Pin bb lee min hoo in Title/Summary

Hoo WinTail
Hoo WinTail is a real-time log monitor and log viewer for Windows like the UNIX tail -f utility. It could be used to view the end of a growing file. It is ideal for viewing application traces or server log in real-time.Hoo WinTail could capture and display OutputDebugString (Windows debugging API) output as well.
- Publisher: Hoo Technologies
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 15th, 2012

Min Tuner
The Min Tuner is a highly accurate and responsive instrument tuner. It performs real-time tuning for a range of instruments, as well as presets for each instrument in a variety of styles. You can transpose, use common jazz and orchestra references or even enter your own custom frequencies for unlimited flexibility.
- Publisher: KeenTech
- Last updated: December 1st, 2009

RealSpeak Australian-English Lee Voice
RealSpeak Australian-English Lee Voice is a voice sample for ClaroRead program. ClaroRead program is an effective multi-sensory software for supporting people or users who struggle with reading and writing. The program was designed with maximum simplicity, adaptability and flexibility, users of any age and level of ability will have a world of information unlocked through ClaroRead.
- Publisher: Claro Software
- Last updated: February 21st, 2010
Pin bb lee min hoo in Description

Shock Caption
Shock Caption is a small application to control the whole aspect of your computer’s screen. It is a complete manager of the of the windows’ features that allows you to minimize them so that they only occupy the space assigned to their title bar, to apply them transparency, to hide them completely (even the task bar), to keep them at the top/bottom, etc
- Publisher:
- Last updated: May 10th, 2008

Minimum Accounting
Minimum Accounting (MIN) is a simple accounting package for users who want to easily and accurately keep track of their income, expenses and profitability. MIN supports income and expense entries in multiple currencies. MIN does not use any accounting jargon and does not require a complicated setup.
- Publisher: Microguru Corporation
- Last updated: July 26th, 2011

Ultra MP3 to CD Burner
This is a handy tool for everyone's use. This tool allows users to burn CDs from audio files in different formats. Despite it is called Ultra MP3 to CD Burner, this application supports a whole bunch of audio formats like MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG. As for the output, this burner supports the following disc sizes: 74 min, 80 min and 84 min.
- Publisher: Aone Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008

WMA WAV MP3 to Audio CD Maker
WMA WAV MP3 to Audio CD Maker is an powerful and simple-to-use application that allows you to create standard Audio CDs from existing audio files. Burn your favorite WMA MP3 WAV and OGG songs to create customized audio CD for your listening pleasure.
- Publisher: Allok Soft Inc.
- Last updated: March 28th, 2012

LabTool-48UXP is an intelligent universal programmer. Main features: - USB or parallel port interface with auto-switch power - Support 5V and 3.3V low voltage devices, 1.8V chip support through low voltage adapter. - Less then 2 seconds per Mbit Programming speed for high density flash chip. - No adapter required for DIL chip up to 48-pin.
- Publisher: Advantech Equipment Corp.
- Last updated: April 19th, 2013
Additional Pin bb lee min hoo selection

ViGlance removes the need for Quick Launch and adds its capabilities into its taskbar. Drag an app's icon from the desktop to the windows taskbar, and ViGlance will pin it there, so you can launch the program from the task bar without having to search the start menu.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 7th, 2012

Vocalizer Lee from Claro Software
Vocalizer Lee from Claro Software is a voice pack that works with ClaroRead Plus and Pro UK Edition. The voice pack allows you to read any text in a human quality voice from word processors, e-mail programs, certain PDF files and Internet browsers. It also allows you to improve your language pronunciation.
- Publisher: Claro Software
- Last updated: August 20th, 2012

Gutterball Golden Pin Bowling
Gutterball - Golden Pin Bowling is the #1 awesomest bowling game on the Web today! This web game is compatible with the most popular web browsers such as: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome. Gutterball - Golden Pin Bowling provides a lot of fun, impressive graphic interface and intuitive tutorials which help you to learn how to obtain best results.
- Publisher: Skunk Studios, Inc.
- Last updated: January 17th, 2012

Pin Mux Utility
Pin MUX Utility is a program which provides a Graphical User Interface for configuring pin multiplexing settings, resolving conflicts and specifying I/O cell characteristics for TI ARM MPUs, including AM335x, AM389x, AM35x, AM/DM37x, C6A816x, DM816x and OMAP35x Processors.
- Publisher: Texas Instruments Incorporated.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 29th, 2013

Nissan Data Scan
The Nissan DataScan I is intended for Nissan cars build between years 1989 and 2000. Majority of these cars are equipped with grey 14 pin Consult I connecter. A list of cars that the software has been tested on is located on the NDSI Supported Vehicles page.
- Publisher: NissanDataScan, L.L.C.
- Last updated: April 8th, 2008

Pin Action Bowling
This is a bowling game simulator. It can be played against a friend or against the computer. You can choose a player character and a difficulty setting. The graphics and animations are unattractive. The same is true for the music and sound effects. Even though the game is old, it could have been better.
- Publisher: XFusion Software LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 20th, 2012

2D Pin Jointed Truss 2002
The software offers you the posibility to see the wireframe model of the section of the designed truss, and diagram of the forces that are distributed over the designed truss or just it's cross section. Some of the the references used for this program are: -A.C. Ugural, 1999, Stresses in plates and shells; -C.S. Reddy, 1982, Basic structural analysis;
- Publisher: Tee Horng Hean
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2009

LP Calculator
The LP Calculator is used to auto-generate accurate land pattern data directly from component dimensions provided on the manufacturer’s datasheet. The LP Calculator default CAD library construction rules are set to IPC-7351 standards, but the user has access to change any of the hundreds of rule settings.
- Publisher: Mentor Graphics
- Home page:

Pin Blaster
Pin Blaster is a professional Pinterest automation software. This program allows you to upload images, create boards, change links of all pins from certain board or delete boards from account. Also, you can scrape users from category, keyword, user or location, follow users with all accounts or with a single account, filter pins, gather images/links/descriptions, and more.
- Publisher: BlasterSuite
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 28th, 2015 Half a Min
Generate your own interactive Flash learning wordplay quizzes. Main Features: - Part of the mini-suite - free programs based around anagrams / terminology challenges. - Create your own Flash-based interactive quiz - Your own quiz in minutes - type your questions in, press generate - that's it! - This quiz is ideal for terminology or definitions.
- Publisher: ContentGenerator
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 3rd, 2008