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Practical math skills in Title/Summary

Quarter Mile Math Level 2

Quarter Mile Math Level 2

The Quarter Mile Math programs boost children’s mental math skills and confidence by motivating them to do an incredible number of math problems quickly. The fun, award-winning format is effective because it detects even the smallest improvements and constantly gives positive reinforcement.

Mighty Math Zoo Zillions

Mighty Math Zoo Zillions

Mighty Math Zoo Zillions teaches kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students the concepts, facts, and thinking skills necessary to build math confidence and develop a strong, lasting understanding of math! Innovative activities teachnumber line concepts addition and subtraction counting money and makingchange problem-solving skills and early three-dimensional geometry

  • Publisher: Edmark Corporation and Harcourt Brace & Company
  • Last updated: May 25th, 2008
Quarter Mile Math Level 1

Quarter Mile Math Level 1

The Quarter Mile Math programs boost children’s mental math skills and confidence by motivating them to do an incredible number of math problems quickly. When a student answers a problem correctly, the next one appears instantly. Correct answers accelerate their car or riderless horse in real time as they race against their previous best five races.

Practical math skills in Description

Master Math Word Problems

Master Math Word Problems

Help your school-age kids to sharpen their Math skills and to develop their logic. Master Math Word Problems is a novel and practical software tool that allows you to improve your basic Math skills through simple but well-designed problems in written form. The program is especially designed for children in elementary school, regardless of how well or bad they are doing with their math.

  • Publisher: Fast Rabbit Software, LLC
  • Last updated: December 1st, 2008
Math ActivityMaker-Primary

Math ActivityMaker-Primary

Math ActivityMaker-Primary is a comprehensive set of worksheets and tests specifically designed for Primary students and teachers. It covers all the topics that any student of Primary Level Math should master, such as telling time, counting money, determine the place value of a number, measuring time, rounding numbers, or learning all about Roman Numerals.

  • Publisher: Joe Tompkins
  • Last updated: May 19th, 2012
Math Stars Plus

Math Stars Plus

Math Stars Plus is an educational application which includes a series of games that will help kids improve their Math skills. The application includes six different games, namely, Number game, Math detective, Math squares, Math challenge, Basket O'Math, and Mind Games. With these games, the kid will practice addition, substation, multiplication, and division operations.

  • Publisher: Class One Software
  • Last updated: March 15th, 2012
Speedstudy Pre Algebra

Speedstudy Pre Algebra

Great for new learners or students studying for college entrance exams Build pre-algebra skills fast! Speedstudy Pre-Algebra provides a solid educational foundation that will raise grades and test scores and improve math skills in the classroom and beyond.

  • Publisher: Selectsoft Publishing
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2010
2x2 for Windows

2x2 for Windows

2x2 (Two by Two) is a multiplication puzzle game. Your goal is to solve multiplication puzzle where all digits are replaced by letters. To achieve best score you should solve puzzle with minimal number of errors and in minimal time.

  • Publisher: AnyTech, Inc.
  • Last updated: February 24th, 2012

Additional Practical math skills selection



Using visual thinking methodologies, Kidspiration provides a cross-curricular visual workspace for K-5 learners. Students combine pictures, text, numbers and spoken words to develop vocabulary, word recognition, reading for comprehension, writing and critical thinking skills.

  • Publisher: Inspiration Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 26th, 2009
Math Flash Cards For Kids Software

Math Flash Cards For Kids Software

Math Flash Cards For Kids Software offers a solution to users who want to test their basic math skills. There are check boxes for: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and for game levels from 1 digit (easy) to 3 digits (hard) and the score is kept. This can be useful when trying to encourage children to learn basic math.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Last updated: February 24th, 2015
Math ActivityMaker- Skills

Math ActivityMaker- Skills

Math ActivityMaker: Skills is an invaluable worksheet creation program for teachers, parents, or home school instructors of all levels. This all-in-one program creates dozens of worksheets, games, and puzzles in just a few clicks to help struggling students practice their addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division basic skills.

  • Publisher: Gepeto Software
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2019
Math 2

Math 2

This Math 2-Pack contains two exceptional math titles, Deluxe Edition Math 1-2 and On-Track Math 1. with a wide variety of problems and formats designed to capture children's unique learning styles and keep them coming back for more. These programs “track” a child’s progress, color-coding correct/incorrect answers and giving first and second graders an at-a-glance review of their work.

  • Publisher: School Zone Interactive
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2008
Math Flash Cards

Math Flash Cards

Math Flash Cards is a game-like application which helps children practice basic math operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The main idea of the program is that repetition is the key-action when it comes to consolidate math facts.

  • Publisher: BrilliantOwl
  • Last updated: June 15th, 2010
Dev. Math - Foundations of Math

Dev. Math - Foundations of Math

Developmental Mathematics: Foundations of Math is a program that enables students to have unlimited practice and homework problems. The program also provides access to definitions, objectives and examples like a textbook in order to improve your math skills.

  • Publisher: Quant Systems Inc.
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2014
Merry Motors

Merry Motors

Merry Motors Games collection includes 27 edutainment games that will help to your kids in training of memory, logic, math skills, spatial imagination and creative thinking. The program can be useful for preschool children at the age 5+.

  • Publisher: AlbyMedia
  • Last updated: March 25th, 2008
Math Search

Math Search

Math Search is a great game that will help kids practice their math skills while playing a game. The objective of the game is to solve five calculations and find the answers in a grid full of numbers. The answers can be found horizontally, vertically or diagonally and you mark them by highlighting the numbers with your mouse and then pressing the "Check" button.

  • Publisher: Novel Games Limited
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Prime Time Math

Prime Time Math

Improve your word problem solving skills and boost your SAT scores with this fun, multimedia game for students in grades 7 - 12. Skills covered include prime numbers, factoring, squares, cubes, remainders, fractions, percentages, algebra and logic. You will dramatically increase your appreciation of numbers.

  • Publisher: Taylor Clark Software
  • Last updated: August 24th, 2008
Gold Medal Math

Gold Medal Math

Gold Medal Math was designed and developed by a group of elementary math teachers in order to sharpen and reinforce students' math skills. Getting back to the basics was a key element in designing this program. Gold Medal Math requires kids to answer math problems quickly. Students in turn will develop stronger self esteem and become more confident in their math skills.

  • Publisher: Edventure Software
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2012