Polarity of molecules.swf in Title/Summary

Molecule Polarity
A Java simulation that deals with the topics of polarity and electronegativity. When is a molecule polar? Change the electronegativity of atoms in a molecule to see how it affects polarity. See how the molecule behaves in an electric field. Change the bond angle to see how shape affects polarity. See how it works for real molecules in 3D.
- Publisher: University of Colorado, Department of Physics
- Home page: phet.colorado.edu
- Last updated: April 26th, 2014

Megaman Polarity
Megaman Polarity is a free Flash platformer. You will control Megaman clearing your way by firing two kinds of weapons - depending on the polarity of the enemy you want to shoot. You will be able to switch between red and blue energy: you will need to use blue energy to shoot blue enemies, and red energy to shoot the red ones.
- Publisher: F-Sphere Productions
- Last updated: June 16th, 2009
Polarity of molecules.swf in Description

USX is a PC application for USB-based spectrometers from the developer. This software can be used to control the Input Selector, High Voltage and Polarity (with HV option), Amplifier Input Polarity, Peaking Time, Gain, Lower and Upper level discriminators, and ADC Conversion Gain.
- Publisher: Spectrum Techniques
- Last updated: February 17th, 2016

Converts joystick X and Y (and Z if you have it) movement into any of the MIDI continuous controllers, and you can define the fire buttons to be MIDI pedals, or trigger notes, or activate a few other functions. Axis range and polarity can be specified, and "arpeggiation" series of pitch/velocity pairs may be set up for use with note triggering.
- Publisher: Vellocet
- Last updated: January 20th, 2010

PSK31 is an amateur radio communications mode , that uses phase modulation and special character coding. The 31 baud BPSK modulation system used in PSK31 was introduced by SP9VRC in his SLOWBPSK. Instead of the traditional frequency-shift keying, the information is transmitted by patterns of polarity-reversals (sometimes called 180-degree phase shifts).
- Publisher: Christian RAMADE (F6GQK)
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2011

PowerSync Analyzer
With PowerSync Analyzer platform you have the possibility to try Power over Ethernet (PoE) IEEE 802.3at/af compliant devices. It tests conformance of Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) to all five of the PoE device power classifications. Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) challenges design and test engineers to evaluate multi-channel, “intelligent” DC power sources.
- Publisher: Sifos Technologies
- Last updated: April 29th, 2012

DPA260A is a program designed to work with the DPA260A DSP speaker management product. It provides support for configuring: - Parameter filters - High pass filters - Low pass filters - Delay - Polarity - Limiter - H/L shelving filters - the 2 input- 6 output channels.
- Publisher: Sound Choice Pro Audio
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2015
Additional Polarity of molecules.swf selection

Ponyprog is very powerful and popular microchip programmer. Ponyprog enables the user to program EEPROM, FLASH and PIC's using user friendly tools and multiple programmer types. Ponyprog supports AVR, SPI eeprom, AVR micro, 12C bus 8bit eeprom, PIC 16 micro, PIC 12 micro, AT89S micro and SDE2506 eeprom family chips.
- Publisher: Claudio Lanconelli
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2017

PCB Library Expert
PCB Library Expert is a product that automatically creates 3D STEP models. It allows you to search the database for the component you need, then simply push a button to automatically generate a high-resolution 3D component package in standard STEP format.
- Publisher: PCB Libraries, Inc.
- Home page: www.pcblibraries.com
- Last updated: February 27th, 2014

Bose PowerShare Editor
Bose PowerShare Editor software provides full access to signal processing functions available within the PowerShare adaptable power amplifier series. Using a USB connection and a PC, the software allows the selection and control of Bose loudspeaker EQs, 9-band PEQs, standard mixing, crossover, delay, and mute/output polarity.
- Publisher: BOSE Corporation
- Home page: pro.bose.com
- Last updated: August 30th, 2017

Mass Frontier
Because of the large volume of information a mass spectrometer can produce, management capabilities are essential in mastering your analytical workloads. In contrast to other software systems, Mass Frontier offers many sophisticated features for the efficient interpretation of mass spectra even where an unknown is not contained in your user-contributed or commercially available library.
- Publisher: HighChem, Ltd., Slovak Republic
- Last updated: February 23rd, 2012

Binvert is a VST plugin for mixing several audio channels. It is designed to handle phase problems when mixing channels with bass heavy material. This application takes the signal and splits in into two bands (split point is adjustable between 25-440Hz). Then, a phase invert is applied for both bands so that you can invert the polarity of the two bands independently from each other.
- Publisher: Noisebud
- Home page: www.noisebud.se
- Last updated: May 26th, 2016

Images from your camera can be used to create texture maps that can be wrapped onto the mesh or this process can be handled in another software package where detailed editing is required. Meshes are exported in OBJ format for futher editing using any number of software packages. There are several export options available such as scaling, applying mirrors and setting the Z-axis polarity.
- Publisher: Kakapo Software
- Home page: www.kakaposoftware.com
- Last updated: November 13th, 2010

Magnesian by pineAppleFish
Magnesian is a single player game in the puzzle platformer genre. The gameplay in centred around the manipulation of magnetic polarity, in particular that of specific environmental objects. Each section of the game world tasks players with solving puzzles of varying difficulty and structure.
- Publisher: Epic Games, Inc.
- Last updated: December 12th, 2010

MB Free Egyptian Astrology
MB Free Egyptian Astrology Software determines your zodiac sign from your date of birth. This program gives you a detailed interpretation of the sign you belong to in the Egyptian zodiac.
- Publisher: MysticBoard.com

MB Free Celtic Astrology
MB Celtic Astrology Software is an advanced yet simple software based on the principles of Celtic Astrology. It determines your Celtic zodiac sign from your date of birth and gives you a detailed interpretation about yourself.
- Publisher: MysticBoard.com

NWin is a loudspeaker production test system using a standard soundboard. The user creates the tests they need and then combines them to create a test sequence. NWin decides pass or failure on frequency response, polarity and other functions.
- Publisher: NaTCH Engineering