Picture studio .exe professional in Title/Summary

Picture Studio .EXE Professional
Picture Studio .EXE Professional is a comprehensive imaging suite that includes several applications that allow you to manage digital photos and create astonishing slide-shows. The different programs enable you to view, browse, merge, rename, convert and present your images very easily and fast.
- Publisher: SoftTech InterCorp
- Last updated: May 20th, 2008

Dell Picture Studio
Dell Picture Studio was a set of tools and an online service from JASC and shutterfly. Image Expert 2000 will help you to acquire images from a digital camera or scanner, quickly improve, organize and catalogue photos, create greeting cards, fliers, and Web graphics, create presentations. Picture Studio Online will let you share pictures online directly from Image Expert.
- Publisher: Jasc Software, Inc.
- Last updated: August 25th, 2010

Stylus Studio XML Professional Edition
Stylus Studio XML Professional Edition lets you easily manage multiple documents. Stylus Studio XML Professional Edition provides XML developers and data integration specialists with a comprehensive toolset for managing XML data transformation and aggregation.
- Publisher: Stylus Studio
- Home page: www.stylusstudio.com
- Last updated: April 24th, 2008
Picture studio .exe professional in Description

Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2010 - ENU
Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2010 is an integrated testing toolset that delivers a complete plan-test-track workflow to enable in-context collaboration between you and your developers, greatly increasing your visibility to the overall project.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: May 14th, 2014

With the advent of digital photography, editing and retouching images at a professional level is no longer a task reserved for connoisseurs. Fotor offers a comprehensive set of utilities that allows both amateur and professional photo lovers produce high-quality digital photographs in a snap. Its retouching tools and creative effects will let you turn any image into a pro-looking shot in no time.
- Publisher: Everimaging Limited
- Home page: www.fotor.com
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

File Recovery Software
File Recovery Software - is the program to recover files, Recommended by Microsoft(R) corp. Recover deleted files with hard disk drive recovery software. Recover Files - Download file recovery software at Recover-Files.ca
- Publisher: Recover Files, LLC
- Last updated: August 4th, 2022

AffiliateEXE protects our profits and software products as affiliated vendors, by converting the EXE file of our affiliate version or affiliate trial version to a new executable one; introducing our affiliate identification name while the conversion is taking place. It is optional, but possible, to also pack our logo picture. The final software is fully protected and cannot be renamed by any user.
- Publisher: Keronsoft
- Home page: www.keronsoft.com
- Last updated: August 13th, 2010

TeeChart Pro VCL/FMX
100% VCL native Charting component library with optional 100% SourceCode. Support for Delphi, C++Builder, RAD Studio and FireMonkey. It provides entire featureset to create charts, maps and gauges in 2D, 3D and OpenGL.
- Publisher: Steema Software
- Home page: www.steema.com
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023
Additional Picture studio .exe professional selection

Portrait Professional Studio
This program allows you to make it easier, since it is pre-calibrated to retouch portraits. It has built-in filters and preset processes with which you can manipulate your portraits in a very easy and fast manner. It is ideal for wedding and social photographers who need to process lots of images in a short period of time.
- Publisher: Anthropics Technology Ltd.
- Home page: studio.portraitprofessional.com
- Last updated: June 4th, 2014

Samsung PC Studio
Samsung PC Studio is a professional tool that allows you to manage, edit and transfer different files between your Samsung mobile phone and your PC. It offers many features such as a Networking Wizard, which allows you to connect to the Internet; a Multimedia Player to play different files; and many other options to manage and organize your files, your phone contacts and your messages.
- Publisher: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
- Last updated: August 17th, 2018

Picture Resizer
Picture Resizer Pro allows you to make your pictures smaller or larger, change picture dpi for higher quality prints, play around with smoothing modes plus many more options. Picture Resizer Pro is setup with a wizard based interface. Version 3.3.0 fixes a bug that users were getting when opening the program.
- Publisher: The Professional Developer
- Home page: www.theprodev.com
- Last updated: December 13th, 2011

MotionStudio 4 is an easy-to-use, all-in-one multimedia authoring software, that combines image, sound, interactivity and animation for you to create stand-alone, royalty-free, executable files. It is an ideal solution for creating your slide shows, interactive and animated stories, educational materials or just "pictures to EXE" for your auto-run CD-ROM.
- Publisher: Wisdom Software Inc.
- Home page: www.wisdom-soft.com
- Last updated: February 12th, 2014

PictureViewer .EXE
It has never been easier to view your photos, whether they come from the internet, picture galleries, digital cameras or scanners. Create slideshow presentations, browse folders, make playlists, skim thumbnails, rotate, zoom and print images.
- Publisher: SoftTech InterCorp
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

ASCII Art Studio
ACII Art Studio is a handy small application for converting images to ASCII characters pictures. The program enables users to create ASCII Art in an easy manner, as well as to edit any ASCII Art picture. All the created pictures can be rotated and flipped around.
- Publisher: TorchSoft
- Home page: www.torchsoft.com
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
Visual Studio .NET v7.1 Professional enables you to rapidly build a broad range of applications for Microsoft Windows, the Web, and mobile devices. Developers can use v7.1 to build professional software, reduce IT operating costs, and integrate with a wide range of applications, systems, and devices. Extending visual design capabilities to the server is easier than ever with VS .NET v7.1.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

WebGraphics Optimizer Professional
Web Graphics optimizer is a graphics utility to optimize your images to prepare them for internet. To make a site attractive you need to insert images in the site. And to create attractive images for your site you should have a good graphics editor. Web Graphics Optimizer is one which you can use to enhance your images.
- Publisher: Plenio Software Solutions
- Home page: www.webopt.com
- Last updated: March 30th, 2008

Scott Professional Photo Studio
Scott Professional Photo Studio is designed to enhance the workflow for photographers using the Canon Powershot series cameras. With Photo Studio, you can quickly browse CRW, JPG and TIF file formats in convenient Contact Sheets for fast evaluation, selection, manipulation and conversion.
- Publisher: Scott Professional
- Home page: scottprofessional.com
- Last updated: February 22nd, 2010

DRPU MSI to EXE Creator
MSI to EXE Creator is a setup maker utility designed to create setup installation packages from MSI installer files to EXE (executable) file format. The setup creator professionally converts default Microsoft Visual Studio .NET framework MSI installation setup packages to equivalent and similar exe installer format.
- Publisher: DRPU Software Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page: www.drpusoftware.com
- Last updated: December 30th, 2010