Powered by smf general chemistry in Title/Summary

Casio SMF Conveter
As its name suggests, Casio SMF Converter will convert Standard MIDI files (SMF files) to the format supported by CASIO electronic musical instruments, namely the CM2 file format. This application is more than a simple file converter, as it can also transfer the converted data from the loaded MID audio files directly to the Casio instrument, using the MIDI connections of your computer.
- Home page: music.casio.com
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Chemland, a suite of freely available exploratory general chemistry educational computer programs, has been written to augment standard book and lecture course material for introductory level chemistry with discovery-based learning exercises. Many of the modules are also available as Java applets.
- Publisher: William J. Vining
- Home page: employees.oneonta.edu

Chemistry 4D
Chemistry 4-D Draw is a next-generation chemistry program combining the most advanced technologies in structure drawing.The program allows you to create high-quality structures simply by entering molecular names. It assigns systematic names to structure
- Publisher: CBIS - Chemical and Biological Information Systems
- Home page: www.cheminnovation.com
- Last updated: March 19th, 2012
Powered by smf general chemistry in Description

SoftChemistry was invented by the famous general chemistry professor Dr. Yu, Dr. Wayne and Dr. Jason with their experienced software developers team since 1996. Through past 15 years continues improvement, SoftChemistry has gained the reputation as the most trusted chemistry education software in USA.
- Publisher: MolecularSoft Technology Inc.
- Home page: www.molecularsoft.com
- Last updated: March 19th, 2010

pElement is a free educational program featuring an interactive periodic table. Not only does it feature a complete element information, but you also get some extras. Within the program you have a small lesson on chemistry fundamentals which is very thoroughly explained. You can also change the programs skins if you wish.
- Publisher: Crystal Mountain Software
- Last updated: March 18th, 2011

Atoms, Symbols and Equations
Unique interactive multimedia Chemistry teaching software that tests students as they learn. Topics include: elements, atoms and molecules, word equations, chemical symbols, Periodic Table, chemical formulas, balancing chemical equations.
- Publisher: Raylec Software
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008

Atoms, Bonding and Structure
Unique interactive multimedia Chemistry teaching software. Topics include: elements, compounds, mixtures, atomic structure, ionic bonding, covalent bonding, bond energies and the Periodic Table.
- Publisher: Raylec Software
- Last updated: March 28th, 2008

Virtual Chemistry Lab
This program has all the things needed in a school chemistry laboratory, from the substances to the equipment. It has all the advantages of a real lab and none of its drawbacks. The program can help them to test different reactions and solve different problems. It can be used both at school and at home.
- Publisher: OMEGANET
- Last updated: July 6th, 2008
Additional Powered by smf general chemistry selection

Cyberoam General Authentication Client
Cyberoam's General Authentication Client is the standalone application for Cyberoam Identity-based UTM appliances. It authenticates users with Cyberoam integrated with local or external authentication servers. You can manually input the username and password for authentication and save the credentials for auto login during computer boot process.
- Publisher: Cyberoam Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- Last updated: April 14th, 2015

General Knowledge Quiz
Do you think you know everything? If so, prove it with General Knowledge Quiz. Here you will be able to test your knowledge and get a prize if you pass. General Knowledge Quiz is a fun gradual challenge where you should answer ten questions before moving to the next level, you also have to have seven out of the ten questions right to move on.
- Publisher: Justgames.ch
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

Chemistry Add-in for Word
The Chemistry Add-in for Word allows you to insert and modify chemical information (labels, formulas, 2-D depictions, etc.) from within Microsoft Office Word. Also, it allows you to store the chemical information and manipulate it in a semantically-rich manner.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: August 10th, 2023

WD Align - Powered by Acronis
WD Align will allow the user to realign partitions on internal Western Digital Advanced Format Drives (AFDs). WD Align is only necessary for users who have: - Installed Windows XP to a WD AFD - Cloned a source bootable hard drive with any Windows OS to a target AFD - Created single or multiple partitions on an AFD using Windows XP
- Publisher: Western Digital Corporation
- Last updated: February 20th, 2012

Digidesign Pro Tools M-Powered
Pro Tools is the world’s most popular, most advanced music and audio production platform. Now Pro Tools MP 9 software gives you the power to work with many of the same features that make Pro Tools the top choice of today’s audio professionals. Create amazing music, collaborate with other Pro Tools users, transfer projects between professional and personal studios, and more.
- Publisher: Avid Technology, Inc.
- Last updated: December 15th, 2011

ChemMaths is an engineering,mathematical and chemistry program. Solve equations, find information on 3000+ chemical compounds,allows predition of chemical compound properties,periodic table, solves 400+ chemical/electrical/mech. equations & more.
- Publisher: ChemEng Software Design
- Home page: cesd.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

The General
The General, a clone of Stratego, is a board game developed by Sean O'Connor. As the original game, The General is extremely absorbing and addictive. The objective consists in capturing the opponents’ flag before they manage to capture yours. The General is the type of game that can keep you busy for long hours.
- Publisher: Sean O'Connor's Windows Games
- Last updated: March 21st, 2008

CodeTwo NetCalendars
CodeTwo NetCalendars is a group calendar dedicated to those who would like to streamline the management of appointments in the company as well as improve the general workflow. The application enables multiple users to work jointly in shared calendars located on different computers in the local network or the Internet.
- Publisher: CodeTwo
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Free IP Scanner
Free IP scanner is a very fast IP scanner and port scanner. It is intended for both system administrators and general users to monitor and manage their networks. Powered with multi-thread scan technology, this program can scan hundreds computers per second. It simply pings each IP address to check if it's alive, then optionally it is resolving its hostname, scans ports, etc.
- Publisher: Eusing Software
- Home page: www.eusing.com
- Last updated: December 3rd, 2020

UAD Powered Plug-Ins
UAD Powered Plug-Ins offers you powerful analog hardware emulations and audio plug-ins. UAD Powered Plug-Ins inject three-dimensional analog sound to your in-the-box mixes, from rare compressors and equalizers, to vintage reverb processors and tape machines.
- Publisher: Universal Audio, Inc.
- Home page: www.uaudio.com
- Last updated: June 11th, 2013