Pintar virtualab optics in Title/Summary

Pintar InterACTIVE VirtuaLab Optics
Pintar InterACTIVE VirtuaLab Optics lets you test your theories or hypotheses on light and vision. You may arrange lenses in various configurations, pass light through lenses, and prisms and plane mirrors with or without filters, as well as reflect or refract light to perform optical functions.
- Publisher: InterWorld Highway, LLC
- Last updated: November 18th, 2011

Pintar VirtuaLab Electricity - Lite
Pintar VirtuaLab Electricity is a nice and interesting software with many features.Main features:- Create experiments by connecting virtual electrical components on the computer screen or interactive whiteboard - This program features 32 components – batteries, switches, lamps and resistors – for you to connect, manipulate and observe
- Publisher: TechEdu

Pintar InterACTIVE VirtuaLab Mechanics (Lite version)
Pintar InterACTIVE VirtuaLab Mechanics (Lite version) is a powerful simulation laboratory for Newtonian mechanics on your desktop. Through a user-friendly interface, you create experiments by assembling virtual masses, springs, pulleys and forces, altering the properties of each object as you progress.
- Publisher: InterWorld Highway, LLC
- Last updated: November 18th, 2011
Pintar virtualab optics in Description

Pintar InterACTIVE VirtuaLab Electronics (Lite version)
Pintar InterACTIVE VirtuaLab Electronics (Lite version) is a powerful electricity-electronics simulation laboratory on the computer. With this program, you can create experiments by connecting over 70 virtual electrical components. You can select any of the batteries, switches, resistors, diodes, or capacitors.
- Publisher: InterWorld Highway, LLC
- Last updated: November 18th, 2011

Pintar InterACTIVE VirtuaLab Molecule Lite Version
Pintar InterACTIVE VirtuaLab Molecule Lite Version allows you to look at the atoms in crystalline solids from every possible angle. You may choose any of the over 600 chemical substances in the database. It enables easy understanding of molecules and their specific relationships to one another.
- Publisher: InterWorld Highway, LLC
- Last updated: November 18th, 2011

OpTaliX is a powerful and comprehensive program for computer aided design of optical systems, thin film multilayer coatings and illumination systems. OpTaliX provides powerful features to conceptualize, design, optimize, analyze, tolerance and document virtually any optical system.
- Publisher: Optenso
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 8th, 2013

ABCD Gaussian Beam Propagation Software allows you to propagate laser beams through standard optical elements (free space, dielectric, thin lens, curved mirror, gaussian duct and dielectric interface). It can be used as a research tool for people working in optics labs and might be useful as a teaching aid for an undergraduate-level entry course in modern optics.
- Publisher: Daniel Cote
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012

CyberRay is a professional optical and charged particle beam simulation package. It offers exceptional flexibility, including the ability to position three dimensional optical elements in arbitrary positions and orientations. The model includes dispersion, short pulse effects such as group velocity dispersion, geometric aberrations to all orders.
- Publisher: Sarkomand Software
- Last updated: February 25th, 2010
Additional Pintar virtualab optics selection

Photo Pos Pro
It is difficult not to be amazed by the extensive functionality offered by Photo Pos Pro. It is not the only image editor with such a richness of features, but it is probably the only one offering them free of charge. To attract even more potential users, it offers a Pro Interface with all the bells and whistles and a Novice Interface packed with high-quality one-click editing and enhancing tools.
- Publisher: Power Of Software Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Virtual Nonlinear Optics Workbook
How does the picture change if the laser is tuned off? What is the effect of relaxation or spectral inhomogeneity? Just change the parameters and you will see. Step by step, the virtual experiment develops and so does your understanding of the phenomenon in hand.
- Publisher: H. Sonajal
- Last updated: February 14th, 2012

Pintar Physics Lesson Pack - Electromagnetism Lite Version
Pintar Physics Lesson Pack - Electromagnetism Lite Version is a suite of lessons and teaching resources that covers the concepts of electromagnetism. You can learn about the power of magnetic fields (both natural and created), the relationship between electromagnetism and electricity, and how motors, generators and transformers work.
- Publisher: InterWorld Highway, LLC
- Last updated: November 18th, 2011

DxO OpticsPro
DxO OpticsPro is a image-processing software that automatically corrects all optical defects. The program can recover fine details and textures in dark or burnt areas, remove digital noise even at high sensitivities, and bring out all the nuances of color in your images.
- Publisher: DxO Labs
- Last updated: May 25th, 2017

Fiberizer Desktop
Fiberizer Desktop allows post-processing of saved results from fiber optics measurements. In this regard, the program supports opening various types of files, including SOR files (for OTDR traces), JPG (for fiberscope measurement results) and OXLTS (for optical loss measurement results).
- Publisher: Agizer Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 1st, 2017

Future WinJoe
Future Win Joe is the software program supplied with the digital microscope (camera) and digital telescope (camera) which provides a rich range of camera control, imaging processing and image file management. Powerful function of camera control, including imaging setting and RGB amendment.
- Publisher: Future Optics
- Last updated: September 8th, 2014

Hawke ChairGun Pro
ChairGun Pro’s modern ballistics functions have been thoroughly field-tested so, if your requirements are simple or complex, the graphs, tables and labels give accurate information that would take hours of tedious range-work to achieve manually.Take the information into the field - ChairGun Pro allows you to print trajectory graphs, tables, reticle images.
- Publisher: Hawke Sport Optics
- Last updated: October 12th, 2010

SpectraSuite is a modular, Java-based spectroscopy software platform. The application can control virtually any Ocean Optics USB spectrometer and device with ease. SpectraSuite easily manages multiple USB spectrometers – each with different acquisition parameters – in multiple windows, it provides graphical and numeric representation of spectra from each spectrometer.
- Publisher: Ocean Optics, Inc.
- Last updated: January 17th, 2013

PhysProf 1.1 is an easy-to-use physics program which, among other things, enables two-dimensional graphics to illustrate physical relationships in a simple manner.
- Publisher: ReduSoft Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 3rd, 2020
- Publisher: Living Graphs Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 15th, 2010