Powered by smf currency rates in Title/Summary

Casio SMF Conveter
As its name suggests, Casio SMF Converter will convert Standard MIDI files (SMF files) to the format supported by CASIO electronic musical instruments, namely the CM2 file format. This application is more than a simple file converter, as it can also transfer the converted data from the loaded MID audio files directly to the Casio instrument, using the MIDI connections of your computer.
- Home page: music.casio.com
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Simple Currency Converter
Simple Currency Converter converts base currencies on the fly and instantly updates exchange rates.
- Publisher: OnlineFinancialSite
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Aquarius Soft PC Currency Calculator Pro
PC Currency Calculator. Instant currency conversion and exchange rates software for your Windows computer. With lifetime free currency rates updates! Need a instant and accurate desktop PC currency converter that provides currency rates of most currencies? Need to have your own custom currency exchange rates for conversion?
- Publisher: Aquarius Soft Pte Ltd
- Last updated: October 21st, 2008
Powered by smf currency rates in Description

Vadilal Markets Desktop Ticker
The application displays the latest currency rates right on your desktop. It helps you monitor the latest Currency Rates and Forward Rates. It's also equipped with Auto Update feature so you can rest assured that you are always using the latest version.
- Publisher: Vadilal Forex and Consultancy Services Limited
- Home page: www.vadilalmarkets.com
- Last updated: June 10th, 2014

Visual Web Ripper
Visual Web Ripper is a powerful web page scraper used to easily extract website data, such as product catalogues, classifieds, financial web sites or any other web site that contains information you may be interested in. Visual Web Ripper runs as a Windows service that can extract website data on a scheduled basis, so your collected content will always be up-to-date.
- Publisher: Sequentum
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

PocketChange Demo Version
PocketChange is a currency converter between 260+ countries and precious metals! Main Features : - Conversion between 260+ countries. - Includes the EURO and precious metals, gold, silver, platinum and paladium. - Maintain accurate currency rates through our Internet Databank. - Print a PocketChange currency chart to take with you and for Travel Agents.
- Publisher: Forumsoftware
- Last updated: July 21st, 2010

ABC Inventory Software
ABC Inventory software is an absolutely free inventory software for small and mid-sized businesses. There is no limit on number of records in the database. There is no limit on a number of workstations, it can be installed on. Basic Features Multiple companies Multiple Warehouses for a company Multiple Currencies Currency rates auto-update
- Publisher: Almyta Systems
- Home page: www.almyta.com
- Last updated: July 19th, 2012

Easy-Forex Toolbar
Free easy-forex® toolbar for easy access to your trading. The new Easy-forex® features : -Toolbar header -Easy access to start trading -Daily/Weekly Outlook -Financial Calendar -Live Currency Rates & Currency Converter -Real-time business and financial news
- Publisher: Easy-Forex
- Last updated: November 21st, 2012
Additional Powered by smf currency rates selection

SMS is a nice and easy to manipulate utility. With this program you will be able to send messages to your friends, family etc. Also, you can find information about the weather in the Eastern Europe, view the currency rates or check daily the Horoscope. This little tool will make your life much easier, keeping you informed in every moment of the day.
- Publisher: Jeko Ianev
- Home page: www.programche.com
- Last updated: October 1st, 2011

Converber is an excellent and free unit conversion tool that supports more than 2000 units, neatly organized in 53 categories or scientific fields. From angles to areas, from data rates to electric resistance, or from weight to force, you will find it difficult to identify a unit that Converber does not support.
- Publisher: Xyntec Automation
- Last updated: May 6th, 2012

Easy Currency Converter
Easy Currency Converter is a very simple currency calculator that supports over 200 currencies including US Dollar, Euro, Pound, Rupee, etc. It lets you update exchange rates with a single button by connecting to a remote server (internet connection needed).
- Publisher: Ashkon Technology LLC
- Home page: www.ashkon.com
- Last updated: October 23rd, 2020

Ace Currency Calculator
Ace Currency Calculator is a easy and friendly software that will help you to calculate world currencies. This software supports over 150 different currencies such as dollar, euro, peso, real, colon, bolivar, pound and many many more. The program connects through the Internet to obtain the latest currencies values..
- Publisher: CurrencyWorld
- Last updated: March 13th, 2008

DirectFN TWS
DirectFN Trader Work Station (TWS) is a benchmark trading application designed using state-of-the-art architecture. TWS is a user-friendly, sophisticated application that completely changes the trading experience through its rich interface, comprehensive market watch, detailed views, advanced tools, customization controls and market analysis strategies and patterns.
- Publisher: DirectFN Ltd.
- Last updated: April 25th, 2012

Currency Converter
Currency Converter is a great widget developed by Opera which will prove very useful to all those working in sales, finance or who are required in their activity to make use of currency conversion. You have to select the desired currencies you need to convert and this converter will display on your desktop the exact exchange ratio based on daily rates.
- Publisher: gadgets-archive
- Last updated: June 2nd, 2012

Currency Converter FX
Currency Converter FX is a program for finding the exchange rate between various currencies. This program supports more than 150 currencies. You can also save an old conversion rate in its database for future reference. It also has an in-built calculator application.
- Publisher: Abhisoft Technologies
- Last updated: March 10th, 2009

Excel Currency Conversion
Excel Currency Conversion is a plug-in for Microsoft Excel that converts between more than 160 currencies and has both hourly updated rates as well as historical rates dating back to 1999. The plug-in is compatible with all versions of Excel from 2002 onwards.
- Publisher: Stephan Muller
- Last updated: April 14th, 2015

Currency Converter EX
Currency Converter EX converts any currency into any other currency, updates exchange rates over the Internet.
- Publisher: unitconverterex.com
- Last updated: May 7th, 2008

Pastel Partner
Pastel Partner provides the ideal combination of power, innovation, flexibility, rapid processing and ease-of-use for small to medium sized businesses. It is feature rich and robust in a multi-user environment, with multi-currency capability and a highly intuitive interface.
- Publisher: Softline Pastel
- Last updated: December 7th, 2015