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Plus api omnesys in Title/Summary

Omnesys Nest Pulse

Omnesys Nest Pulse

Nest Pulse is a comprehensive technical analysis tool with advanced charting and indicators. Pulse allows you develop strategies, back-test the strategies and when you are satisfied to take the same strategy to live market. All of this is done within the same application with the same parameters. There will be so slip between the strategy evaluation and trade execution.

  • Publisher: Omnesys Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2022
API Guide

API Guide

API-Guide is an API-database with all the API-functions of API-list.API-Guide has over 900 functions, all documented, and explained with an example. Several functions also have a dotNET equivalent and dotNET example code. Using API-Guide is fairly simple. The examples can be copy/pasted into Visual Basic and most of them can run without the need of editing the source first.



MT-API is a free multithread API with driver and 4 simultaneous handles designed for the following components: - CANUSB, CANfox, CANUSBlight - PowerCAN-PCI V1 and V2 - PowerCAN-PCI104 V1 and V2. The program automatically detects the devices connected to your computer and the firmware version.

  • Publisher: Sontheim Industrie Elektronik GmbH
  • Last updated: October 7th, 2014

Plus api omnesys in Description

Nest XL

Nest XL

Nest XL is a software tool, that enables real time market information to be streamed into Excel which enables traders to manage every aspect of their trading in real time. It is quite well known that most trader use Microsoft Excel for variety of ad hoc calculation and management of current state of events. It is simple to use and provides phenomenal amount of computing capability.



OMNESYS NEST Trader is an intuitive front-end solution that connects to a robust backend server to fetch market data, execute orders and facilitate trading. It includes: -Trader Screens -Order Placement -Risk Management -Multiple Asset classes -Multiple Venues -Basket Order Placement -Exercise Window -Trade Modify/Cancel -Charting -Intraday

  • Publisher: Omnesys Technologies
  • Last updated: July 25th, 2012
1-Wire SDK Beta

1-Wire SDK Beta

The 1-Wire SDK Beta is divided into 3 sections, each representing a unique Applications Programmer Interface (API). The first focuses on the 1-Wire .NET J# libraries and is called OW.NET API. The second section focuses on a second API (pretty much a subset of OW.NET API) called Compact.NET API.

  • Publisher: Maxim Integrated Products
  • Home page: www.maxim-ic.com
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2008


API Monitor is a software that allows you to spy and display Win32 API calls made by applications. It can trace any exported APIs and display wide range of information, including function name, call sequence, input and output parameters, function return value and more. A useful developer tool for seeing how win32 applications work and learn their tricks.

  • Publisher: APIMonitor.com
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2009


Access an extensive collection of millions of royalty-free stock photos with Shutterstock. This service provides dynamic and contextual content on your website through a simple, customizable API mini. No coding is required.

  • Publisher: Shutterstock, Inc.
  • Last updated: April 14th, 2014

Additional Plus api omnesys selection

ControlConsole API

ControlConsole API

CCAPI establishes a connection between your console and your computer. You can control your console from your PC. Main functions: - Debug non-fself & fself in real time - Real time memory edit on CEX/DEX - Wire(less) connection - Module loading - Modify idps and psid - Edit console Leds - Ring console buzzer - Get temperature

Waves API Collection

Waves API Collection

The API Collection features four precision processors based on renowned API modules: the 550A 3-Band Equalizer, the 550B 4-Band Equalizer, the 560 Graphic Equalizer, and the 2500 Stereo Compressor.Used by engineers worldwide on countless hit records, these modules deliver a sound like no other. And with the API Collection, Waves captures every nuance of their unique sonic signatures.

  • Publisher: Waves Audio Ltd.
  • Home page: www.waves.com
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2012
Ruby on Rails API Search

Ruby on Rails API Search

Ruby on Rails API Search is a browser extension that allows you to easily search the Ruby on Rails API docs within Google Chrome. Type 'rd' in the search bar and hit space, this will trigger the extension. Type whatever you are looking for, you will see a dropdown list with suggestions. Choose an entry from the dropdown list and hit enter to go to the docs.

  • Publisher: Adrian Romero
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: February 22nd, 2015
Ready! API

Ready! API

Ready! API is a platform of tools that helps you ensure high quality, performance, and security in your APIs. You can set up your projects and workspaces in one central location and customize your experience by building plugins or using existing ones.

  • Publisher: SmartBear Software
  • Home page: smartbear.com
  • Last updated: June 10th, 2015


D-PDU API software tool enables the easy integration of Softing diagnostic and communication interfaces into diagnostic tools. In all EDIC interfaces the communication protocol stack is implemented as embedded software. The D-PDU API software program is available for both EDIC interfaces and CAN interfaces.

  • Publisher: Softing Automotive Electronics GmbH
  • Home page: automotive.softing.com
  • Last updated: February 10th, 2016
CryptoSys API

CryptoSys API

CryptoSys API is a toolkit of fast, efficient symmetrical cryptographic functions in Visual Basic, VBA, VB.NET/VB2005/8/x, C/C++, C#, and ASP. You can incorporate it in your own apps or call it from VBA applications like Access, Excel and Word. It provides four of the major block cipher algorithms, a stream cipher algorithm, key wrap etc.

  • Publisher: D.I. Management Services Pty Limited
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2013
signotec signoPAD-API

signotec signoPAD-API

signotec signoPAD-API performs a test of availability of pen pad Queries about the pad parameters such as serial number, firmware version, screen resolution, etc. Setting of optical parameters for the OCX such as background colour, pen colour, line thickness, pressure, etc.

  • Publisher: signotec GmbH
  • Home page: en.signotec.com
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2014
SmartCard API

SmartCard API

The CardWerk SmartCard API is a product family that provides easy smart card access for developers programming in the Microsoft .NET environment. It can even be used from code hosted inside Microsoft Internet Explorer. The SmartCard API class libraries support all .NET programming languages such as Visual Basic.NET, Visual C#, and many others.

  • Publisher: CardWerk Technologies
  • Last updated: November 19th, 2015
Sample IME for IME extension API

Sample IME for IME extension API

Sample IME for IME extension API is a browser extension that supports developing IME extension API related codes on Chrome / ChromeOS. By installing this extension, you agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/.

Clickatell COM-API

Clickatell COM-API

If you are connecting from a Windows-based programming environment, you can interface using Com. Our API's rich set of methods and definitions makes it easy for you to integrate SMS sending into your applications or .asp pages. Since the COM interface is fully documented, any COM enabled programming language can be used.

  • Publisher: Clickatell (Pty) Ltd
  • Home page: www.clickatell.com
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2009