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Pgnp oledb provider in Title/Summary



The PGNP provider is a thin layer between Microsoft ADO and PostgreSQL database. It implements most of the OLEDB interfaces and uses libpq to access a PostgreSQL database. The provider can be used from 32-bit and 64-bit applications both native and .NET.

  • Publisher: PGNP
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2011
PostgreSQL OLE DB Provider

PostgreSQL OLE DB Provider

The PGNP provider is a thin layer between Microsoft ADO and PostgreSQL database. It implements most of the OLEDB interfaces and uses libpq to access a PostgreSQL database. The provider can be used from 32-bit and 64-bit applications both native and .NET.

  • Publisher: PostgreSQL Application Installer Team
  • Last updated: September 25th, 2011
OleDb Express

OleDb Express

OleDb Express is dbExpress driver for MS SQL Server, MS Access, MS Excel and other OLEDB providers. It works with not all oledb providers. To work with OLEDB Express OLEDB provider must be able to determine command parameters from command text and support convertion of string data to/from BSTR.

  • Publisher: Vassiliev V.V.
  • Last updated: January 22nd, 2009

Pgnp oledb provider in Description



The MACL Interop API Extensions tool uses features found in the .NET Framework 2.0 for now in the Alpha Version and its to be oriented to Framework 3.5 in the Beta Version. MACL Wraps the Access object model providing a more productive environment for the VBA developer.

  • Publisher: jlivio
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2011


WINDEV allows you to develop major projects easily in Windows, Linux, .NET, Java, and other technologies. It works with various databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, xBase, and SQLite. WINDEV is also linked to all the databases that include an ODBC driver of an OLEDB provider.

  • Publisher: PC SOFT
  • Last updated: October 2nd, 2017


TotalQuery is a professional database sql query tool designed to make it easier to read, write and update data to all your databases. Works great with all versions of Oracle, Sql Server and any other oledb enabled database.

  • Publisher: CoderTools
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2010


HiT OLEDB/400 (OLE DB for IBM i, iSeries or AS/400) is Windows client middleware for SQL access to IBM DB2 for i servers from custom applications and third party products. HiT OLEDB/400 accepts application SQL commands via ADO or directly via its object properties and methods.

  • Publisher: HiT Software
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2011


Import/export of text files (CSV, XLS, XML, DBF, ASCII, SQL) from/to MS Access, MS Excel, MS SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, OleDB and ODBC data streams. A graphical interface to define the import/export process makes it very simple.

  • Publisher: FlowHeater GmbH
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Additional Pgnp oledb provider selection

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro

The Visual FoxPro OLE DB Provider (VfpOleDB.dll) exposes OLE DB interfaces that you can use to access Visual FoxPro databases and tables from other programming languages and applications. The Visual FoxPro OLE DB Provider is supported by OLE DB System Components as provided by MDAC 2.6 or later. The requirements to run the Visual FoxPro OLE DB Provider are the same as for Visual FoxPro 9.0.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: June 20th, 2023
OLE DB Provider for Teradata

OLE DB Provider for Teradata

OLE DB Provider for Teradata is a set of Component Object Model (COM) interfaces and objects that provide applications with uniform, standard access to any data store. In this case, the data store is in Teradata Database. OLE DB Provider for Teradata specifically allows access to data stores that do not use Structured Query Language (SQL).

  • Publisher: Teradata Corporation.
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2012
SQLite ADO.NET Provider

SQLite ADO.NET Provider

ADO.NET 2.0/3.5 Provider for SQLite is an easy to use software tool with a friendly interface that supports full and compact framework, eEntity framework, complete with full Visual Studio 2005/2008 design-time support. SQLite ADO.NET Provider is free to download and use.

  • Publisher: rmsimpson
  • Last updated: March 5th, 2012
.NET Data Provider for Teradata

.NET Data Provider for Teradata

.NET Data Provider for Teradata is an implementation of the Microsoft ADO.NET specification. It provides direct access to the Teradata Database and integrates with the DataSet. .NET Applications use the .NET Data Provider for Teradata to load data into the Teradata Database or retrieve data from the Teradata Database.

EFTPS Batch Provider Client

EFTPS Batch Provider Client

EFTPS Batch Provider is designed for tax professionals that prepare and pay federal taxes for clients or multiple Taxpayer Identification Numbers. You can set roles and responsibilities for multiple users of the software, receive email messages or notifications, and use a built-in calendar to help keep track of payment due dates, holidays, and communications with other users of the software.

  • Publisher: Dept of Treasury.
  • Home page: www.eftps.gov
  • Last updated: August 6th, 2012
DDEX Provider for Firebird

DDEX Provider for Firebird

The DDEX data provider for Firebird provides access to the Firebird databases in your Visual Studio projects.. This provider also gives you the chance to use Entity Framework. The program supports Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012 and various Firebird versions.

Ingres .NET Data Provider

Ingres .NET Data Provider

The Ingres .NET Data Provider offers a series of .NET types to describe the user’s data, .NET provider classes to manipulate the data, and connection pooling to efficiently manage data connections. The design and naming conventions of the Ingres .NET Data Provider’s data types, classes, properties, and methods follow the same pattern as the Microsoft .NET Data Providers.



SocketPro is affordable, and can be free to you SocketPro comes with two critical but free services, remote database through MS OLEDB in middle and file management services through window file APIs.SocketPro supports all of windows and devices platforms as well as cross-platform web browsers development.

  • Publisher: UDAParts
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2011
Cisco Unified CME Telephone Service Provider

Cisco Unified CME Telephone Service Provider

Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express (Cisco Unified CME, formerly known as Cisco Unified CallManager Express) telephony service provider (TSP) 2.1 is a Windows driver-based telephony application programming interface (TAPI) you install and configure on your PC to handle Cisco Unified CME VoIP calls.

  • Publisher: Cisco Systems
  • Home page: www.cisco.com
  • Last updated: September 24th, 2011
MySQL Provider

MySQL Provider

MySQL OLE DB Provider can be used to access MySQL database in your native code and .NET code as well. It has few dependency and is is very easy to use and very easy to deploy as well. The MySQL OLE DB Provider is implemented with ATL OLE DB Provider templates so that the provider itself has small footprint even though the provider does not have many dependencies