Piano tutor in Title/Summary

EtudiX Piano Tutor
EtudiX Piano Tutor is a program to help you visually learn to play the piano or keyboard without learning to read music scores in a traditional way. EtudiX is meant for people who have a good musical ear but who find it difficult to learn the classical music theory of notes, bars and measures.
- Publisher: AcustiX
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Letter Chase Typing Tutor
Letter Chase Typing Tutor is a typing tutor for Windows. It is a very complete app that aims at helping you understand the layout of a computer keyboard and how to properly type on it. It has a virtual on-screen keyboard that highlights the keys that you have to press and a semi-transparent hand that shows the correct position of your hands.
- Publisher: Letterchase
- Last updated: December 11th, 2009

Virtual Piano
This is virtual piano program with real piano sound. Author of this program is musician. Swf-format file can be opened with Macromedia Flash Player or Internet Explorer.
- Publisher: Yellow Gold Software
- Last updated: March 30th, 2022
Piano tutor in Description

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- Last updated: April 3rd, 2018

SAP Tutor Player
SAP Tutor is SAP's solution for customized enduser training, documentation and simulation material. To access tutorials created with SAP Tutor (files with the extension .SIM), you need to install the SAP Tutor Player (EXE file, 14 MB, version 2.2 SP01 for Windows XP and Vista). This version of SAP Tutor Player is limited to playing tutorials made by SAP only. It is available free of charge
- Publisher: SAP AG
- Last updated: June 29th, 2012

RM Tutor Location Link
RM Tutor™ Location Link is the upgrade for RM Tutor™ 3 powered by NetSupport®, that by default restricts teachers to only see the workstations in their location. Currently RM Tutor 3 allows teachers to see and control all of the workstations on the network.
- Publisher: RM Education
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2010

AnalogX Virtual Piano
AnalogX Virtual Piano is a funny and relaxing program that simulates piano playing on your computer. The application offers you the possibility to play a piano, without your needing to spend a sizable sum of money on the actual instrument. AnalogX Virtual Piano makes your computer keyboard stand for a four-octave piano keyboard, with each key representing a specific musical note.
- Publisher: AnalogX.
- Home page: www.analogx.com
- Last updated: February 8th, 2012

Piano Chords
Piano Chords is a handy virtual piano application that helps you learn to play the piano or improve and practice your piano playing skills. This smart application lets you develop your piano playing capabilities even if you don’t have access to a real piano, just by using your computer.
- Publisher: Andreas Breitschopp
- Home page: www.ab-tools.com
- Last updated: July 9th, 2014
Additional Piano tutor selection

Kiran's Typing Tutor
Kiran’s Typing Tutor is a handy program that can help us improve our typing speed and accuracy, whether we are beginners, or looking to improve this essential skill. Kiran’s Typing Tutor is the right program for those who want to learn to type quickly and in an efficient way, as it includes a number of lessons, tests and games, and all for free.
- Publisher: Kiran Reddy
- Home page: www.kiranreddys.com
- Last updated: February 28th, 2008

Everyone Piano
Everyone Piano is a computer keyboard simulating piano software, it can use the general computer keyboard to play the world famous piano music. With powerful timbre database, Everyone Piano's tone is lifelike and real-time. Even on onboard sound card, Everyone Piano can reach real-time musical performance, meantime it also simulates the pedal of the piano.
- Publisher: EveryonePiano
- Home page: everyonepiano.com
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

KP Typing Tutor
KP typing tutor is an easy-to-use yet effective typing tutor program which reduces the tediousness of learning how to type on a keyboard accurately and with great speed. It does this by providing a variety of methods which keep the interest of the user, including lessons involving simple key sequences for beginners and full paragraph writing practice, based on the "Alice in Wonderland".
- Publisher: Fonlow IT
- Home page: www.fonlow.com
- Last updated: July 25th, 2008

Electronic Piano
Electronic Piano is a freeware program that allows the user to play Musical Notes, Chords and Drums using the computer keyboard. Main features: - 128 Musical Instruments (General MIDI Standard). - Drums47 Drums sounds. - ChordsPlay 12 types of Chords by pressing a single key. - GuitarChords can be played simulating the 6 strings of a Guitar.
- Publisher: Maurيcio Antunes Oliveira
- Home page: www.pianoeletronico.com.br
- Last updated: July 14th, 2015

KeyBlaze Typing Tutor
KeyBlaze Typing Tutor is a handy typing trainer and testing utility that will help you improve your typing speed and accuracy. This powerful tool can adapt itself to the needs of people that have different typing skills; therefore, both beginners and experienced users can enjoy its benefits.
- Publisher: NCH Software
- Home page: www.nchsoftware.com
- Last updated: December 6th, 2015

JR Hindi English Typing Tutor
JR Hindi English Typing Tutor can help you study and improve your typing skills for all Indian Government typing and steno exams. It can be used to practice in Hindi (KrutiDev/DevLys), English, and Punjabi scripts. This program supports Inscript, Remington GAIL, Remington CBI, and Akruti keyboard layouts.
- Publisher: JR Infotech Services
- Home page: www.typingsolution.com
- Last updated: February 26th, 2023

Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard
Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard is a MIDI events generator and receiver. It can be used to drive a MIDI synthesizer (either hardware or software, internal or external). You can use the computer's keyboard to play MIDI notes, and also the mouse. It can display the played MIDI notes from another instrument or MIDI file player in its interface.
- Publisher: VMPK
- Last updated: February 6th, 2016

KB Piano
KB Piano is a virtual piano software. You can easily configure it to play using different instrument sounds (such as guitar, piano, violin). There are 128+ different sounds you can choose from. Also, it includes a tool called Qchords, with it you can play chords pressing only one key.
- Publisher: Gabriel Fernandez
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Piano Electrónico
Electronic Piano 2.5 from Maurício Antunes Oliveira is an easy-to-use, freeware application to virtually convert your computer into a keyboard allowing you to play musical notes, chords and drums. The interface can be greatly improved, just a tip for future versions. Very hard to play piano from the computer keyboard and it’s very natural since they weren’t designed to do that.
- Publisher: Maurício Antunes Oliveira
- Home page: www.pianoeletronico.com.br
- Last updated: April 14th, 2016

EarMaster Pro
EarMaster Pro is an application that allows you to study music elements. Main Features: -Over 2000 sight-singing, ear training and rhythmic exercises for all levels -General course for all musical styles and Jazz course with swing rhythms and jazz chords. -Identify by ear, transcribe, sight-read and sing melodies, scales, chords, intervals, chord progressions and rhythms.
- Publisher: EarMaster ApS
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022