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Perl fast text in Title/Summary

Fast Text to MP3

Fast Text to MP3

The Fast Text to MP3 uses voice synthesis to convert text into spoken audio. Can convert one text into the several MP3 files. This feature is very convenient if you use portable music player for...

  • Publisher: Yarrow Soft
  • Last updated: April 19th, 2008
Fast Text

Fast Text

A powerful Windows word processor and an HTML CompilerThis application features a word processor, an HTML editor, as well as multiple features not related to word processors. Download it for free from developer's website, enjoy programming with this simple text editor

  • Publisher: TA Programming
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2009
Aldo's Text-PDF PRO+

Aldo's Text-PDF PRO+

Small and fast tool that converts text and image files to PDF without having to use Adobe Acrobat Distiller. Works with Acrobat Reader 5 and 6. Support plain text, HTML-like syntax for formatted text and image files (TIF, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, EMF).

  • Publisher: Aldo Vargas
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2008

Perl fast text in Description




  • Publisher: Георгий Гуляев
  • Last updated: June 7th, 2008


i*write has been designed from the ground up as the journal writing tool for professionals. It runs on operating systems from Windows 98 to Windows XP and beyond and has very strong navigation capabilities and industrial-strength full-text search.

  • Publisher: Right Mind Logic
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2008


AscToHTM is a fast text-to-HTML conversion utility. It also has a powerful text analysis engine, which allows to recognize the structure of a document and reproduce it in HTML format automatically. The program can generate a hyperlink content list while converting each text file to HTML with headers and footers, and applying style sheets to each page.

  • Publisher: JafSoft Limited
  • Home page: www.jafsoft.com
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2009


NotepadEx is a freeware Notepad replacement that they have written because they really hated the file size limitation of Notepad and because Notepad doesn't have a text search and replace function. Before they decided to write NotepadEx they had searched the internet to find a Notepad replacement that would satisfy their needs, but they didn't find one.

  • Publisher: T.A. van Roermund
  • Last updated: October 17th, 2010
Easy Code Visual Assembler IDE for GoAsm

Easy Code Visual Assembler IDE for GoAsm

The Easy Code interface, looking like Visual Basic, allows you to program Windows assembler applications (executables, dynamic and static libreries, COFF object files, console applications and drivers) done in an easy way as was never possible before.

  • Publisher: Ramon Sala
  • Home page: www.easycode.cat
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Additional Perl fast text selection

Komodo Edit

Komodo Edit

Komodo Edit is a text editor that can be used to develop programs in various languages. This program can show proper syntax highlighting on most of the program codes, including Java, JavaScript, Matlab, C#, C++, VHDL, MXML, MySQL, HTML, and VisualBasic.

  • Publisher: ActiveState Software Inc.
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2020


Clavier allows creating keyboard shortcuts involving almost any key, including the Windows keys located around the spacebar. Main features: - Create global shortcuts, available in all programs. - Fast program launching. - Fast text writing with a single keystroke.

  • Publisher: Guillaume Ryder
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2025
TextPipe Pro

TextPipe Pro

Fast text manipulation and data extraction. Update websites, database data and electronic text with pattern matching,convert DOS/Unix end of line characters, ASCII-EBCDIC,OEM-ANSI,add/remove lines/columns, sort,split, join, database extracts,VBScript.



Mudlet is a modern open source MUD client for Windows OS with a graphical user inteface and full built in Lua scripting support for all major platforms. The app has an intuitive user interface, a specially designed scripting framework, and a fast text display.

  • Publisher: Heiko Köhn
  • Home page: www.mudlet.org
  • Last updated: September 7th, 2017
TextPipe Engine

TextPipe Engine

Fast text manipulation and data extraction engine. Fix websites, database data and electronic text with pattern match,convert DOS/Unix end of line characters,ASCII-EBCDIC,add/remove lines/columns,sort,split,join,database extracts,JScript/VBScript

  • Publisher: DataMystic
  • Last updated: March 13th, 2023
Markdown Monster

Markdown Monster

Markdown Monster is a Markdown editor and viewer that lets you edit Markdown with syntax highlighting and fast text entry. A collapsible, synced, live preview lets you see your output as you type. You can easily embed images, links, emojis and code as text or by using our gentle UI helpers that simplify many operations. You can also paste and drag images directly into the editor.



Javelin3Pro is a free program that allows you to view PDF files and encrypted versions of PDF files in formats created for use with the Drumlin Digital Rights Management (DRM) service. The program can handle PDF and secure PDF files with many 1000s of pages, with fast page display, a wide range of zooming and page layout options, and very fast text searching.

Fast Forms

Fast Forms

Fast Forms is a visual tool utilizing drag and drop that creates and deploys HTML forms without you needing any knowledge of HTML or Internet coding. Fast Forms has been designed to take out all the coding involved in creating and capturing forms

  • Publisher: golabs
  • Home page: www.golabs.com
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2020


Portable multi-tabbed file manager featuring extended file find, search templates, reports, font image audio video preview, thumbnails, icon extraction, history, favorites, time stamping, directory print, batch rename, and much more...

  • Publisher: Donald Lessau
  • Last updated: April 10th, 2008


Padre is a Perl IDE, an integrated development environment, or in other words a text editor that is simple to use for new Perl programmers but also supports large multi-lingual and multi-technology projects. Features : -Customizable syntax highlighting for many languages and visual editor effects -Syntax checking for Perl 5 and Perl 6