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Magic Tree 3D Screensaver Powered by AdVantage

Magic Tree 3D Screensaver Powered by AdVantage

Imagine yourself hiking around green mountains and suddenly discovering what you were looking for! A mystic pond with an island in the middle. And on the island, as a vigilant statue vibrant with life, stands the old oak tree. People say that only on this night, the tree will grant wishes to everyone that walks beneath its branches.

  • Publisher: Digital Minds Software
  • Home page: www.digimindsoft.com
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008


MAGic is a powerful magnification solution for low vision computer users. Now computer users who need low vision aids due to macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentation, or other causes of low vision can take control of Web and software application pages.

  • Publisher: Freedom Scientific
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Color & Music Magic

Color & Music Magic

Magic is a professional music visualizer for Windows OS.Main features: - Create unique, customized visuals entirely from scratch. - Design 2D and 3D graphics that react instantly to audio. - Mix/process/arrange multiple video files, images, and 3D models. - Draw intricate, dynamic, colorful geometric shapes and patterns. - Use several live audio inputs and/or several audio files simultaneously.

Powered by smf magic magic in Description

Magic Data Recovery Pack

Magic Data Recovery Pack

Undelete files and recover lost data in a few clicks. Magic Data Recovery Pack has everything you need to recover lost and deleted files of all types. The software helps you recover important documents, archives, and other files in a few clicks.

Magic Theatre

Magic Theatre

Magic Theatre is the award-winning software that brought the art of storytelling to the computer era by allowing kids as young as three to make their own movies. Simple to use, with Magic Theatre you can effortlessly blend animations, music, and your own narration and drawings to create short films – the only limit is your imagination.

  • Publisher: Instinct Corporation
  • Last updated: August 3rd, 2011
Magic NTFS Recovery

Magic NTFS Recovery

This tool is perfect when you need to solve a hard drive incident fast. Recovering data from disks formatted with all revisions of the NTFS file systems, Magic NTFS Recovery brings the best bang for your buck if you need to restore files from a corrupted disk right away.

  • Publisher: East Imperial Soft
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Magic Games Collection

Magic Games Collection

Magic Games Collection is a bundle of different types of games. Although the games included are not characterized by very sophisticated graphics or sounds, they will certainly demand to use your brain. In this respect, they may be the kind of games that are appropriate for both children and adults.

  • Publisher: AGENTIX Software
  • Last updated: February 9th, 2009
3D Control Magic for .NET

3D Control Magic for .NET

3D Control Magic for .NET is the ultimate 3D control component developed with the purpose of replacing some of the old fashioned Windows flat controls in applications written with Visual Studio.NET

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Aros Magic Checkers

Aros Magic Checkers

Stunningly beautiful 3D graphics are combined with ease of use in this classic board game of Checkers. The better your display system, the prettier it looks. Supports many languages.

  • Publisher: Aros Magic
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2007
Magic DVD Player

Magic DVD Player

Magic DVD player is easy-to-use DVD software player on your PC.

  • Publisher: Magicvideo,Inc
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
EasyBits Magic Desktop

EasyBits Magic Desktop

Magic Desktop creates a safe environment, provides children with educational content and delivers lots of fun while they are learning. Magic Desktop runs as an alternative Windows shell or a "kid's desktop", creating a safe and child-friendly playground.

  • Publisher: EasyBits Software Corp.
  • Home page: www.magicdesktop.com
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025
Aros Magic Reversi

Aros Magic Reversi

Stunningly beautiful 3D graphics are combined with ease of use in this classic board game of Reversi. The better your display system, the prettier it looks. Supports many languages.

  • Publisher: Aros Magic
  • Home page: www.arosmagic.com
  • Last updated: October 21st, 2009
Magic Photo Editor

Magic Photo Editor

Unlike more standard image editors, Magic Photo Editor has been designed to beautify and embellish your images, rather than cropping, rotating, resizing, or correcting them. It blends your photos with a wide variety of masks, clipart images, cartoons, outlines, speech bubbles, and frames in a simple and seamless way. You can combine various photos and thus make creative collages in minutes.

  • Publisher: Photo Editor Software
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2020
Magic ISO Maker

Magic ISO Maker

Magic ISO Maker (build 0261) a CD/DVD image file creating/editing/extracting tool. It can open / create / edit /extract CD/DVD image files, and it can convert bin to iso and back. as well as make ISO file from DVD/CD-ROM or hard disk, and handle bootable information at meanwhile.

  • Publisher: MagicISO, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2020
Magic Vines

Magic Vines

Prepare yourself for a puzzle game like no other! The latest, greatest adventure in puzzling Magic Vines will take you from the jungles to the plains and everywhere in between. Explore each stop by solving a series of increasingly difficult puzzle boards. Once you have selected a location, fly off to a new part of the world where more challenging puzzles await.

Magic Ball

Magic Ball

Tired of the everyday hustle and bustle? Need a brain workout? Tired of the same type of Bubble Shooter games? Then we dare to suggest that you play Magic Balls, because this is not only a relaxing puzzle improved by various unique gameplay mechanics

  • Publisher: Falco Software Company
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2011
Flash Magic

Flash Magic

Flash Magic is a tool for programming flash-based microcontrollers from NXP using serial, Ethernet, CAN bus, or SWD interfaces. It provides a lightweight executable program with a simple interface where you can load the Hex files. After programming, Flash Magic will perform an automatic verification of the burned data.

Heroes of Might and Magic III

Heroes of Might and Magic III

Heroes III is a strategy videogame in which the player controls an army composed of heroes and a wide variety of creatures in order to defeat the other armies fighting to control the stage, or to meet other status of victory specified in each scenario. Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete is a compilation of The Restoration of Erathia and both expansion packs.