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Plugin autocad lt express tool in Title/Summary

PowerDesigns Express Tool

PowerDesigns Express Tool

PowerDesigns Express Tool 2.7

  • Publisher: PresentationPro
  • Last updated: January 18th, 2010
AutoCAD to FDS plugin

AutoCAD to FDS plugin

AutoCAD to FDS ( Fire Dynamics Simulator ) bridge. Plugin provides possibility to convert AutoCAD geometry to FDS format, automate calculation in FDS and view calculation results in AutoCAD. It is simple and easy to manipulate. So try it! You will never regreate.

  • Publisher: Walash Ltd.
PresentationPro Express Plugin

PresentationPro Express Plugin

It quickly and easily applies templates, graphics, icons, animated templates, 3D stick figures, diagrams and video with one click. It enables you to search designs alongside your presentation and edit PowerPoint at the same time. You can apply these to current slide, a slide range, create a new slide, and create a new presentation.

Plugin autocad lt express tool in Description

Password Recovery ToolBox for Outlook Express

Password Recovery ToolBox for Outlook Express

Password Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Express is a tool for recovering forgotten or lost passwords to Outlook Express mail and news accounts. The password recovery Outlook Express tool recovers passwords to Outlook Express identities. The program recovers and visualizes the settings of mail and news accounts.

Auto Quit

Auto Quit

Auto Quit is a free-to-use add-in for Autodesk AutoCAD. Using this Add-in, the user can close the currently opened drawing files in one shot before closing AutoCAD. This tool has options for the user to save or not save the drawing files before closing AutoCAD.

  • Publisher: HTSS
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2015


SDUCT is a complete and simple HVAC ventilation ductwork Tool for AutoCAD. This tool helps reduce drawing time in AutoCAD. SDUCT was created for any level of CAD user. It will automatically create Layers, Linetype, text, colors, etc. All standards settings, accessories, Flexible, lining, elbows, symbols, dimensions can be customized.

  • Publisher: DuctiSoft inc.
  • Home page: www.ductisoft.com
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2015
SRM Import Plugin

SRM Import Plugin

SRM Import Plugin is a tool that lets you add an importer for SRM power meter files. The plugin imports: the power track the heart rate track the cadence track the distance track the temperature track (needs the Weather plugin) timer pauses splits

  • Publisher: Old Man Biking
  • Last updated: January 16th, 2012
Zemanta IE plugin

Zemanta IE plugin

Zemanta IE plugin is a tool that looks over your shoulder while you blog and gives you tips and advice, suggests related content and pictures and makes sure your posts get promoted as they deserve to be. With Zemanta IE plugin you just paste any text into the special box. Then watch Zemanta go to work, generating the most relevant images, links, tags, and related content.

  • Publisher: Zemanta
  • Last updated: February 18th, 2012

Additional Plugin autocad lt express tool selection

Autodesk App Manager 2016-2017

Autodesk App Manager 2016-2017

This plug-in can be used with Autodesk® AutoCAD® to simplify the process of managing apps installed from the App Store. View, update, uninstall, and get help on the Autodesk App Store downloaded from the Autodesk App Store website. The Autodesk App Store Manager displays Apps installed for your product and provides access to the Autodesk App Store website.

  • Publisher: Autodesk
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2024
SketchUp Import 2016-2017

SketchUp Import 2016-2017

SketchUp Import 2016-2017 is an AutoCAD plugin that allows you to import SKP files into your AutoCAD drawings. You will use the IMPORTSKP command to convert a SketchUp file, stored in a local or shared folder, and insert the model into the current drawing.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 7th, 2022


EpaCAD is a free software which easily converts an AUTOCAD file into an EPANET one, EPANET is the most widely used free software for simulation of pressurized water networks. EPACAD is able to automatically import the main properties of elements, largely providing the required information to build a network.

  • Publisher: ITA
  • Last updated: January 8th, 2011
Festo Configuration Tool Plugin CMAX

Festo Configuration Tool Plugin CMAX

The CMAX plug-in generally enables the input of values within the absolute limits prescribed by the CMAX. You can find information on the drive/valve combinations approved by Festo together with permissible lengths, sizes, etc. in the system description for the CMAX.

  • Publisher: Festo
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2012


Winfoil is an aeronautical computer aided design tool for designing, analysing and modifying model aircraft. It also provides the ability to print the design (wing ribs, fuselage sides, wing and tail plans) to any Windows supported printer and export design components to DXF files for import into other CAD programs such as AutoCAD.

  • Publisher: Malcolm Hardy
  • Home page: www.winfoil.com
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2011


AutoRebar provides AutoCAD with an extra toolbar with specific objects for reinforced concrete detailing. AutoRebar objects are linked together and react in real-time to any action performed by the user, such as stretching a Rebar, modifying its diameter or dragging the dimension that specifies the extension field of a group of rebars in the concrete structure.

  • Publisher: Paolo Locatelli
  • Home page: www.autorebar.com
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2016
AutoCAD Performance Plug-in

AutoCAD Performance Plug-in

The new AutoCAD® 2010 and 2011 performance plug-ins from AMD are designed to optimize application performance on ATI FirePro™ professional graphics. Building, infrastructure and manufacturing practitioners will experience a phenomenal performance boost when running AutoCAD® 2010 or 2011 on ATI FirePro™ professional graphics, compared to AMD's consumer graphics.

  • Publisher: ATI Technologies Inc.
  • Last updated: May 7th, 2011
Festo Configuration Tool Plugin CMXR

Festo Configuration Tool Plugin CMXR

FCT software - Festo Configuration Tool for CMXR . Festo Configuration Tool Plugin CMXR software - Configuration and commissioning software for the multi-axis controller CMXR-C1. Document type: Commissioning CMXR-C1 : - PlugIn V1.0.6.2 - PlugIn V1.1.0.486

  • Publisher: Festo
  • Last updated: December 13th, 2011
RailClone Lite

RailClone Lite

RailClone is a powerful parametric modelling plugin for 3ds Max. Its node-based editor can be used to create rules that combine, sequence, transform, deform, slice, bevel, and distribute instanced geometry or proxies. You can create variation by randomising objects, UV mapping, and material IDs.

  • Publisher: Itoo Software
  • Home page: www.itoosoft.com
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2016
Fuze Meeting Outlook Plugin

Fuze Meeting Outlook Plugin

Fuze Meeting Outlook Plugin is a program that extends core aspects of Fuze Meeting's scheduling functionality to Outlook, such as scheduling online meetings, recurring meetings and inviting attendees to meetings. The plugin also enables you to sync with the Outlook calendar.

  • Publisher: Fuze Box
  • Home page: www.fuze.com
  • Last updated: July 15th, 2014