Pre algebra calculator with steps in Title/Summary

Speedstudy Pre Algebra
Great for new learners or students studying for college entrance exams Build pre-algebra skills fast! Speedstudy Pre-Algebra provides a solid educational foundation that will raise grades and test scores and improve math skills in the classroom and beyond.
- Publisher: Selectsoft Publishing
- Last updated: February 14th, 2010

Infinite Pre-Algebra
Very useful as a teaching aid when used in combination with an LCD projector or other display system. One to four questions at a time are shown on the screen. Use this feature while you teach. Prepare your examples with the software, and then use a projector to display the questions on the board.
- Publisher: Kuta Software LLC.
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

Pre-Algebra Online Homeschool Edition
The online curriculum uses interactive materials to engage students. It features hundreds of whiteboards, almost one thousand interactive problems, and loads of activities.The curriculum focuses on the fundamentals of algebraic expressions and equations; extensive work with ratios and proportions; and introductions to several other topics, including graphing lines, geometry, and exponents.
- Publisher: Kinetic Books Pre-Algebra Online Homeschool Edition
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 9th, 2011
Pre algebra calculator with steps in Description

Microsoft Mathematics
Microsoft Mathematics provides a set of mathematical tools that help students get school work done quickly and easily. With Microsoft Mathematics, students can learn to solve equations step-by-step while gaining a better understanding of fundamental concepts in pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, physics, chemistry, and calculus.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 14th, 2022

Grid Algebra
features: - mental arithmetic and practising multiplication tables - multiples, factors, negative numbers - expressing formal ways of representing arithmetic - finding equivalent expressions - using a letter to represent a number and creating algebraic expressions
- Publisher: ATM
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 18th, 2011

Universal Algebra Calculator
The Universal Algebra Calculator is a mathematical program. It performs computations related to general algebraic structures.Main features:- Form direct products. - Create a factor algebra. - Generate a subalgebra in a direct power. - Create free algebras in a finitely generated variety. - Compute the congruence lattice of an algebra.
- Publisher: Ralph Freese and Emil Kiss
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 16th, 2011

Algebrator is one of the most powerful software programs for math education ever developed. It will tackle the most frustrating math problems you throw at it. Algebrator can show every step to every answer, serving as an automated tutor for math students at every level.
- Publisher: SoftMath Inc
- Last updated: October 24th, 2010

PreFlopper - The Pre Flop Calculator for calculating winning hands.PreFlopper`s unbelievable Magic Traffic Lights will also give you a basic advice (according to your preferred playing style: loose, normal or tight) whether you should play these hole cards or you would be better off folding that hand.
- Publisher: PreFlopper
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 11th, 2011
Additional Pre algebra calculator with steps selection

HP40gs Virtual Calculator
The HP40gs connectivity kit allows you to transfer aplets(tm), list, matrices, programs and notes from HP 39G Series (HP 39g+ and HP 39gs) or HP 40G Series calculator to PCs. In order to use the HP 40Gs connectivity kit, you must have installed the HP 40G (HP 39G) USB drivers.
- Publisher: Hewlett-Packard
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018

UMS Russian online
UMS Online is the most complete version of the program UMS. Universal Math Solver will solve and explain step by step student problems of any complexity from such areas of mathematics as: - Arithmetic - Basic Math - Pre-Algebra - Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - College Algebra - Matrix Algebra - Pre-Calculus - Calculus - College Calculus
- Publisher: Severny Ochag
- Last updated: January 4th, 2009

Special Features - Prepare a worksheet for just one topic or a combination of topics. - Specify the number of questions to generate with each click - Replace any existing question with another of your choice - Specify the amount of working space you want (from 0 to 15 lines) for each sum individually (or the same for all sums). - If you prefer, you can indicate marks allocated to each sum.
- Publisher: EleMaths Software
- Last updated: May 6th, 2010

PG Calculator
PG Calculator is a wonderful scientific calculator that simulates a real one. It includes many of the functions included in a real one and can be easily used by anyone who has had experience with real ones. Apart from the basic functions it includes several applications as well, such as a constants library, a time value of money solver, and a wonderful unit converter.
- Publisher: P.Gridniew
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 5th, 2008

Calculator Prompter
Calculator Prompter is a tiny and useful application used to evaluate mathematical expressions in natural form such as (2^E) + SIN(2 * PI), it's super portable with only 500 KB in size, the perfect tool for those two are used to (or prefer) typing than clicking.
- Publisher: Softaddress
- Last updated: March 1st, 2011

EMI Calculator Plus
This is a free Flash utility to calculate the monthly payment, that you will have to make in order to pay off a loan. You to enter the details of your loan using five convenient sliders. The parameters you can change are Loan Amount, Interest Rate, Tenure, Processing Fee, and Pre-payment amount. You are allowed to enter the Loan Amount manually, should you prefer it.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: May 28th, 2009

My Talking Calculator
A talking calculation robot, includes the standard style, mini style, cartoon style,detail style which could display the detail steps of calculation. Calculate and talk expression in the text file. Memory variable, parameter, unknown on.
- Publisher: DucklingSoft Software Developmet Lab
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 29th, 2012

DreamCalc Scientific Graphing Calculator
DreamCalc is an Advanced Scientific and Graphing Calculator for Windows. It provides a fully featured and convenient alternative to using a separate hand-held graphing calculator when you are working on your PC
- Publisher: Big Angry Dog Ltd
- Last updated: July 18th, 2017

UltraUXThemePatcher modifies your system files so that 3. party themes can be used. The program backups the original system files and all changes can be undone by uninstalling if you have issues. This application modifies your system files, this can lead to unexpected problems or total breakdown of Windows.
- Publisher: Manuel Hoefs
- Last updated: July 30th, 2024

NokiaFREE Unlock Codes Calculator
With Nokia Free Unlock Codes Calculator we can unlock our cell phones and we can use it in any company that we want. When we open the program can find eight boxes and one little window. In the first box we can put our cell phone model we can choose between: Alcatel, LG, Maxxon, NEC, Nokia, Samsung, Siemens, Sony, Panasonic and Vitel.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: July 27th, 2022