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Pocketbible king james version kjv in Title/Summary

PocketBible King James Version (KJV)

PocketBible King James Version (KJV)

Loved by generations of English-speaking Christians, the KJV is the best-selling book of the last 400 years. It has only recently been over-taken by the New International Version in terms of sales, but its lyrical beauty and classic translation defies reduction to mere numbers.

  • Publisher: Laridian
  • Home page: www.laridian.com
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2012
PocketBible New King James Version (NKJV)

PocketBible New King James Version (NKJV)

The New King James Version (NKJV) is a pocket Bible available with the Pocket Bible Program. It is the software version of the Bible modern translation of the King James’s Bible. To retain the purity and stylistic beauty of the original King James, many scholars and church leaders who translated it to the modern Scripture,

King James Version Bible Module

King James Version Bible Module

A free ActionBible module featuring the King James version of the Bible, which is one of the most respected English versions of the Scriptures. It was completed in 1611, becoming an early English direct translation from the original Greek and Hebrew texts. It has also been updated several times since its first publication.

  • Publisher: SDSoftware
  • Last updated: April 21st, 2008

Pocketbible king james version kjv in Description

EveningDew Bible

EveningDew Bible

EveningDew Bible 3.2.0 is a very useful program that provides a quick access to a simple electronic form of Bible to the user, in a very compact form. The application has a pretty controlled and intuitive user interface, and the user doesn’t need to struggle even slightly, while using this interesting product.

  • Publisher: EveningDew Software
  • Home page: www.live4god.org
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2014
American Standard Version (ASV)

American Standard Version (ASV)

The PocketBible American Standard Version (ASV) 1.0 is a software plug-in program for the PocketBible for Windows application that makes bible study easier for students and those interested in the Bible. This plug-in is one of a series of PocketBibles available to add to collections of Bibles and Books that readers can store in the host program’s Library.

BibleMax King James Concordance

BibleMax King James Concordance

BibleMax add-in containing an electronic version of King James Concordance book. It includes a powerful Search feature that allows you to find any word included in the King james version of the Bible, as well as other related terms, all with their appropriate references (book, chapter and verse).

BibleMax Maori Bible

BibleMax Maori Bible

Te reo Maori is the language spoken by the native population of New Zealand and one of the three official languages of that country. This BibleMax free module features the KJV translated into Maori. You can download it, as well as the core BibleMax software, at the developer's site.

BibleMax Revised Version Bible

BibleMax Revised Version Bible

In the 19th century, a group of scholars decided to update the classic King James Version of the Bible. The result of this venture was published in 1895 as the Revised Version. BibleMaximum has published this important work as a module for their BibleMax software. You can have this and many other Bible versions by ordering the free CD.

Additional Pocketbible king james version kjv selection

King James Version

King James Version

The important King James version of the Bible, offered in an original way: as a Windows Help file. Thus, you can use the same features as in any other Help file, like searches and Favorites, and navigate from the Contents tab. Also, you will find interesting additional information that can make your reading easier.

  • Publisher: Free PC Bible
  • Last updated: August 7th, 2008
The Word

The Word

The Word is a very comprehensive Bible reading and studying program. It has many built-in modules of different English versions of the Bible, and numerous Bible-related books by reputable Christian authors. You can download and install many more modules. If you are a cleric, a scholar or a serious Bible reader, then this program can be very useful to you.

  • Publisher: C. Stergiou
  • Home page: www.theword.net
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2015
Bible Study Pro

Bible Study Pro

This program allows you to read and study the Bible directly from your desktop. It includes the King James' version of the Scriptures, as well as several reference books, such as commentaries and dictionaries by prestigious Biblical scholars. The program is free, but if you want more resources, you can purchase the CD containing many Bible versions and other materials.



Bible Discovery is a free Bible software for reading, studying, and comparing different Bible versions. It includes more than 150 Bible translations and 40 dictionaries to help you to study the Word. With the help of the dictionaries you can determine the additional specialized meanings of the translated words. Finding more expressive words you can get more accurate and deeper meanings.

Bible Database

Bible Database

Useful, easy-yo-use freeware for reading and studying the Bible. It can be complemented with several programs such as dictionaries, maps, and versions of the Scriptures in various languages, which lets you watch the same verse or chapter in two versions or languages. Also, you can search any key word in a particular chapter or in the entire Bible. Very useful for clerics, scholars and laypersons.

  • Publisher: Brent Maurer & Christopher Fraley
  • Last updated: March 9th, 2008


This free program lets you read and study the Bible in different versions and translations. It has a very simple and straightforward interface that will allow you to start immediately without any complications. If you are a cleric, scholar or a serious Bible reader, then you may want to give it a try.

  • Publisher: Lynn Alan
  • Home page: www.berbible.org
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2017
King James Dictionary

King James Dictionary

King James Dictionary - Is the 1611 King James Version of the Bible full of hard, difficult, archaic words? What does "anon", "concupiscence" and "wist" mean? This dictionary helps you learn the meaning of those words.



QuickVerse is a commercial program that has been designed to help us to learn the Bible. This application features a context sensitive library that displays a tree-like directory for the Holy Bible (King James version), a morning and evening devotional book, a Bible dictionary, parallel gospels, reference books, RSS feeds, Web pages, PDF books, and so on.

  • Publisher: Findex
  • Last updated: November 9th, 2008
Free King James Bible

Free King James Bible

The King James Bible is an English translation of the Christian Bible. As the name suggests, it was done by the famous King James I. The Free King James Bible can now be downloaded from the internet which is similar to the paperback. It is a very important tool to browse through the Holy Book anytime and anywhere. Once the Bible is downloaded, the users can refer to it for diverse topics.

  • Publisher: Media Freeware
  • Last updated: December 6th, 2015


The Holy Bible is a free application created in order to help you with your Bible study. It comes with an easy-to-use interface. To read the Bible, under the 'The Holy Bible' label, select a book in the 'Books' drop down menu, then select a chapter in the 'Chapter' drop down menu.

  • Publisher: KBapps
  • Last updated: June 18th, 2008