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Powered by smf condition monitoring in Title/Summary

Casio SMF Conveter

Casio SMF Conveter

As its name suggests, Casio SMF Converter will convert Standard MIDI files (SMF files) to the format supported by CASIO electronic musical instruments, namely the CM2 file format. This application is more than a simple file converter, as it can also transfer the converted data from the loaded MID audio files directly to the Casio instrument, using the MIDI connections of your computer.

  • Publisher: CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD.
  • Home page: music.casio.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition is a game created by Capcom for Microsoft Xbox 360, and was subsequently ported to the PC and the Sony PlayStation 3. The game mixes action on foot and mecha (also known as meka or mechs: pilot-controlled walking vehicles) the main character is played by Korean actor Lee Byung-Hun.

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

Counter-Strike: Condition Zero

With its extensive Tour of Duty career, a limited number of skirmish modes, updates and new features for Counter-Strike's award-winning multiplayer online gameplay, plus over 12 bonus single player missions, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero is a tremendous offering of single and multiplayer content.

Powered by smf condition monitoring in Description

SKF @ptitude Observer

SKF @ptitude Observer

@ptitude Observer is a core platform in a family of reliability software applications that work together as SKF @ptitude Monitoring Suite. It is for data management and analysis of measurement data for condition monitoring internationally acknowledged for its versatility, performance and user friendliness.

  • Publisher: SKF
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2016


The INSYS GSM compact enables continuous condition monitoring without any intervention to the programming. All functional keys can be observed. Actual values of the function blocks and the whole PA buffer can be queried by SMS. In addition, alarm messages can be triggered by the digital

  • Publisher: INSYS Microelectronics GmbH
  • Home page: www.insys-icom.com
  • Last updated: December 12th, 2009


FieldCare is Endress+Hauser's FDT based Plant Asset Management Tool that provides a range of functionality from device parametrization to engineered Condition Monitoring solutions. It can configure all intelligent field devices in your plant and supports you in managing them. By using status information, it also provides a simple but effective means of checking their health.

  • Publisher: Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AG
  • Home page: www.endress.com
  • Last updated: January 27th, 2012
The Doctor

The Doctor

The new THE DOCTOR PC software version 3.0 is a modernized and totally renewed product for condition monitoring of slow and medium speed diesel engines. All the old good THE DOCTOR features have been retained but made even more easy and faster to use.

  • Publisher: Fuchs Technology International GmbH
  • Last updated: November 9th, 2011
FieldCare SFE500

FieldCare SFE500

FieldCare SFE500 is a universal tool for configuring field devices that provide a range of functionality, from device parameterization to engineered Condition Monitoring solutions. The program operates all third-party gateways, actuators, remote I/O systems, and sensors supporting the FDT standard, and ensures full functionality for all Endress Hauser and third-party devices with DTMs.

  • Publisher: Endress+Hauser Management AG
  • Home page: www.us.endress.com
  • Last updated: August 2nd, 2017

Additional Powered by smf condition monitoring selection



This software has been developed especially for Condition Monitoring applications. Additional to the HMGWIN 3000 functions, this software enables the reading out of measured values and configuration and setting up of Condition Monitoring Sensors (HLB 1300 / 1400, AS 1000, CS 1000) as well as Condition Monitoring devices (CMU 1000, CSI-F-10).

  • Home page: www.hydac.com
  • Last updated: April 26th, 2013
PC Probe II

PC Probe II

PC Probe II is a utility that helps you to closely monitor vital components of the computer. It monitors fan speeds, voltages & alerts you if any problem with these components is found. It is a must have utility for any who want his computer to be in a healthy state everytime.

  • Publisher: ASUS
  • Home page: www.asus.com
  • Last updated: September 8th, 2011
Security Monitor Pro

Security Monitor Pro

Security Monitor Pro is a video security and surveillance system that can make use of your webcams and IP cameras. When motion is detected, you can configure this program to create a video recording of the event, take photos, sound an alarm, or send you an email notification.

  • Publisher: DeskShare
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2022


CamUniversal can let you manage practically every kind of video capturing device, including webcams, netcams, IP-cams and TV tuners. The program supports motion detection and recording as well as still image capturing. The application has a rather intuitive interface.

Game Assistant

Game Assistant

Just like some people like having their book or CD collection nicely organized and at hand, others will appreciate the possibility of having all their PC games clearly categorized in one single application – that is what Game Assistant does. Besides, it will help you boost your gaming experience and will monitor your system’s temperature to avoid unnecessary overheating.

  • Publisher: IObit
  • Home page: www.iobit.com
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2015
KGL for Windows

KGL for Windows

KGLWIN is a software tool to write a program and debug for all type of Master-K PLC. Its international standard language (LD, IL, SFC) and convenient user interface make programming and debugging more simple and convenient.rnrnA user can use the Program (*.PGM) created in LS Master-K Series for the Program created in other LS Master-K Series as well.

  • Publisher: LS Industrial Systems Co., Ltd.
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2008
Overlook Fing

Overlook Fing

Overlook Fing is a powerful tool for network discovery, scanning, and monitoring. It's a cross-platform application that can be used from mobile devices, both Android and iOS powered ones, as well as from Windows, OS X, and Linux computers, or even from Raspberry Pi ones.

  • Publisher: Overlook
  • Home page: www.fingbox.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
HHD Software Device Monitoring Studio

HHD Software Device Monitoring Studio

This program allows you to monitor the activity of the devices in your own computer or on your network's server. Thus, you will have the control of all of those devices, increasing data security. This way, you will have the ability to block any device that may be uploading or downloading sensitive information to and from your system, or otherwise interfering with it.

WD Align - Powered by Acronis

WD Align - Powered by Acronis

WD Align will allow the user to realign partitions on internal Western Digital Advanced Format Drives (AFDs). WD Align is only necessary for users who have: - Installed Windows XP to a WD AFD - Cloned a source bootable hard drive with any Windows OS to a target AFD - Created single or multiple partitions on an AFD using Windows XP

  • Publisher: Western Digital Corporation
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2012
Digidesign Pro Tools M-Powered

Digidesign Pro Tools M-Powered

Pro Tools is the world’s most popular, most advanced music and audio production platform. Now Pro Tools MP 9 software gives you the power to work with many of the same features that make Pro Tools the top choice of today’s audio professionals. Create amazing music, collaborate with other Pro Tools users, transfer projects between professional and personal studios, and more.

  • Publisher: Avid Technology, Inc.
  • Last updated: December 15th, 2011