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Persian calendar html code in Title/Summary

Persian Calendar

Persian Calendar

Persian Calendar is an implementation of the Iranian (Jalali) calendar based on the ICU4J calendar framework. Persian calendar is a succession of calendars invented or used for over two millennia in Greater Iran. A 13th month was added every six years to keep the calendar synchronized.

  • Publisher: Behzad Ebrahimi
  • Last updated: November 6th, 2012
HTML Code Library

HTML Code Library

HTML Code Library is a source code library which has various code snippets for most popular programming and scripting languages, over 50,000 lines of code. User-friendly interface with various filtering and searching options. HTML Code Library supports integration with the most popular IDEs and backup tools. Data encryption and password protected libraries should provide a high level of security.

  • Publisher: OverZone Software
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2012
HTML Code Cleaner

HTML Code Cleaner

HTML Code Cleaner is a fast & easy html ducuments optimization tool. Its main function is to save space on your web pages by removing unnecessary characters and tags. It also help you to check/fix broken links.

Persian calendar html code in Description

HTML Calendar Maker Pro

HTML Calendar Maker Pro

HTML Calendar 3.8 is a practical tool to create calendars for web pages. The application generates all the necessary code to display a month calendar on a web page, so user avoids creating boxes, text and code lines, etc. for every month. In each and every day cell, user can directly type all the corresponding events on the screen web page calendar and set them with a single mouse click.

  • Publisher: Creative Computer Solutions
  • Last updated: October 5th, 2009
Faha Calendar Maker

Faha Calendar Maker

Faha Calendar Maker -Supports widely used calendar types like Georgian Calendar, Hijri Calendar, Hebrew Calendar or Jewish Calendar, Julian Calendar, Indian Calendar, Persian Calendar, Afgan Calendar, Kurdish Calendar etc. Supports 75+ languages. Supports both monthly calendar templates and yearly calendar templates Monthly calendar supports secondary calendar along with main calendar.

  • Publisher: watchmoviesz
  • Last updated: September 15th, 2011


The freeware Kalendis computer program allows users to interconvert any dates using any combination of the following calendars: - Gregorian calendar - ISO calendar (International Organization for Standardization) - Persian calendar (modern astronomical) - Hebrew calendar (traditional fixed arithmetic) - Julian calendar and Revised Julian calendar - Roman calendar

  • Publisher: University of Toronto, Canada
  • Home page: individual.utoronto.ca
  • Last updated: September 9th, 2011
WebbIE and Accessible Programs

WebbIE and Accessible Programs

WebbIE is an excellent Internet browser that transforms any web site you visit into a text-based page that any person can read using their favorite screen reader. WebbIE comes with a dozen other fully accessible utilities, such as an adapted Gutenberg library, a PDF reader, and a disk explorer, among others.

  • Publisher: Alasdair King
  • Home page: www.webbie.org.uk
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2012
HTML Code Export

HTML Code Export

Exporting of HTML code to various other file formats becomes much easier using this program. It also helps in indenting the code in HTML format, which is very necessary to make it readable and understandable. It helps to re-indent the code and supports more than 10 file formats. It also supports printing the documents in HTML and converting them to PDF, RTF, images, etc.

  • Publisher: OverZone Software
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2008

Additional Persian calendar html code selection

CoffeeCup HTML Editor

CoffeeCup HTML Editor

CoffeeCup HTML Editor makes it easy to design and code websites. You can either start from scratch or choose a template of your liking. Web design is simplified with time-saving tools such as auto-complete, live preview, and website components that update instantly across all pages.

  • Publisher: CoffeeCup Software, Inc.
  • Home page: www.coffeecup.com
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2020
Sublime Text

Sublime Text

The auto complete engine has been rewritten to provide smart completions based on existing code in a project. Suggestions are also augmented with info about their kind, and provide links to definitions. Sublime Text can now utilize your GPU on Linux, Mac and Windows when rendering the interface.

HTML Executable

HTML Executable

HTML Executable can help you distribute websites as e-books. The tool supports generating three types of publications. If you are a proficient user, you can take advantage of the program's advanced features. These include customizing the publication's splash screen, the table of contents and the search engine.

  • Publisher: G.D.G. Software
  • Home page: www.htmlexe.com
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2020
Easy GIF Animator

Easy GIF Animator

Easy GIF Animator is a tool for creating animated pictures, banners, buttons, and GIF videos. It lets you convert videos to GIF animations. You can also start a new project and add text animations, images, etc. and render the result as a video file or SWF Flash animation.



Brackets is an open source text and code editor for designing web applications. With real-time connection to your browser, you can edit HTML and CSS code and instantly see those changes on your screen. With Brackets you can use Quick Edit and Live Highlight with your LESS and SCSS files which makes working with them easier.

  • Publisher: Brackets team
  • Home page: brackets.io
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2023


HTML Kit software is a complete web page editor and creator for those HTML, XML and Script developers that desire to have many tools together in a single application. Page preview at the same time, displaying the inserted changes in code. The application can open multiple web page files. The split view of the editor allows the user to copy and paste code between two different page windows.

  • Publisher: HTML-Kit
  • Home page: www.htmlkit.com
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Web Photo Album

Web Photo Album

With Web Photo Album we can publish our photos in the web site pho.to or in our web, this tool makes all the work by itself. When we open the program asks for the name that we want to add to our album and we can see the demo in the program that teach to us how to use this useful program.

  • Publisher: VicMan
  • Home page: www.vicman.net
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2009


Nvu 1.0 is a very easy to use application for creating web pages. It uses HTML, Code, and previous view of the web page being developed, inserts pictures, tables, hyperlinks, anchors, forms, PHP code, comments, etc. for making web pages in a very quick manner, editing them in What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) mode, so anything is done is immediatly seen.

  • Publisher: Linspire Inc.
  • Home page: www.nvu.com
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker

Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker

Aleo Flash Intro Banner Maker could not have a more descriptive name. This program is mainly intended to create Flash banners for webpages. Luckily, there is a floating preview window that displays all the changes in real time. It lets you generate the necessary HTML code and save the banner as a Flash movie, an animated GIF and even an AVI video.

  • Publisher: Aleo Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 26th, 2014


phpDesigner 8 it is a full-featured HTML5-, CSS3 - and JavaScript editor boosted with features to increase your productivity -- for both beginners and professional developers. phpDesigner 8 assists you with everything from editing, analyzing, debugging to publishing websites powered by PHP, HTML5, CSS3 to JavaScript and other languages.

  • Publisher: MPSOFTWARE
  • Last updated: August 20th, 2012