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Powered by smf lab equipment in Title/Summary

Casio SMF Conveter

Casio SMF Conveter

As its name suggests, Casio SMF Converter will convert Standard MIDI files (SMF files) to the format supported by CASIO electronic musical instruments, namely the CM2 file format. This application is more than a simple file converter, as it can also transfer the converted data from the loaded MID audio files directly to the Casio instrument, using the MIDI connections of your computer.

  • Publisher: CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD.
  • Home page: music.casio.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
CCTVCAD Lab Toolkit

CCTVCAD Lab Toolkit

CCTVCAD Lab Toolkit is a collection of software tools and well-tested practical techniques for measuring parameters of various CCTV equipment (cameras, lenses, filters, light sources and other).Measure sensitivity and resolution of real video cameras, optical transmission and resolution of lenses and filters, infrared light power in order to obtain precise parameters for modeling.

  • Publisher: CCTVCAD Software
  • Home page: www.cctvcad.com
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2012
MIMIC Virtual Lab CCNA

MIMIC Virtual Lab CCNA

MIMIC Virtual Lab CCNA creates a real world lab environment with a network of Cisco Routers and Switches to train for the CCNA certification.

  • Publisher: Gambit Communications, Inc.
  • Home page: www.gambitcomm.com
  • Last updated: October 26th, 2010

Powered by smf lab equipment in Description

Broadcaster for VGA2USB

Broadcaster for VGA2USB

Broadcaster for VGA2USB is a screen capture, broadcasting & recording software tool for Epiphan device VGA2USB. It can capture external VGA signal —such as a Windows PC, a Macintosh OSX, a Unix machine, an em­bedded system, a medical device, scientific or lab equipment, and more.

  • Publisher: webvga
  • Last updated: June 30th, 2011
Atlas Desktop

Atlas Desktop

he FREE Atlas Desktop software provides a graphically rich environment that not only handles device calibration but also allows your computer to become a vital piece of scientific grade lab equipment. Moreover, this application comes with a user friendly interface that makes it very easy to use.

  • Publisher: Atlas Scientific
  • Last updated: May 20th, 2014
ChemDraw Prime

ChemDraw Prime

ChemDraw Prime is an entry-level drawing program to create chemically intelligent, publication-ready chemical structures and reactions, laboratory notes, and experiment write-ups. ChemDraw Prime includes chemical and lab equipment templates and handy TLC and Gel Electrophoresis Plate drawing tools.

  • Publisher: PerkinElmer Informatics, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2017


This program recreates a three-dimensional classroom laboratory on a computer screen. Students can install virtual pneumatic equipment in the laboratory, interconnect the equipment or perform a lab exercise. The program can perform flow, pressure, force, velocity and rotation speed measurements.

  • Publisher: Festo Didactic Inc
  • Last updated: August 5th, 2014


LVSIM-HYD is a program that recreates a three-dimensional classroom laboratory on a computer screen. The actual equipment of the Lab-Volt Hydraulics Training System is replaced with three-dimensional images, which students can manipulate on the computer screen.

  • Publisher: Lab-Volt Systems
  • Last updated: April 3rd, 2015

Additional Powered by smf lab equipment selection

CSI-Hard Evidence

CSI-Hard Evidence

CSI: Hard Evidence will continue the crime solving saga of CSI video game. Players will join Gil Grissom, Catherine Willows and the rest of the Las Vegas team to help solve crimes using realistic techniques and lab equipment and an all-new garage lab for analyzing large evidence.

Model ChemLab - Standard Version

Model ChemLab - Standard Version

It is a product incorporating both an interactive simulation and a lab notebook workspace with separate areas for theory, procedures and student observations. Commonly used lab equipment and procedures are used to simulate the steps involved in performing an experiment.

  • Publisher: Model Science Software
Virtual Chemistry Lab

Virtual Chemistry Lab

This program has all the things needed in a school chemistry laboratory, from the substances to the equipment. It has all the advantages of a real lab and none of its drawbacks. The program can help them to test different reactions and solve different problems. It can be used both at school and at home.

  • Publisher: OMEGANET
  • Last updated: July 6th, 2008
Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only) , Virtual Lab

Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only) , Virtual Lab

It allows you to build circuits with resistors, light bulbs, batteries, and switches and take measurements with laboratory equipment like the realistic ammeter and voltmeter.

  • Publisher: University of Colorado, Department of Physics
  • Home page: phet.colorado.edu
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2013
Kodu Game Lab

Kodu Game Lab

Create your own game based on the programming language specifically dedicated to generating levels, mechanics, and graphics. Multiple types of visual tools are available for creating and customizing applications for personal computers and the Xbox console line. Debugging features are present.

MAGIX audio cleaning lab

MAGIX audio cleaning lab

MAGIX Audio Cleaning Lab is a program designed for digitizing vinyl records and restoring audio recordings. You can easily record vinyl, cassettes and other media to your computer; remove hissing, crackling, wind noise and other disturbances using the 290+ presets available; convert audio files into any standard format and save them to CD, smartphone or hard drive, and more.

  • Publisher: MAGIX AG
  • Home page: www.magix.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


DVD-lab PRO is a program for professional DVD authoring. Using this program, you will be able to generate complete DVDs, with menus, titles, subtitles, audio and video. The process implies that you drag and drop audio, video and subtitles onto a timeline. You can also select subtitles for each movie and alternate audio streams.

Selteco Photo Lab

Selteco Photo Lab

This application is a photo editor and viewer, as well as an image enhancer. It allows you either to browse through your computer in order to select the picture you want to adjust, or to take a screenshot and use it as source for further quality improvement, or to open an existing file or the last edited document for further customization.

  • Publisher: Selteco Software
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2013
CyberPower Audio Editing Lab

CyberPower Audio Editing Lab

This audio editor would certainly be the right for you to start the editing and creating your masterpiece. It records sound, edit it and burn it to an audio CD. For artistic music creation and simple sound editing need, it is easy yet powerful.

SRS HD Audio Lab

SRS HD Audio Lab

Compatible with virtually every PC-based media player, HAL is the ultimate audio enhancement software suite for the PC. rnrnHAL allows the user to select audio content (e.g. music, movie or game) and then choose the speaker type (eg: headphone, internal notebook speakers or external speakers) to dial in amazing sound tailored for your listening preference.

  • Publisher: SRS Labs, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020