Phone long distance in Title/Summary

Adore Picture Difference Long Distance Love
Adore Picture Difference: Long Distance Love is an entertaining game that depicts a cute love story told in pictures. The main heroes are two charming young people, Emily and Kevin, met by coincidence at an airport in Los Angeles. Each level allows you to find out more and more about their story.
- Publisher: AdoreStudio Ltd.
- Last updated: July 8th, 2012

LowRateVoip allows you to make long-distance phone calls. Get now LowRateVoip and call your online friends for free! LowRateVoip is a free program that uses the latest technology to bring free and high-quality voice communications to people all over the world.
- Publisher: Finarea S.A. Switzerland
- Last updated: December 6th, 2014

NoNo Talk provides international, long distance and local PC 2 Phone, Device 2 Phone Mobile 2 Phone communications over Internet. Our service connects Internet and normal phone users by offering high quality VoIP (Voice over IP) telephony over Internet.
- Publisher: NoNoTalk
- Last updated: March 17th, 2010
Phone long distance in Description

Quit paying expensive long distance bills – use a prepaid phone card and enjoy the savings! Our international calling cards come with free features that will make them the easiest calling cards you will ever use. When you experience the Pinless Dialing feature on our phone cards you will never need to remember another pin number again.
- Publisher: Sophia Telecom
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 29th, 2011

DomeDial Softphone is a convenient customizable pc-to-phone dialer software enabeling you to make calls over the world using a computer connected to internet. Special settings and configurations allow using the HomeDial softphone in some network environment where VoIP services are blocked or restricted
- Publisher: HomeDial
- Last updated: December 24th, 2009

Bud Phone
If you use a laptop computer you can take Bud Phone anywhere with you. As long as you have high-speed Internet access Bud Phone will work. For example, if you register in Waterloo Ontario you would receive a Waterloo phone number. If you are traveling to Vancouver your Bud Phone will still be active and when people call your Waterloo number it will ring in Vancouver free of long distance charges.
- Publisher: FreePhoneLine
- Last updated: November 6th, 2010

One4000IP is more than a Netphone. Take advantage of free broadband VoIP calling with premium voice quality as well as super low worldwide rates to fixed and mobile phones. Call to any PC with a SIP net phone. Also download One4000Mobile.
- Publisher: One4000
- Last updated: June 13th, 2008

GSA AV Guard
The GSA A/V Guard is a program designed to monitor a place (CCTV) by video camera (e.g., webcam) or audio. It can be used to monitor your small child over audio to have a universal long-distance baby phone. Furthermore, you can monitor your office room by video. The alert messages will be transmitted over a mobile phone or computer modem, and is therefore not limited to any distance.
- Publisher: GSA Gesellschaft für Softwareentwicklung und Analytik mbH
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Additional Phone long distance selection

Knctr is a versatile software tool whose aim is to keep you connected with the people and the entertainment that are more important to you. The program is completely free and offers you free phone calls within North America, free daily videos, and daily news. Besides, the program can act as a client tool for the two major social networks ─ Facebook and Twitter.
- Publisher: Itibiti Inc.
- Last updated: March 28th, 2019

Network Stumbler
Network stumbler is a wifi scanner and monitor tool for windows. It can be used to check your network integrity and performance, find zones with weak or not coverage at all, detect other networks that interfere with yours or even not authorized connections.
- Publisher: Netstumbler
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 9th, 2012

Sippoint softphone allows you to make long-distance and international calls at a fraction of your standard telephone costs. You can also place free calls to other Sippoint users and use video chat. The Sippoint softphone offers a solution for online communication.
- Publisher: Sippoint
- Last updated: December 14th, 2014

ifonePlatinum Ltd is a broadband phone service Provider company. It is dedicated to delivering customer management and billing solutions for entrepreneurs, VoIP reseller, call shop reseller and A-Z termination, All kind of VOIP solution. We offer international voice termination services through our Points of Presence and regional offices.
- Publisher: Design4voip
- Last updated: October 25th, 2010

Big Voize is a PC to mobile dialer. You can use it to place calls using an Internet connection. The program is useful when you want to place a long distance call with lower prices. The interface is simple and can be easily used even by first time users.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 1st, 2012

Have your voicemails delivered to your private email accounts as an audio file, or check them from your freephoneline softphone or Home Phone. All incoming phone numbers are displayed on the freephoneline softphone or Home Phone. If the number is saved in your contracts you can customize what shows up.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 8th, 2013

Microsoft AutoRoute
Microsoft AutoRoute provides smart, easy and effective utilities that help you plan your trip and get there in a simple and relaxing way.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: June 23rd, 2010

Big Voize
Big Voize is a VoIP dialer application that allows you to perform calls over the Internet from your PC. The advantage of a VoIP service is that you can place long distance calls at low prices. It features balance auto-sync, real time Sip status messages, call history, and more.
- Publisher: Big Voize
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2013

As a versatile and powerful VoIP solution, Wizton works perfectly in any country at any time with the cheapest international and local call rate. Wizton is safe. It features completely secure data channels with key exchange and AES (256 Bit) session encoding, the highest security standard used by https/SSL and VPN.
- Publisher: Wizton Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 23rd, 2009

FastPCR is a software tool, mostly designed for professionals, that facilitates the designing of PCR primers for standard, long-distance, multiplex PCR, inverse, or real-time PCR. By using this app, users can handle long sequences and sets of nucleic acid or protein sequences.
- Publisher: Primer Digital Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 26th, 2021