Pigeon pedigree form maker in Title/Summary

pdc Form Maker
pdc Form Maker the program designed to create the paperless office. Most form programs produce a bland form with no interaction with the user. Today the word is in color with pictures and automation on the form.
- Publisher: pdc Precision Designed Computing

Pigeon Planner
Pigeon Planner is free and open-source racing pigeon software. The goal is to be a simple, yet powerful pigeon organizer. Enter your pigeons with all of their details in the user friendly interface and let the program calculate the pedigree and relatives.
- Publisher: Pigeon Planner.
- Home page: pigeonplanner.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: May 16th, 2017

Pigeon Xpress
The following items can be managed through Pigeon XPress 4: Clients and contact, Pigeon Management (pedigree), Picture Management, Race Results, Medical Information, Breeding Program, Financial Information and a lot of extra options such as a notebook and the electronic Registration of pigeons (Bricon©). All function can be controlled through the mouse or keyboard.
- Publisher: BVBA Bouwen Wim
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018
Pigeon pedigree form maker in Description

EgeCMS Multi-Sites Builder Free
EgeCMS is the first Multi-Sites Builder, it can manage several sites with different types. eg, News,Press Release,Software Download, Shareware Affiliate, Blog,Forum etc. Using the Form Maker Online tools, then edit different pages' content online with different property, make it possible to build multi-sites on one server,and publish individual site.
- Publisher: EgeCMS
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Pigeonix is a software designed for pigeon fanciers and according to real pigeon fanciers from France and Belgium and their demanding needs . It offers simple and useful tools, clear and user friendly tabs, in other words, everything you need to manage colony of pigeons, and to create a legible and complete pedigree in a few minutes.
- Publisher: Will
- Last updated: December 19th, 2011

Visual Family Tree Maker
Simplifies making your family tree. Fill in name, birth, marriage, death and other information. Displays age, pictures, family members, ancestors and descendants. Print reports and wall charts. No installation copy to flash drive or folder & start.
- Publisher: Jerry C. DeKeyser
- Home page: www.lavistalab.com
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Power Pigeon
Power Pigeon version 4.1 is software created from suggestions and ideas of pigeon fanciers from around the world. The result is the best software for tracking racing results, show placings and managing your pedigrees, for effective breeding results, at an affordable price. If you don't need to track racing information.
- Publisher: Computer Driven Resources, Inc.
- Last updated: January 6th, 2010

Easy change from Cyrillic 3 including data transfer. Clinical Pedigree was previously known as Pedigree Assistant. Features: - Multiuser MS Access or SQL - Searching - Checking out pedigrees for remote working - Pedigree merging - Exporting - Administration
- Publisher: Humon UK
- Home page: www.clinicalpedigree.com
- Last updated: March 25th, 2012
Additional Pigeon pedigree form maker selection

PDFill PDF Editor
PDF Editor to replace Adobe Acrobat: Create, Fill, Save, Delete, Submit, Reset PDF Form. Insert Text, Image, URL, Whiteout and Highlight, Drawing, Comment, Stamp and Ink into PDF. Scan paper forms into PDF. PDF Writer and PDF Tools.
- Publisher: PlotSoft
- Home page: www.pdfill.com
- Last updated: September 27th, 2016

CoffeeCup Web Form Builder
Web Form Builder takes the guesswork out of creating web forms. The drag-and-drop, WYSIWYG workspace lets you add and customize form elements with ease. Need inspiration, or just feeling artistically challenged? Try one of the professionally designed themes.
- Publisher: CoffeeCup Software
- Last updated: March 12th, 2013

pdc Form Reader
pdc Form Maker concept is based on the use of two programs. The first program pdc Form Maker, this program allows for the creation and testing of the form. The second program pdc Form Reader is an input program for filling in the forms.
- Publisher: pdc Precision Designed Computing
- Last updated: November 6th, 2008
- Publisher: Thomas Rudolph
- Home page: www.THRU-Soft.de

Photo Card Maker
The photo card maker from Kigosoft is a simple but useful application. As its name suggests you could create your very own created photo cards for different purposes from announcements to invitation card from holiday cards to greeting cards. You can use these cards for any purpose as you want. Using and creating a card by Photo card maker is very easy.
- Publisher: Kigosoft Inc.
- Last updated: January 29th, 2011

Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker
Acoustica CD/DVD Label Maker is a graphics editing tool to create disc labels. It is a very straightforward application, but it does have several advanced features. It has a predefined list of templates that you can use for printing the labels for your CDs. It supports Lightscribe burning on one or several printers at once.
- Publisher: Acoustica
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

MakeitOne MP3 Album Maker
In principle, this tool is an MP3 joiner which allows you to merge multiple MP3 files into a single bigger one. However, the program also allows you to perform the opposite function – to split the resulting MP3 file to go back to the original set of individual tracks. The program provides some extra features, like automatic file naming and source file deletion.
- Publisher: Porcupine
- Home page: www.makeitone.net
- Last updated: July 30th, 2013

DRPU Greeting Card Maker Software
DRPU Greeting Card Maker Software is a nice and handy application that lets you easily create customized greeting cards which you may print to paper (setting various types of folding is also possible) or save as digital files (image files, PDF documents). It can create greetings cards for various occasions, like birthdays, weddings, congratulations, and so on.
- Publisher: DRPU Software Pvt. Ltd.
- Home page: www.drpusoftware.com
- Last updated: June 13th, 2011

Business Card and Label Maker Pro
Business Card and Label Maker Pro is an application very useful for any company or private person that has to deliver envelopes or boxes on a regular base. It is a tool for creating nicely designed cards too. The program also gives you the chance to organize information related to customers, recipients, merchandise into well organized databases.
- Publisher: iWinSoft Inc.
- Home page: www.iwinsoft.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Android Live wallpaper Maker
Android Live wallpaper Maker provides a broad stage for you exploring the talent on Android wallpapers creating. Over imagination, the common images turn to special masterpieces which will be applied as Android screen background by those people who love them and feel valuable. It enables you to create live wallpapers with ease.
- Publisher: AppMK Co.
- Home page: www.appmk.com
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018