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Pinoy m2m secret website in Title/Summary

Pinoy Tv Pro

Pinoy Tv Pro

Pinoy Tv Pro is the online application of the Pinoy Tv channel. In this way, anytime you want, you can watch your favorite channel, direclty on your computer, without having to search for it. Pinoy Tv Pro has a good streaming and a user-friendly interface.

  • Publisher: Crifster Soft
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2011


The M2M application is capable of sending Many files to Many individuals. It has a database and a very friendly user interface that allows you to mark any song, photo or other large file and send it to any recipient. It is a very friendly tool and you will earn more of your time sending lot of files to lot of recipients.

  • Publisher: LikeOffice
  • Last updated: July 19th, 2008
Secret Sharp

Secret Sharp

Secret Sharp is a wizard based GUI for the Shamir Secret Sharing Algorithm provided by the crypto++ API. Secret Sharp replicates the functionality that 'ssss' provides on unix. The software is licensed free of charge , itwas registered on SourceForge on Mar 10, 2007

  • Publisher: Matthew Robert Dunn
  • Last updated: July 7th, 2010

Pinoy m2m secret website in Description



VIDEOSPH Toolbar allows you to get the freshest content delivered directly to your browser, no matter where you are on the Web : pinoy tv, pinoy videos, pinoy streaming, online tv, streaming tv. You also receive important news and announcements instantly. Add your favorite apps to your browser with Conduit Engine and search the Web and get a wide choice of useful search engines.

  • Publisher: VIDEOSPH
  • Last updated: July 5th, 2012
Satra Khmer

Satra Khmer

Satra Khmer

  • Publisher: OAK PANHA
  • Last updated: August 6th, 2011


MySecretFolder is a small utility intended to hide a given folder from intruders. Unlike file protection in Windows, which only works on NTFS formatted drives, this tool can effectively hide folders on a FAT32 partition as well. Moreover, its protection remains active even when the machine is started on Windows safe mode, which is a deficiency of other folder lockers.

  • Publisher: WinAbility Software Corp.
  • Last updated: July 1st, 2014
Gina Lash

Gina Lash

Gina Lash is an adventure game based on Angela Anaconda’s characters. In this adventure, you will guide Gina looking for an ancient scroll in the Temple of Swirl, which contains the secret of the Cinnamon Swirl recipe. Gina will find various objects during her journey, which will be put in her inventory. Later on, you will be able to select and use the different items when you need them.

  • Publisher: Nickelodeon
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2009


This is a very simple application that encrypts or encodes a string of characters. Type or paste the string, choose the encryption/encoding method, click Encode and you're done. It supports a lot of formats (SHA,MD,CRC32,UNIX encryption format, etc.).

  • Publisher: Cédric Belin
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2011

Additional Pinoy m2m secret website selection

Secret Box

Secret Box

Secret Box allows you to store passwords and other sensitive information. This application supports 11 categories of data: web accounts, instant messengers, emails, WiFi, remote desktop connection, VPN, credit card, secret notes, FTP servers, database, software information such as serial numbers.

  • Publisher: VSHSystem
  • Last updated: October 2nd, 2015
WinHTTrack Website Copier

WinHTTrack Website Copier

Without internet access in a particular moment... and the information of your favorite website is not available, in that case you need to use WinHTTrack, which will allow you to create a complete copy of the website in your hard drive. Although the simplicity and shortly striking appearance of the software is very useful.

  • Publisher: HTTrack
  • Home page: www.httrack.com
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2017
Enchanted Fairy Friends - Secret of the Fairy Queen

Enchanted Fairy Friends - Secret of the Fairy Queen

The program features a fairy tale who guides us along the different sections talking in English accompanied by music (a bit distorted and loud). In fact music is present every time, quite often very repetitive and annoying. We have to find the name of this fairy tale by consulting to the rest of them (8 in total) and going along a map with different locations.

Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution

Incomedia WebSite X5 Evolution

Website X5 is the all-in one solution to create professional, eye-catching and complete Websites, Blogs and on-line stores that are optimized for search engines, are fully compatible with all the major browsers and, moreover, are responsive, capable of adapting automatically to the resolution of the device they are displayed on.

Website Ripper Copier

Website Ripper Copier

Website Ripper Copier is a program designed for Windows PCs that provides you with a solution for offline browsing. This application helps you download entire websites directly to your local directories, extract webpage files of a certain size or kind, etc.

  • Publisher: Tensons Corporation
  • Home page: www.tensons.com
  • Last updated: February 27th, 2017


"Cheatbook" OR "Cheatbook Database" is the best cheatbook database you will get. Cheatbook Database contains the cheat codes for many games. The cheat codes for any game is available in the internet now, just by a Google search. Cheatbook database is for offline use, when you need a cheat code! The program database contains tens of thousans of cheat codes.

  • Publisher: R.M. Frankhauser
  • Home page: www.cheatbook.de
  • Last updated: December 22nd, 2011
Secret Maryo Chronicles

Secret Maryo Chronicles

Secret Maryo Chronicles is an addicting game that is very similar to its much more successful predecessor. Although it follows the same guidelines, the graphical design is visibly improved from the one in the original version. Secret Maryo Chronicles embeds an in-game editor. that will allow you to modify the terrain, add objects, traps or monsters to any map that you want to play.

Amazing Adventures The Caribbean Secret

Amazing Adventures The Caribbean Secret

The Amazing Adventures: The Caribbean Secret is a seeking game rather than an adventure game. The story is based on the legend of the lost gold that went missing all over the Caribbean Sea, back in the days of the pirates. Find over 2000 hidden objects in 25 Caribbean locations to recover the treasures.

  • Publisher: SpinTop Games
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2010
BlueVoda Website Builder

BlueVoda Website Builder

BlueVoda Website Builder is intended to create and edit websites. The program is extremely easy to use, even if you have never written a line of code. Besides, there are tutorials to guide your way. Fortunately, this web editor is WYSIWYG, what means that every change you make is immediately previewed.

  • Publisher: VodaHost
  • Home page: www.bluevoda.com
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2018
Secret Disk

Secret Disk

Secret Disk creates invisible password protected invisible disk on your PC to store any private files of yours. It will appear as usual disk on your PC. It will completely disappear within one second when you need top privacy.

  • Publisher: PrivacyRoot Team
  • Last updated: May 18th, 2020