Pocket fritz for nokia 500 in Title/Summary

Pocket Fritz
Pocket Fritz 4 offers access to Chessbase‘s high speed online database. You can search for board positions in 4 million games, and you can research the latest openings theory. The new analysis modes offer not only the evaluation of positions and main lines, but also the analysis of several variations in parallel and automatic game annotation.
- Publisher: ChessBase GmbH
- Last updated: May 4th, 2012

Nokia 500 Auto Navigation Software Update Wizard
Nokia 500 Auto Navigation Software Update Wizard enables you to keep your Nokia 500 Auto Navigation software up-to-date. You can update the software on your Nokia 500 Auto Navigation using your Windows PC. The update wizard will automatically update your Nokia device with the latest software version available.
- Publisher: Nokia
- Home page: europe.nokia.com
- Last updated: January 30th, 2012

The AVM FRITZ!Box has been designed to simplify your communication, while offering the most advanced features. This USB driver is suitable for all devices in the FRITZ!Box family. You can elect to operate FRITZ!Box via LAN, WLAN or USB. The supplied driver is needed only for operation via USB. This driver is not required for other kinds of connections like LAN or WLAN. New Features:
- Publisher: AVM Berlin GmbH
- Home page: www.fritzbox.eu
- Last updated: August 5th, 2008
Pocket fritz for nokia 500 in Description

Mobile TV Center
Watch TV on more than 500 mobile phones, Pocket PCs, iPod, PSP and portable media players. Take your TV programs on-the-go. All the shows that your record with your Windows Media Center are automatically converted in the background and transferred to your mobile phone, iPod, Pocket PC, Palm. Simply record TV-shows for your portable device by selecting a tv-show in the EPG (on-screen program guide)
- Publisher: Makayama
- Last updated: March 26th, 2008

Deep Fritz DL
DEEP FRITZ is the world’s most popular chess program, developed by ChessBase, “the world's leading chess software company” (Washington Post). Whether you are a beginner, club player or professional – DEEP FRITZ has everything that chess players could want: automatically adjusting playing strength, handicap and coaching functions, explanation of positions.
- Publisher: ChessBase
- Last updated: March 17th, 2010

FRITZ!Box ChildProtection
AVM FRITZ!Box Child Protection is a service on your computer. The service informs the FRITZ!box of the name of the Windows user currently accessing the Internet. All of FRITZ!Box Child Protection's settings are made in the user interface of your FRITZ!Box (http://fritz.box).The online help provides a detailed description of the functionality.
- Publisher: AVM Berlin
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

Russian Rybka Aquarium
With a copy of Deep Rybka Aquarium 2011 you will also get a bonus of Openings Encylopedia 2011, which includes rich theoretical material on all the openings, more than 8000 annotations from GM Kalinin and 500 000 expert evaluations expert evaluations to key opening positions, which were verified and corrected by Rybka and 40 million of evaluations by Rybka engine.
- Publisher: Convekta Ltd.
- Last updated: January 3rd, 2011

File Manager
Features: -Browse files and folders on your Nokia 3230, Nokia 6600, Nokia 7610. -Cut, copy, paste files and folders on your Nokia 3230, Nokia 6600, Nokia 7610. -Rename and delete files and folders on your Nokia 3230, Nokia 6600, Nokia 7610. -Create new files and folders on your Nokia 3230, Nokia 6600, Nokia 7610.
- Publisher: Epocware
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Additional Pocket fritz for nokia 500 selection

Nidesoft DVD Ripper
Nidesoft DVD Ripper provides you an easy and fast way to rip DVD movies to most popular formats easily and quickly,such as: Rip DVD to MP4, Rip DVD to MP4 AVC, DVD to AVI, DVD to 3GP, DVD to iPod / PSP / Zune, DVD to Divx / Xvid, DVD to MOV, etc... Nidesoft DVD Ripper is the best DVD Ripping software.
- Publisher: Nidesoft Inc.
- Last updated: September 21st, 2011

Zero Media Convertor
Zero Media Convertor Studio Pack is the most powerful multimedia conversion tool with Zero Media Convertor you can easily convert:AVI to MPEG, WMV to AVI, FLV to AVI, AVI to MOV, VOB to AVI, AVI to WMV, AVI to MPEG, AVI to MP4, AVI to FLV, AVI to GIF ,etc.
- Publisher: Arafasoft, Inc.
- Last updated: September 14th, 2008

Nokia PC Suite
Nokia PCsuite is a program that connects a Nokia phone to a computer. With a great appearance and ease of use, it comes packaged with Nokia phones. This version comes with many features like backup, synchronizing, etc .. and new features like the 'Video Manager' , 'Image Store' etc.
- Publisher: Nokia
- Home page: www.nokia.com
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2024

Nokia Suite
Nokia Suite is a program that allows you to transfer photos, videos, music and contacts between the phone and the computer. You can also get access and download the latest applications for your phone, download music or free street maps and back up important content.
- Publisher: Nokia
- Home page: www.nokia.com
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2015

Nokia Software Updater
Nokia Software Updater provides you with an easy-to-use tool for updating Nokia phone software. Free software updates from Nokia make sure you always have the best performance and the latest features. Just like a computer, your Nokia phone uses software to run.
- Publisher: Nokia
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2020

Allok 3GP PSP MP4 iPod Video Converter
This application helps you convert a wide range of video files to popular audio and video formats. In addition, you can use this program as a video splitter. You don't need to know the format for your portable multimedia player, because you can select the target file type by choosing the device name.
- Publisher: Allok Soft .Inc
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2015

Pocket Tanks
Pocket Tanks is a turn-based artillery game for one or two players, inspired by an old title for Amiga called Scorched Tanks. The objective in Pocket Tanks is to attack and destroy your opponent by using the several weapons at your disposal. The game is accessible and easy to learn, without all the complicated details found in games of this type.
- Publisher: BlitWise Productions, LLC
- Home page: www.blitwise.com
- Last updated: April 20th, 2018

Nokia Care Suite
The official service software to test, repair, and update firmware on Nokia phones. The suite comprises a set of utilities to perform firmware-related tasks on Nokia devices, including testing device parameters, downloading official ROMs, refurbishing supported models, resetting software, phone recovery, changing language, among other options.
- Publisher: Nokia
- Home page: www.nokia.com
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Nokia Software Updater for Retail
If you believe your phone is bricked (not booting, spinning gears for many hours etc) and you cant get to a Nokia Care service centre, there is now a way for you to reflash your handset at home. This is via Nokia’s new “Nokia Software Updater for Retail” which will restore your firmware while at the same time of course also delete all your personal data.
- Publisher: Nokia
- Last updated: June 15th, 2015

Nokia Software Recovery Tool
Fixes Nokia phones and restores their to the default condition. It can be used to reinstall the software in many of the Series 30+/Series 40/Asha/Nokia Belle and Nokia X platform phones. If you have a Lumia phones with Windows Phone 8.0/8.1 or Windows 10, you need to use the Windows Device Recovery Tool instead.
- Publisher: B2X
- Last updated: April 26th, 2016