PDF documents and images and convert it into DOC and RTF editable text files. This simple utility can extract any text in Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, or Portuguese from any image-based PDF file, and convert any text-searchable PDF document into Word or RTF files without losing the original layout.
- Publisher: VeryPDF.com Company
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2012

VueScan is a scanner tool with a comprehensive set of functions. It lets you scan photos, documents, and films using any supported scanner. This program comes with built-in drivers for more than 6000 scanners to ensure compatibility with your existing as well as old hardware.
- Publisher: Hamrick Software
- Home page: www.hamrick.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Turbo Clean PC Optimizer
Turbo Clean PC Optimizer adjusts your system settings all at once, which should optimize performance. At the same time, it identifies and fixes registry errors, corrupted files, memory problems, startup lags, and system errors. The software scans through all the areas of your PC to detect possible errors.
- Publisher: TurboCleanPC
- Home page: turbocleanpc.com
- Last updated: November 26th, 2015