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Polar natal charts in Title/Summary

Timing Solution Natal Charts Viewer

Timing Solution Natal Charts Viewer

When you run Timing Solution Natal Charts Viewer, you see immediately that it is totally different from other programs for natal charts . The most programs deal with PAST explanation of movement and HOPES that the FUTURE movement repeats the patterns revealed and explained for the past.

Polar Draw ActiveX Control

Polar Draw ActiveX Control

Polar Draw is an ActiveX Component that enables you to build Visio-style charts from within your application. Allows you to create flow charts, vector drawings, raster images and more with the ability to include hyperlinks and various shading and coloring effects.

MB Free Astrology Natal Chart

MB Free Astrology Natal Chart

MB Free Natal Chart Software is a free astrology natal chart generator software based on the principles of western astrology. This program tells us in detail the accurate astronomical locations of planets at the time of an individual's birth.

  • Publisher: MysticBoard.com
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2010

Polar natal charts in Description

Regulus Professional Platinum

Regulus Professional Platinum

The Professional edition of Regulus Platinum offers astrologers and consultants worldwide a plethora of tools, utilities, graphics, interpretations, and reports for them to study and to produce a wide array of charts, Astro Maps, statistics, etc. With a much longer list of features than those in the Basic and Student versions of the program, this Professional edition is not for the uninitiated.

  • Publisher: Cathar Software
  • Last updated: March 10th, 2016
AIR Software Astro Clock

AIR Software Astro Clock

The AstroClock is a program that uses your computer's clock to calculate the exact position for all the planets in the sky for your locality and displays the chart on a beautiful horoscope wheel on screen.You are given choices to select from many different wheels and colors that we have already designed.

  • Publisher: AIR Software
  • Last updated: October 26th, 2009


ZET is a utility created for professional astrologers that includes astronomy data and functions, making it a good tool for learning astronomy also. Interactive natal, transit and synastry charts can be created by the application. A sky view can be used for learning the constellations.

  • Publisher: Anatoly Zaytsev
  • Last updated: April 27th, 2012
Solar Fire

Solar Fire

SOLAR FIRE is a program designed for astrologers that provides a variety of high-precision astrological calculations. It includes features such as natal, progression, directed, any planet or asteroid return, pre-natal, rising/setting, lunar phase, locality, heliocentric, composite, harmonic and harmonic arc transform charts.

  • Publisher: Esoteric Technologies Pty Ltd
  • Home page: www.esotech.com.au
  • Last updated: August 10th, 2023


MatchMkr is capable of performing analysis on relationships and conducting researches on the compatibility of the couple, whose charts are being compared. The tool is designed for calculating natal synastry, Davidson relationships and composite charts along with provision to display single and dual chart-wheels, cosmodynes and lots more.

  • Publisher: AstroWin
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2010

Additional Polar natal charts selection



Urania offers broad range of astrological techniques, among them are synastry concentric charts up to 5 wheels, multiple composite up to 25 natal charts, broad range of transit and progress lists, comparison progressed lists, graphical bar transit lists 'in-orb period', astrocartography and cyclocartography with planets on asc and/or on horizon.



TimePassages Astrology Software allows you to easily generate interactive natal charts, transits, progressions, compatibility reports and other interpretation reports for yourself, friends and loved ones. These reports are professionally designed and feature some of the best-written text on the market today.

  • Publisher: AstroGraph Software
  • Home page: www.astrograph.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Lal Kitab Varshphal Software

Lal Kitab Varshphal Software

This software(Excel Worksheet) tested on Excel 2003 and may run Other versions also. Before starting please ensure that the macro security level shall be set at medium or low. This feature can be accessed through Excel Menu-Tools-Macro security-Medium/low. Ensure Microsoft Excel is default application for opening .xls file.



ProgTran is an astrology calculation program that calculates a natal chart, then calculates secondary or tertiary progressions plus transits and solar arcs, then tells you what influences you are currently under. Files are stored in a REPORTS directory so that you may view or edit them according to your choosing

  • Publisher: Allen Edwall/AstroWin
  • Last updated: November 10th, 2008
Polar FlowSync

Polar FlowSync

Polar FlowSync is an application that helps you set up your Polar Loop device and keep your activity data synced. You can plan and analyze every detail of your performance. Polar FlowSync automatically syncs your activity data and settings with the Polar Flow web service.

  • Publisher: Polar Electro
  • Home page: www.polar.com
  • Last updated: November 27th, 2015
Polar WebSync

Polar WebSync

Polar manufactures heart rate monitoring products for your training/exercising. WebSync program helps you transfer data from certain Polar devices to polarpersonaltrainer.com and polargofit.com websites. The data can then be used for analysis using the website.

  • Publisher: Polar Electro
  • Last updated: June 27th, 2016
Polar WebLink

Polar WebLink

Polar WebLink is a software used to transfer information from Polar Products to the polarpersonaltrainer.com, the online training diary, for further analysis and storage.

  • Publisher: Polar Electro Oy
  • Last updated: August 28th, 2016
Polar ProTrainer

Polar ProTrainer

Polar ProTrainer is a dynamic, advanced piece of software that gives you a deeper understanding of your training based on heart rate zones, speed, distance, time and increasing/decreasing heart rate. The benefits of proper planning before you train are essential, that way you can estimate the intensity of your workout, set your goals and keep to them.

  • Publisher: Polar Electro Oy
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2013
Polar Bowler

Polar Bowler

Join a loveable polar bear in a winter wonderland of Arctic fun. Send Polar Bowler tubing through snowflakes and stalagmites. Align his inner tube with the arrows on each icy lane and watch him plunge headfirst into pins. Use your mouse to steer him into spares and strikes, and catch special power-ups along the way.

  • Publisher: WildTangent
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012


Multiple scaling types, including linear, logarithmic, and probability scales on the X and/or Y axes. DPlot also provides several special purpose scale types, including grain size distribution plots, tripartite grids (shock spectra), polar charts, triangle plots, N1.85 hydraulic scales, and Mercator projection.

  • Publisher: HydeSoft Computing, LLC
  • Home page: www.dplot.com
  • Last updated: June 17th, 2011