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Pickit serial analyser excel in Title/Summary

PICkit Serial Analyzer

PICkit Serial Analyzer

The PICkit Serial Analyzer simplifies the chore of managing serial communication with a device under test. The Windows® user interface (provided) configures the hardware and ‘scripts’ communication with the target device. Scripts created within the software GUI are saved to an internal library for future use.

  • Publisher: Microchip
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2009
Serial Analyser MSB

Serial Analyser MSB

Serial Analyser MSB is a RS232 and RS485 analyzer that allows you calculate data sequences and compute/­validate checksums. The program shows the tri-state signal behind the data, it allows you to easily look for jitters, transmission errors and wrong data formats.

  • Publisher: IFTOOLS GmbH
  • Last updated: June 24th, 2014
PICkit (tm) Baseline FLASH Starter Kit

PICkit (tm) Baseline FLASH Starter Kit

The kit provides everything needed to program, evaluate and develop applications using Microchip’s powerful 8-/14-pin Flash family of microcontrollers. Instructions are provided in a series of seven tutorials that cover I/O, Interrupts, A/D Converters, Comparators, Data Tables and Timers. All source code files for the tutorials are furnished.

  • Publisher: Microchip Technology Inc.
  • Last updated: April 11th, 2008

Pickit serial analyser excel in Description

Microchip AR Configuration Utility

Microchip AR Configuration Utility

AR Configuration Utility (ARCU) can be used to configure, calibrate, test, and demonstrate both the AR1000 and AR1100 touch screen controllers. Additionally, the AR1100 firmware can be updated (re-flashed) via the ARCU.The AR1000 can use either the I2C, SPI or USART based communication protocols, while the AR1100 can use USB or RS-232 (serial).

  • Publisher: Microchip
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2017


With Microchip’s powerful MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) the PICkit™ 2 enables in-circuit debugging on most PIC® microcontrollers. In-Circuit-Debugging runs, halts and single steps the program while the PIC microcontroller is embedded in the application. When halted at a breakpoint, the file registers can be examined and modified.

  • Publisher: Microchip
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2012
PICkit 1 Signal Analysis

PICkit 1 Signal Analysis

When combined with PICkit 1 firmware and the signal-analysis PC program, the Signal Analysis PICtail Daughter Board can perform signal-analysis capabilities such as: real-time strip chart, oscilloscope, Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT), histogram and programming. The Signal Analysis PICtail Daughter Board comes populated with a PIC16F684 and two 25LC640 SPI™ compatible serial EEPROM memory.

  • Publisher: Microchip Technology Inc.
  • Last updated: April 11th, 2008


ACARS Analyser is made up of two components, ACARS Analyser and AcarsDM. AcarsDM sits between the data capturing program and the database, and reads data through the DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) link. As each message is passed to AcarsDM, its data is processed by the system in real time. Users view the results and query the database through ACARS Analyser.

  • Publisher: Triggs Geophysical Pty Ltd
  • Home page: www.cosmic.com.au
  • Last updated: September 18th, 2010
Roulette Analyser

Roulette Analyser

The Roulette Analyser software program utilizes a user-friendly interface to guide you in your online Roulette bets. The Roulette Analyser runs eight of the best Roulette algorithms to determine you best bet.

Additional Pickit serial analyser excel selection



Bill Serial Port Monitor utility is an interactive and graphical utility. It is specifically designed for hardware engineers and administrators. But anybody can use this utility and it may be helpful for everyone. I think this utility also work as a security tool as it is used to monitor your computer’s Serial RS-232 communication between two devices.

Microsoft Office Excel

Microsoft Office Excel

Take your skills to the next level with tables, formulas, formatting and more. Main features: - Stay organized with a calendar you can customize - Create a budget and keep expenses on track - Create professional looking invoices for your business - Get organized and stay up to date

Advanced Serial Data Logger

Advanced Serial Data Logger

This program inputs RS232 data directly into file, Excel, Access, or any Windows application. The program has the capability to log multiple serial (RS232,RS485,RS422) ports in the same time. It handles the RTS signal and control the direction of data flow.

  • Publisher: AGG Software
  • Home page: www.aggsoft.com
  • Last updated: February 2nd, 2023
Trend Analyser

Trend Analyser

Trend Analyser is a software tool for analysis and documentation of archives of measured data. TrendAnalyzer runs under Windows 2000/XP/Vista and Windows7. ACCESS Databases, EXCEL sheets, (csv-formatted) text files and all data sources with installed ODBC drivers are evaluated.

  • Publisher: ICS GmbH
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2012
Excel Equipment Inventory List Template Software

Excel Equipment Inventory List Template Software

This software offers a solution for users who need to keep an organized inventory of multiple units of equipment. After entering vital data such as serial numbers and item descriptions a print-ready Excel spreadsheet is automatically generated. Keep inventory lists with maintenance logs and capital expense records. This software will save you time by quickly generating organized templates.

Microsoft Office Excel Viewer

Microsoft Office Excel Viewer

If you don’t have Microsoft Excel available in your computer you don’t have to worry, because with Microsoft Excel Viewer you’ll have the possibility to access to all the files created with Excel 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000 and 97. This program is a viewer, so it’ll allow you to see the files and print them, but it won’t allow you to edit the files created by Excel.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: April 9th, 2013


Realterm is a terminal program specially designed for capturing, controlling and debugging binary and other difficult data streams.Main Features:- Serial Ports, USB Serial and TCP/IP & Telnet - I2C, SPI, 1Wire chip control via BL233 / I2C2PC - Binary viewed as hex, 8 bit, 16 bit, little/big ndian, signed, unsigned, float, special fonts - Fullscreen,MiniTerminal, Screen Scaling, Global Hotkeys

PDF to Excel Converter

PDF to Excel Converter

This application is a solution for converting PDF files to Excel format. With this program you are able to transfer the entire content of a PDF document or just a selection, to one or multiple spreadsheets. This utility offers an ability to convert the PDF content in four distinctive modes.

Update for Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Update for Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Microsoft Corporation has released on August 12, 2008, as part of a regular routine, a security update cycle; there were 11 new security updates. One of these updates are related to vulnerability in Excel named MS08-043, (KB 954066). Please keep in mind that this security update replaces the following security: 946974 MS08-014: Description of the security update for Excel 2007: March 11, 2008

Battery Analyser

Battery Analyser

The Battery analyzer program displays discharge and recharge curves. Reports are stored on disk and printed. The measurement reports are suitable to give to a customer as test documentation. All parameters can be set in a 'profile' per battery type. Then, simple profile selection by barcode serial number is done to start the correct measurement.

  • Publisher: Battery Condition Test
  • Last updated: October 26th, 2016