Perfect effect plug in in Title/Summary

Tantra Effect Plug-In
Tantra is a rhythmic multi-effect plug-in in VST and AU formats. Tantra's effects. Six high quality effects process audio in Tantra and in response to the applied modulations form rhythmic pulsations in your sounds. All popular effects included such as analog filter, distortion and lo-fi sections, flexible delay and flanger.
- Publisher: Dmitry Sches
- Last updated: November 8th, 2020

Particle Illusion For After Effect
ParticleIllusion for After Effects is the plug-in version of particleIllusion 3.0, the standalone particle effects application from wondertouch. With particleIllusion for After Effects you can create a huge variety of visual effects and motion graphics elements.
- Publisher: wondertouch, LLC

ZFX Plug-in
The ZFX Plug-in provides a virtual guitar hall of fame with precise models of world-renowned amps and effects. It works works only when S2t/C5.1t is connected properly. Main features: - Real time control with the expression pedal - Realistic amplifier/stomp box modeling - Freely editable effect chain
- Publisher: Zoom
- Last updated: August 6th, 2009
Perfect effect plug in in Description

FabFilter TotalBundle VST RTAS
The FabFilter Total Bundle contains the latest versions of all FabFilter plug-ins. - FabFilter Pro-Q Allround EQ plug-in for mixing and mastering purposes, with up to 24 bands and a gorgeous interface for easy and precise editing. - FabFilter Pro-C Professional compressor plug-in with versatile routing and side chain options, high quality sound and an innovative interface.
- Publisher: FabFilter
- Last updated: May 24th, 2012

Martinic Scanner Vibrato
Scanner Vibrato is a virtual effect plug-in that aims to recreate the scanner-vibrato effect from a well-known tonewheel organ. This app is modeled closely on the original scanner-vibrato, so it offers the same features (and flaws), perfectly preserving the character of the original effect. You can adjust the rate, depth, and even stereo width.
- Publisher: Martinic
- Last updated: October 11th, 2016

Chainer is a digital signal processing application that records: audio, effect plug-ins, and audio synthesizer signals, by utilizing VST and ASIO technology. It contains 10 channel presets. Each channel consists of 10 slots, the signals passes from one slot to another and the signal of each channel can be either routed directly to the output or it can be routed to another channel.
- Publisher: Thomas Putolski
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 26th, 2008

PSP N2O 64bit
The plug-in engine has been rewritten and redesigned from scratch in order to improve the sound and take full advantage of the optimizations offered by modern CPUs. The enhanced user interface improves the experience of both sound designers creating their own soundscapes as well as everyday users who aren’t as fond of looking under the hood.
- Publisher: PSPaudioware
- Last updated: November 8th, 2011

AirRack is a live environment for those who make sound effects for TV program and other live performance. AirRack provide you the following racks: - Amplifier: the component to connect with the audio interface. - Mixer: route other devices to the amplifier. - Effects: dual effects which load VST effect plug-ins. - VSTi: allow you to give real-time performance. - and more.
- Publisher: MAIZESOFT
- Last updated: March 8th, 2008
Additional Perfect effect plug in selection

MAGIX essentialFX Suite
essentialFX Suite is a collection of 11 effect plug-ins and is suited for all every day studio applications. It contains high-quality algorithms and practical icons for the individual parameters and the effectiveness of the function. The uniform operation concept and low resources demands make the essentialFX suite a collection of high-quality audio tools for all-around tasks.
- Publisher: MAGIX AG
- Last updated: November 6th, 2013

Power Audio Editor
Power Audio Editor is a digital-audio editor with a user-friendly price. It's the perfect program for home studio recording and for people just getting started with audio editing.
- Publisher: SmartMedia Systems
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

iZotope Spectron
The iZotope Spectron 1.0 is a spectral effect software application for sound engineers and musicians that gives them a new tool with which they can control limitless audio frequency bands with many options. Users can create unique sounds by chaining the effects of morphing, panning, and delay.
- Publisher: iZotope, Inc.
- Last updated: November 27th, 2008

Composite Suite Pro
Composite Suite Pro is a visual effect plug-in for Adobe After Effects. Main features: - Compositing tricks and techniques. - Effectively composite fire, explosions and smoke Sophisticated color correction tools such as Color Correct, F-Stop, Printer Points, Telecine and Temperature. - Edge tools to color correct or blur the composite's edge.
- Publisher: Digital Film Tools
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2015

PSP EasyVerb
PSP EasyVerb is a reverberation effect plug-in (VST, RTAS and AAX for Windows; VST, AudioUnit, RTAS and AAX for Mac OS X UniversalBinary). PSP EasyVerb contains nine high quality reverb algorithms designed to simulate physical spaces (ambience, room, chamber, club, hall, arena, cathedral) or popular reverb machines such as plate and spring reverbs.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: April 28th, 2008

Sonic Charge Permut8
Permut8 is an effect plug-in that embraces the sounds of primitive signal processing hardware. At its core, there is a 12-bit digital delay with a variable sample rate from 0 to 352 khz. The delay is controlled by a programmable processor that allows you to change and modulate the delay time with various "operators".
- Publisher: NuEdge Development
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 14th, 2013

Atomic Reverb
Atomicreverb represents one of the currently most modern room and reverbation processors. Sophisticated algorithms combined with a clear and friendly user-interface completes this powerful effect plug-in. With its unique combination of algorithms, you can design acoustic room patterns in every conceivable way and for exactly the required purpose.
- Publisher: MolecularBytes Hugenroth & Hugenroth GbR
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

SynthMaster VST/VSTi version
SynthMaster 2.5 is an 'all-around' semi-modular software synthesizer and effect plug-in that features many different synthesis methods including VA, Additive, Wavetable, Wavescanning, Phase Modulation, Frequency Modulation, Pulse Width Modulation, Ring Modulation, Amplitude Modulation, Physical Modeling and SFZ Sample Playback synthesis.
- Publisher: KV331 Audio
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 21st, 2011

u-he Uhbik
Uhbik is a fine collection of effect plug-ins for the discerning audiophile. The bundle includes nine effects that come wrapped in a beautiful, streamlined interface. Four of these units (D, F, P, T) are modulation effects that include an ultra-slow to ultra-fast low-frequency oscillator.
- Publisher: Urs Heckmann
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 29th, 2017

Digidesign X-Form
X-Form™ represents the pinnacle of time compression/expansion and pitch-shifting technology. Available for all Pro Tools® and Avid DNA™ systems, this high-quality AudioSuite™ plug-in delivers professional time stretching and formant-correct pitch shifting with professional results, even at extreme settings.
- Publisher: Digidesign, A Division of Avid Technology, Inc.
- Last updated: December 20th, 2009