Powersdr if stage ver in Title/Summary

PowerSDR-IF Stage
PowerSDR/IF Stage is a modified version of FlexRadio Systems PowerSDR software. It is intended for use with Software Defined Radio (SDR) receivers, such as the Softrock, that are being used as an Intermediate Frequency (IF) stage with a radio that is capable of being computer controlled (via C.A.T. commands).
- Publisher: WU2X
- Last updated: February 14th, 2011

The FlexRadio PowerSD application provides all DSP and hardware control functions for FlexRadio Systems. The centerpiece of FlexRadio PowerSDR features its real-time, high dynamic range, interactive spectrum display up to 192 KHz wide (dependent on SDR hardware). The display may be calibrated in dBm for accurate signal measurement and spectral analysis.
- Publisher: FlexRadio Systems
- Last updated: January 29th, 2013

A FlexRadio PowerSDR based version with functionality suited to various SDR designs, projects and kits. For the homebrewers simple LPT port pins are used to tune the Si570 chip as smooth VFO, drive LPF/BPF bandswitching, give PTT input and Rx Tx output control and CW keying. USBtoSDR interface is directly supported with the included ADC/DAC and I2C connectivity.
- Publisher: SV1EIA
- Last updated: January 10th, 2013
Powersdr if stage ver in Description

BobMeters is a CAT Software collection specifically designed for PERSEUS and PowerSDR to add classic feel to these SDR radios.BobMeters is for PowerSDR only, it adds a selectable analog instrument as S-meter, Power output, SWR and ALC, Input Voltage and Temperature, for the transceivers series FLEX-5000A and FLEX-3000.BobS-meter is an analog S-meter for PowerSDR and PERSEUS.
- Publisher: Beppe IK3VIG
- Last updated: July 16th, 2017

Megaman - Revenge of the Fallen
Megaman - Revenge of the Fallen is a fan-made Megaman game that brings back nostalgia memories of all the old classic Megaman games of the past in a new, more expansive way. In this game you will experience brand new level designs, weapon uses, boss AI routines and collectibles to find.
- Publisher: Darkflamewolf Productions
- Last updated: March 18th, 2015

NaP3 is a pan-adapter display program based on a combination of PowerSDR/IF from WU2X and PowerSDR v2.1.6 from Flex Radio. It communicates with the rig through LP-Bridge or LPB2, which greatly extends the capability of the rig by allowing multiple applications to easily connect to the rig and share its serial port.
- Publisher: Pete Connors, F5VNB
- Last updated: October 30th, 2014

McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator
McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) is an essential component of the McAfee Security Management Platform for business enterprises. It provides unified management of endpoint, network, and data security. By means of some powerful automations, it slashes incidence response times, dramatically strengthens protection and cuts down cost and complexity of managing risk and security.
- Publisher: McAfee, Inc.
- Last updated: July 29th, 2014

EEC Analyzer
The EEC Analyzer (also refered to as EA) is a tool that can analyze data produced by most of todays common data loggers. The EA can also log data and retrieve Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) with the ELM320 Scan Tool or ELM327 Scan Tool. This scan tool is an OBDII interface that allows the EEC Analyzer to log and monitor live data.
- Publisher: EEC Analyzer
- Last updated: April 5th, 2010
Additional Powersdr if stage ver selection

Dell Stage Remote
Stage Remote is a program that allows streaming of content from one PC to another device. The destination device can be another PC, a TV, gaming system or speakers. Stage Remote makes it easier to enjoy the content you have without the need to physically move the files from one PC to the destination device.
- Publisher: ArcSoft, Inc.
- Last updated: January 30th, 2014

PANATERM ver.5.0
It performs communications between personal computers and MINAS series driver. MINAS Series have functions to perform communications with commercially available personal computers with USB cables. PANATERM was developed to be compatible with AC serbo driver MINAS series. Other versions of the software are required for additional products.
- Publisher: Panasonic Corporation
- Home page: industrial.panasonic.com
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012
- Publisher: Nitro Stunt Racing
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2010
- Publisher: Liceo Malpighi
- Last updated: March 28th, 2008
- Publisher: Biagio Barberino
- Last updated: May 18th, 2008

YASKAWA SigmaWin+ Ver.7
YASKAWA SigmaWin+ is a program for the setup and tuning of Yaskawa SERVOPACKs. You can set up all the servo amplifiers and their individual operating parameters in an entire machine from its intuitive wizard-interface. Its built-in wizard spots all wiring errors in a single operation.
- Publisher: YASKAWA Electric Corp.
- Home page: www.yaskawa.com
- Last updated: November 29th, 2016

VT STUDIO makes it simple and easy to complete the bothering works such as resize, alignment, and copy. With the VT3, name plate size can be automatically adjusted. To do this, simply select auto adjust and the text will always fits the name plate size. When you lay the components out, grid lines can be displayed both from left to right and up and down.
- Publisher: KEYENCE Corporation
- Last updated: April 27th, 2012

Device Stage Visual Editor
The Device Stage feature in Windows 7 provides a new way for users to interact with devices that are connected to their computers. It enables device manufacturers to deliver user experiences that match the specific branding, features, and content of their devices. Users simply connect their device to a computer that is running Windows 7
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: June 17th, 2011

Pianoteq STAGE
Pianoteq STAGE is a virtual piano based on a physical model. It comes with instrument packs: Acoustic pianos (includes D4 and K2 grand pianos), Electric instruments (includes R2 and W1 electric pianos and CL1 Clavinet), and Chromatic percussions (includes V-B and V-M vibes, Xylophone and Marimba).
- Publisher: Modartt
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

SketchUp 5 Film & Stage Library
Google Sketchup Film&Stage Library is one of the several available Sketchup Bonus Packs to use with Google Sketchup. With this component you access to various 3D models of accessories to create a filming atmosphere in you sketches. Included with this library you will find models of the typical chair of directors, microphone stands, triangular jibs, trailer power generators among others.
- Publisher: @Last Software
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008