Pocket pc today screen in Title/Summary

Pocket Screen Capture
Capture Pocket PC screen images and text with a simple button press. Supports BMP, PNG and JPG file formats. Also includes auto shots and custom file naming. Supports any screen size (QVGA/VGA Portrait/Landscape/Square). Compatible any Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2003 and above (Windows Mobile 2003, 2003 SE, 5, 6).
- Publisher: Enclave Software
- Last updated: May 1st, 2008

Super Bounce Out for Pocket PC
Create groups of three or more matching balls, either up, down or diagonally, then watch them bounce off the screen, only to be immediately replaced by more. Bounce the required number of balls off the screen and move to the next level. Need help? Hit the panic button for a free move. Keep an eye on the dynamite fuse, because when it runs out of time, so do you!
- Publisher: Astraware Ltd
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008

Pocket Digitiser
Permits digitising "on screen" from a scanned image. Calibrate/register from four points. Compensation for X and Y direction "paper stretch". Point and stream mode. Mouse and arrow key positioning of cursor. Optional point name input. Easy editing. Easy export of data to other Windows applications. Fast and clean
- Publisher: Seismic Solutions Int.
- Last updated: August 14th, 2010
Pocket pc today screen in Description

dotPocket is an easy-to-use Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0 application that allows you remotely control your Pocket PC using desktop computer screen, mouse and keyboard. Once you`ve connected your Pocket PC device to Desktop PC via DotPocket software you can work with all applications installed on PPC from Desktop PC.
- Publisher: Eyeline Communications Inc.
- Last updated: December 8th, 2009

CityTime for Pocket PC
CityTime for Pocket PC is a fast and accurate day/night plot shows where it is day and night across the world in real time. The 'Location' feature allows you to automatically and accurately adjust your Pocket PC's location and timezone when traveling. Today screen plug-in that displays the four primary cities and the home and visiting cities
- Publisher: Code City Limited
- Last updated: March 20th, 2011

Speereo Voice Launcher
Speereo Voice Launcher enables users to start dozens of applications, bookmarks and documents with the press of 1 button and a voice command. You don't even need to close the current application and go back to the Today screen! The operation is truly intuitive once you set up the program in 5 to 10 minutes. Chances are you won't even need to read the manual!
- Publisher: Speereo Software UK
- Last updated: July 13th, 2009

WisBar Advance Desktop
WisBar Advance Desktop offers its users the ability to view multiple pages on their screens and add a personal touch to their device. Using WisBar Advance Desktop, they can create shortcuts, system meters, floating windows and virtual pages to extend the functionality of their Windows Mobile device.
- Publisher: Lakeridge Software
- Home page: www.lakeridgesoftware.com
- Last updated: November 17th, 2009

Elecont Dialer for Windows Mobile (Handango)
Elecont Dialer is fast and easy way to make calls directly from Home/Today screen. All of your favourite contacts can be easily accessed in one touch. Powerful and easy way to organize your contacts directly on Home/Today screen. Multiple contacts can be displayed in different layouts and sizes allowing you to save space on your screen.
- Publisher: Elecont
- Home page: www.elecont.com
- Last updated: November 21st, 2011
Additional Pocket pc today screen selection

MoonPhase displays the current phase of the moon on the Today Screen of your Pocket PC/Windows Mobile device. A tap on the Moon will bring up a window that will show when the various phases (new moon, full moon, etc.) will occur within the current lunar cycle.
- Publisher: Robomagic Corp.
- Last updated: December 17th, 2017

cLaunch for PocketPC is a free-to-use, open-source highly customisable PocketPC Today Screen Launcher based on tdLaunch code. The program is very easy to use.
- Publisher: chuawelic, mds105, vijay555
- Last updated: December 11th, 2015

SmartNet Pocket Islam
Arabic Holy Quran with tashkil, English translation and recitation. Now you can listen while you are reading. Or listen while you are driving. Athan and recitation before the Athan even when the device is off. Also, This software contains Hadith in Arabic, Prayer table, Prayer schedule , Hijri Calendar and Hijri to Georgian conversion, Qibla according to your location and position of the sun.
- Publisher: SmartNet
- Home page: www.pocketislam.com
- Last updated: March 30th, 2012

CheckIt – your personal task manager. CheckIt manages all the different things you have to do. Not a difference between private or business tasks. You can manage all tasks in different folders, and in each folder different ToDo lists. CheckIt offers the possibility to export a single ToDo or a complete list as tasks to PocketOutlook, making them visible on the Today screen.
- Publisher: pocketWorks
- Last updated: November 4th, 2009

River Past Windows Mobile Presenter
Windows Mobile Presenter shows the screen from a connected SmartPhone or Pocket PC device, and allows you to capture the WM screen to a BMP or JPG file. It is ideal for Windows Mobile developers for demo and training purposes, and to take screenshot for documentation, help file, and website.
- Publisher: River Past Corporation
- Last updated: May 25th, 2010

TodayAgenda displays appointments and tasks on your today screen up to 30 days in advance. It replaces the default Outlook plugin with a lot of more features like : view tasks (include status), view birthdays/anniversaries from your contacts, view current day and time and more.
- Publisher: Marcel Tiews
- Last updated: January 28th, 2012

SoftKey Manager
SoftKey Manager is a SoftKey Editor for Windows Mobile devices. It allows you to change the defaults of your Today screen SoftKeys. With SoftKey Manager you can set Today Screen Left and Right SoftKey Names and Shortcuts. It allows you to easily set a SoftKey to anything in your Start Menu, any file on your device, and to an Internet Explorer Favorite.
- Publisher: Fantastic Bytes Software
- Last updated: May 24th, 2008

Palm Treo 700w Updater
Getting Palm Treo 700w Updater is an easy three-steps process: 1. Get ready and prepare your smartphone; 2. Install the update; 3. Troubleshooting. This update is usable for Treo 700w and 700wx featuring slightly different characteristics depending on the model of your smartphone.
- Publisher: Palm
- Last updated: March 20th, 2008

SOTI Pocket Controller-Pro For BlackBerry
Now you can use BlackBerry Messenger from your desktop or notebook computer. Enhance your BlackBerry experience by using the screen and keyboard of your desktop computer to BBM with your friends. Rest your thumbs, type at full speed, get SOTI Pocket Controller-Pro for BlackBerry today!
- Publisher: SOTI
- Last updated: September 10th, 2011

Haali Reader
Loads plain text and XML files. There were rumours that Haali Reader can open Microsoft LIT files. This is not the case. LIT format is not supported and will never be supported. Cyrillic encodings support with autodetection. Last viewed position in file is saved on exit. ClearType support. Any font/size can be selected. Fullscreen and landscape mode. Colors can be adjusted. Text search.
- Publisher: Mike Maatsnev
- Home page: haali.su
- Last updated: March 20th, 2008