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Planning tool teams excel in Title/Summary

Kiln Drying Planning Tool

Kiln Drying Planning Tool

Kiln Drying Planning Tool will help the production manager of a lumber mill to develop a strategy for planning the usage of air drying operations in combination with kiln programs in order to improve the overall efficiency of the drying operations. The final strategy will specify for which products to make use of air drying, at which period of the year.

  • Publisher: FORAC
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018
IBM System Planning Tool

IBM System Planning Tool

The IBM System Planning Tool (SPT) is a browser-based application that helps you design system configurations. You can use the SPT to design a logically partitioned system or you can use the SPT to design an unpartitioned system. You can create an entirely new system configuration, or you can create a system configuration.

  • Publisher: IBM
  • Home page: www-947.ibm.com
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2013
Excel-Tool Convert Excel Value

Excel-Tool Convert Excel Value

Excel-Tool Convert Excel Value allows you to convert Excel dates to weekday, month, quarter, year, day of year, hour, minute and second. Also you can convert Excel case to proper case, lower case and upper case. Another conversion option is that you can convert multiple ZIP codes.

  • Publisher: Excel-Tool, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 9th, 2010

Planning tool teams excel in Description

Microsoft Project Professional 2010

Microsoft Project Professional 2010

Enhance team collaboration to realize results—connect your teams with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 task list and status synchronization.rnProject Professional 2010 delivers new and intuitive experiences to simply plan, manage and collaborate with individuals, teams and the enterprise.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 21st, 2012
MIE Tasks Project Management Software

MIE Tasks Project Management Software

MIE Task Project Management Software is a powerful project planning tool for the enterprise that's capable of managing multiple projects with shared resources. MIE Task Project Management Software is also a complete solution for resource management.

  • Publisher: MIE Solutions
  • Last updated: September 7th, 2011
Migration Expert

Migration Expert

Migration Expert is a Windows OS SharePoint migration planning tool. The app finds the issues that can slow down or cause a SharePoint migration to fail. Remove the uncertainty, find the problems, and take action before your migration. You can export results to PDF and Excel for planning and business case documentation.

  • Publisher: Metalogix International GmbH
  • Home page: pages.metalogix.com
  • Last updated: February 28th, 2017
BPC Client NW

BPC Client NW

BPC stands for Business Planning and Consolidation. As the name suggest, BPC is used for both Planning and Consolidations, unlike IP, which is used for only planning. The concept of planning is the same as you have in any other tool. The functional side of the planning remains the same. However, the tool differs

  • Publisher: SAP
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2012
Tukanas Project Manager

Tukanas Project Manager

Tukanas Project Manager software - Easily create Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Gantt chart, Project Life Cycle chart, planning for project management.

  • Publisher: Tucana International
  • Home page: www.tukanas.com
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2009

Additional Planning tool teams excel selection

Find and Replace Tool for Excel

Find and Replace Tool for Excel

Find and Replace Tool For Excel is a program that allows you to find and replace items or you can import from Excel or CSV file. You can define search location like Header, Footer, Built in Properties and Hyper link address if you want to replace at specific location only. It gives you a report after completion of task so you know where it made changes and on which files.



OpenCPN is a chartplotter navigation software designed to be used at the helm station of your boat. It lets you chart a course and track your position right from your laptop. It can also accept AIS input for target-tracking and collision alerting. AIS for automatic MOB handling is also possible with SART having selectable MMSI.

  • Publisher: opencpn.org
  • Home page: opencpn.org
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023


Tyre is a software program for searching, creating, and sharing GPS routes. It lets you create and copy routes directly to your TomTom or Garmin navigation system. Tyre comes with a built-in version of Google Maps. You can easily add points of interests, rename waypoints, and display routes on the map.

  • Publisher: Tyre2Navigate
  • Last updated: December 9th, 2018


Dynalog is a free planning and ordering software for flexible cabinet planning. Main features: - Calculates complex applications accurately for every kind of installation. - Prevents ordering mistakes. - You will receive parts lists, marketing information as well as manufacturing and assembly documentation.

  • Publisher: Julius Blum GmbH / crossbase mediasolutions gmbh
  • Home page: www.blum.com
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2016
Word Excel PowerPoint to Pdf Converter

Word Excel PowerPoint to Pdf Converter

Word Excel PowerPoint to Pdf Converter is a converter which will help you to convert Word, Excel, PowerPoint, DOC, RTF, XLS,TIF, JPG, BMP, GIF, IMG,PNG, TGA, REL, EMF, WMF, TXT, HTM and HTML to PDF Word Excel PowerPoint to Pdf Converter is an powerful batch converting tool, which allows you to effortlessly batch convert different file formats to pdf file once

  • Publisher: Word-Pdf-Convert Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2011


Plan-G is a VFR flight planning tool for Microsoft Flight Simulator. It gives you access to online VATSIM controllers and aircraft shown on map and supports X-Plane 9 and 10. Plan-G allows you to insert snippet files and QuickSnippets into a plan and OpenStreetMaps interface.

Motorola PTP LINKPlanner

Motorola PTP LINKPlanner

Motorola provides the PTP LINKPlanner application with the PTP 250, PTP 300, PTP 400, PTP 500, PTP 600 and PTP 800 equipment. Use PTP LINKPlanner to help predict where and how equipment will work. The PTP LINKPlanner is an application that runs on Windows or Macintosh.

DRPU Employee Planner

DRPU Employee Planner

DRPU Employee Planner simplifies the task of employee scheduling/planning. It can help your maintain the shift schedules, day-to-day attendance records, and leave details with complete payroll details of all your employees. Password protection feature of software prevents unauthorized users to access company records.

Convert Excel To TXT

Convert Excel To TXT

Convert Excel to TXT is a program that helps you convert Excel to TXT files. It allows you to convert each Excel sheet to a new TXT file in one or more Excel files. The program supports command line interface, in order to run it with necessary parameters in a batch mode from the command line or from Windows scheduler.

  • Publisher: Excel-Tool, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 3rd, 2010
Convert Excel To DBF

Convert Excel To DBF

Convert Excel to DBF provides you conversion from Excel files to DBF format. Also can convert each sheet as an individual DBF file. The program can output the converted excel files to dBase IV, dBase III and dBase II formats. A command line interface is provided by the program so you can run it with necessary parameters in a batch mode from the command line.

  • Publisher: Excel-Tool, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 12th, 2010