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Ppm.zip password policy manager in Title/Summary

Password Policy Manager

Password Policy Manager

PPM tool is a simple tool that allows you to create new Password Security Object (PSO) and apply it to selected objects (users or groups). You can also use this tool to search, modify or delete any existing password settings object (PSO).Advanced features of the tool allows you to search for objects (users, groups or existing PSO) and change or view PSO related settings applied to the objects.

  • Publisher: Parhelia Tools
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2011
Specops Password Policy Client

Specops Password Policy Client

Since passwords are the primary authentication method in Active Directory, strong password policies are essential for securing access. Specops Password Policy, enforces password complexity rules defined by your organization. Specops Password Policy allows you to specify multiple password policies based on rules you define. Also, it lets you achieve password compliance.

  • Publisher: Specops Software
  • Last updated: February 29th, 2012
Password Policy Enforcer

Password Policy Enforcer

Password Policy Enforcer is intended to enforce the desired password policies, mainly at a corporate level. In this respect, the tool can check that newly-created passwords meet the desired strength conditions. Fortunately, the rules work not only locally but also at the domain level. The tool's interface integrates perfectly with that of the operating system.

  • Publisher: ANIXIS
  • Home page: anixis.com
  • Last updated: December 4th, 2020

Ppm.zip password policy manager in Description

JiJi Password and Account Expiration Notification

JiJi Password and Account Expiration Notification

Password Expiation Notification notifies Password expiry. Password Expiry notifier set Password Expire Notification period, configure Password Expire warning, Password Expiration. Password Expiration Notification tool checks AD

Secure Oracle Auditor

Secure Oracle Auditor

The most comprehensive Risk Management Software for Oracle database security which conducts vulnerability assessments and security auditing within minutes, using the most inclusive Oracle database security regulatory compliance tools.

  • Publisher: Secure Bytes, Inc
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
F-Secure Policy Manager Console

F-Secure Policy Manager Console

F-Secure Policy Manager is an efficient and powerful tool that helps you to manage IT security applications, define and deploy security policies, and monitor IT security to ensure compliance with corporate security policies. Corporate security managers set up corporate policies in the F-Secure Policy Manager Console.

  • Publisher: F-Secure Corporation
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2014
NetWrix Account Lockout Examiner

NetWrix Account Lockout Examiner

This free product quickly detects, diagnoses and resolves account lockouts in real-time without doing routine work.

  • Publisher: NetWrix Corporation
  • Home page: www.netwrix.com
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2021
Secure Windows Auditor

Secure Windows Auditor

Secure Windows Auditor A must have windows security software for information security professionals to conduct in-depth security auditing and risk assessments of network-based windows systems.

  • Publisher: Secure Bytes, Inc
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020

Additional Ppm.zip password policy manager selection

Password Vault Manager

Password Vault Manager

Password Vault Manager lets you and your team centralize your organization’s passwords and credentials into one secure repository. Manage user security rights and access, reduce help desk support calls and strengthen your network security by generating only strong and unique passwords.

  • Publisher: Devolutions inc.
  • Home page: devolutions.net
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018
Odin Password Secure Manager

Odin Password Secure Manager

This password management program encrypts, protects and manages your passwords. It encrypts all stored data using the US Department of Defense approved 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. The program includes a built-in strong password generator.

  • Publisher: Odin Share Company
  • Last updated: June 27th, 2014
Password Complexity Manager

Password Complexity Manager

With Password Complexity Manager (PCM) from Tools4ever, it is possible to enforce virtually any password complexity rule.Main features: - Password Synchronization. - Native Integration with Windows. - Complexity per domain and OU. - All conceivable combinations available.

Cisco QoS Policy Manager

Cisco QoS Policy Manager

CiscoWorks Quality of Service Policy Manager (QPM) supports centralized management of network quality of service (QoS).CiscoWorks QPM provides a comprehensive device and operating system support package, including up-to-date support of the QoS features available on a majority of Cisco routers and Cisco Catalyst switches running Cisco IOS.

  • Publisher: Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • Home page: www.cisco.com
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2011
Password Manager

Password Manager

The main advantage of this password management software is that you can enter all your passwords in one place, assign a login and password for a specific URL and use program's autofill feature. All you have to do is to remember one password for using it, and the program will remember the rest of your passwords for you.

  • Publisher: rayslab
  • Last updated: January 22nd, 2012
Far Manager FTP Password recovery

Far Manager FTP Password recovery

This program allows you to restore Far Manager FTP account's and passwords from your computer. Run it if you need recover your forgotten passwords from Far Manager FTP, or if you lost your Ftp information after removing Far Manager from your computer.

Meldium Browser Extension

Meldium Browser Extension

Meldium is a powerful password & account manager for teams. Instead of sharing spreadsheets of passwords, your team can access all their web apps from one home screen. The service is free for teams of up to 5 people. Head to meldium.com to try out the free 14 day trial.



PassMonster performs the insurmountable task of storing, protecting and managing your passwords. It allows you to get all the password-related information you need without having to be afraid of data safety, providing blazing fast 256-bit encryption!

  • Publisher: Kamatoz.Computing
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
F-Secure System Health Validator

F-Secure System Health Validator

F-Secure System Health Validator allows you to configure F-Secure-specific network health requirements. For example, it could check that client computers are running F-Secure antivirus, that the latest antivirus database updates are received, or that hosts have recent policies from F-Secure Policy Manager Server.

  • Publisher: F-Secure Corporation
  • Home page: www.f-secure.com
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2016
PowerArchiver 2013

PowerArchiver 2013

Fastest ZIP, RAR, ISO, 7-zip compression utility, multicore optimized. Supports over 30 different formats. Beautiful interface! Features include FIPS 140-2 Certified Encryption, OpenPGP, Cloud Browser, Backup, Burner, FTP, Tools & Full Win7/8 support