Pile load of pile group in Title/Summary

Pile Cap
Pile cap by Digital Canal analyzes any pile arrangement and design the pile cap accordingly, including cap thickness, steel requirements, and rebar spacing. Any configuration of up to 200 piles may be analyzed for both axial and biaxial bending moments.
- Publisher: Digital Canal
- Home page: digitalcanalstructural.com
- Last updated: December 16th, 2017

SE::Pile is a computer program for prestressed concrete pile design. This program computes pile section P – M interaction diagrams considering slenderness of the pile. You can plot multiple interaction diagrams with different slenderness on a single chart and you can view how pile capacity changes based on slenderness change.
- Publisher: Structure Express
- Home page: structurexpress.com
- Last updated: February 27th, 2014

Pile and Pop
Pile and Pop is a game where you will have to lift and drop bricks to create combos. You will have bricks of different colors, that will pile up all the time. You will have to reduce the piles by picking bricks with the left button of your mouse, move them and drop them over a group of bricks of the same color.
- Publisher: Bitbliss Studio
- Last updated: October 21st, 2011
Pile load of pile group in Description

Combined3D is a general purpose spread and combined (two load points on a single footing) foundation design software for use on many different types of foundation design projects.Whether you are designing foundations for your industrial, residential or other commercial projects, Combined3D will help you complete them in minutes.
- Publisher: Dimensional Solutions
- Last updated: December 27th, 2009

UniPile is an application designed for the analysis of piles and pile groups according to various design methods. UniPile considers bearing capacity, pile group settlement, negative skin friction, and drag load. It also simulates the load-movement behaviour of the pile in a static Head-Down and Bidirectional (O-Cell) loading test.
- Publisher: UniSoft Geotechnical Solutions Ltd
- Last updated: June 29th, 2015

BIMware REX Piles
REX Piles is an extension for Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis that allows analysis and design of structures partially or completely supported on piles. You can analyze pile-soil interaction for different pile types with the shaft diameter from 0.2 to 1.8 m. Calculations are performed for a single pile or a group of piles, vertical or inclined (at an angle up to 45 degrees).
- Publisher: BIMware
- Last updated: August 25th, 2016

In this game you try to remove all letter bricks from the pile of 50 letters as quickly as possible. Appears easy but you will need all your thinking skills and word power to beat the best scores. RULES - Make a valid word from adjacent bricks only - A brick cannot be selected leaving an isolated brick above - Word length must be 3 letters or more
- Publisher: Ihsan
- Last updated: June 26th, 2010

Mahjong Towers Eternity
Mahjong Towers Eternity is a board game. I guess that everybody knows the Chinese game Mahjong. This aim of the game is to eliminate pieces from a pile by selecting two pieces with the same drawing. To be able to eliminate pieces they can´t have another piece over them. Game ends when all of the pieces are eliminated from the pile or when the time runs out.
- Publisher: Big Fish Games
- Home page: www.bigfishgames.com
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Additional Pile load of pile group selection

Lateral Foundation
Lateral Foundation calculates the capacity of a single driven pile or drilled pier subjected to lateral (shear) load and bending moment. This program uses beam-column equations on a beam on elastic foundation approach. It can handle multiple composite sections along the pile or pier length.
- Publisher: SoilStructure
- Last updated: October 29th, 2015

Super PileUp!
Super Pile Up! is a fun puzzle game, where the objective is to clean the grid by removing off all the colored balls. Pile Up! is fun, non violent, and all family members can play it. With visually attractive graphics, this game guarantees fun for gamers of all ages.
- Publisher: GameHouse, Inc.
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008

RrPileCalc is an application used for design of piles. The program includes structural design of axially loaded single RR or RD pile (RR/RD75…1220/20). Optional pile types include an empty steel pipe pile, concrete filled pile or a composite pile with concrete fill, reinforced concrete fill or concrete fill with an inner pipe. Geotechnical resistance check for driven steel piles is included.
- Publisher: Ruukki Construction Oy
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2015

Mat3D is a general purpose yet comprehensive mat foundation design software. It completes both soil and pile supported, multi-load point mat foundations quickly and accurately. Main features: - International Design Codes - User Defined Parameters - Load Cases and Combinations - Soil/Pile Supported Designs - Multiple Foundation Components Design - Rebar Layouts.
- Publisher: Dimensional Solutions
- Last updated: July 19th, 2012

FOXTA is a program that enables the design of shallow, deep and raft foundations. You can perform complex analysis such as piled-raft foundations, rigid inclusions, interactions between several foundations and pile groups. You can make elastic and oedometric settlement of groups of shallow foundations subjected to various distributions of vertical loads.
- Publisher: TERRASOL
- Last updated: December 19th, 2016

Geostru MP
Geostru MP is an application intended for users who want to calculate the bearing capacity of the foundation for a single Pile or for multiple Minipiles (known as pin piles). You can perform various calculations and change the pile length, view bearing capacity static formulas, calculate terrain inclination according to the Fleming theory, as well as to generate stress diagrams.
- Publisher: geostru
- Last updated: October 5th, 2017

Solitaire Wizard
Solitaire Wizard is a solitaire game based on the classic game Klondike, a well-known 7 pile solitaire game. It contains not only Klondike, but 15 other similar games. Variations include Double Klondike and Gargantua which are 2 deck variations of Klondike. In addition, it contains variants such as Carlton, King Albert, and Harp.
- Publisher: Goodsol Development Inc.
- Home page: www.solitairewizard.com
- Last updated: July 31st, 2014

ParatiePlus-DeepXcav 2012
DeepXcav 2012 is a powerful program designed for deep excavation design and analysis. It can perform both geotechnical and structural design for many wall types that include soldier pile walls, sheet pile walls and diaphragm walls with multiple sections of reinforcement. It can also perform slope stability analysis with soil nailing.
- Publisher: Deep Excavation LLC, Ce.A.S. S.r.l.
- Last updated: October 30th, 2014

CivilTech Allpile
AllPile is a Windows-based analysis program that handles virtually all types of piles. The program combines most pile analyses in a single program. It calculates compression (with settlement), uplift, lateral capacity, and group analysis all together.
- Publisher: CivilTech Software
- Last updated: October 31st, 2016

Terrace Solitaire
At the start of this game 11 cards will be dealt as the reserve cards (also known as the terrace) and 4 cards will be dealt to the tableau (the bottom piles). First, you need to decide the base card of the foundation by dragging one of the cards to the foundation (the middle piles). After that, cards will be dealt to the empty tableau and the game starts.
- Publisher: Novel Games Limited
- Home page: www.novelgames.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020