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Pressure analysis software pie in Title/Summary

LateralK: Earth Pressure Analysis Software

LateralK: Earth Pressure Analysis Software

LateralK is simple software for calculating lateral earth pressure coefficients and forces behind retaining walls in static and earthquake condition based on Rankine/ Coulumb formulae and also Mononobe/ Okabe methods.

TemCurve - Selectivity Analysis Software

TemCurve - Selectivity Analysis Software

TemCurve Selectivity Analysis Software is shaped around the extensive range of Terasaki circuit breakers, but also includes a large number of complimentary protective devices such as High and Low Voltage Fuses to BS88/IEC269, IDMT Relays to BS142/IEC255.

  • Publisher: Terasaki España, S.A.U.
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2009
VantagePoint Intermarket Analysis Software

VantagePoint Intermarket Analysis Software

VantagePoint Intermarket Analysis Software is a powerful program that allows you to create complex chart analysis of your favorite stocks. It is an automated trend-forecasting tool that relies on leading indicators. You can use the built-in indicators and predict the market in order to maximize your trading profits.

  • Publisher: Market Technologies, LLC
  • Home page: vp.tradertech.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2011

Pressure analysis software pie in Description



Fracpro®PT is the most widely used fracture design modeling software in the world. This powerful tool has the flexibility to handle the tremendous variability of reservoirs, fracturing equipment, materials and procedures. The software can effectively model any type of pressure stimulation job, including limited entry wells, multiple perforated intervals and horizontal well fracturing.

  • Publisher: CARBO Ceramics
  • Last updated: April 8th, 2012
Disk Size Explorer

Disk Size Explorer

Disk Size Explorer is a advanced and more powerful disk space, directory and folder size usage analysis software. It helps you to explore and analyze your hard disk space easily. Features include file and folder size, free space, drive type, compressed size, file system, graphical charts, cluster size, details file distribution statistics and reports, exports to excel, html, plain text or csv.

  • Publisher: DiskSizeExplorer.com
  • Last updated: November 7th, 2010


Atmo™ is a Wind Data Logging, Visualization & Analysis Software Among its features we can mention: Live data monitoring with total data immersion, Powerfull and intuitive user interface, Real time wind speed, temperature, humidity & barometric pressure visualization from Atmo Anemomter sensors, Convenient historical data plotting and analysis,

  • Publisher: Barani Design
  • Last updated: October 20th, 2011


ME5 is the standard in Measurement and Analysis Software for Integra Systems from B+S MULTIDATA . You will find important information about installation, licence and using the program.ME5 is a high performance data acquisition software for mobile applications optimised for automotive research and development departments.

  • Publisher: BS2 MULTIDATA GmbH
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2011
Microlife BPA

Microlife BPA

Microlife BPA is an easy to load and easy to use blood pressure analyzer software for Microsoft Windows 98SE, Windows 2000, Windows XP or above. Connect your blood pressure monitor to your PC and download your data. Print graphs, charts and tables of your readings.

  • Publisher: Microlife Corporation
  • Last updated: March 7th, 2013

Additional Pressure analysis software pie selection

SRM Analysis Software

SRM Analysis Software

SRM Analysis Software is a program that allows you to zoom in on specific segments of a training file to create markers. You can see your average Power, Cadence, Speed, Heart Rate, Distance, Energy and Time, compare training rides over time in the periodic view mode and track your mean maximal power for specific time intervals in the Mean Power Interval Display.

  • Publisher: SRM
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2014
Volocity 3D Image Analysis Software

Volocity 3D Image Analysis Software

Volocity 3D image analysis application is the only solution that provides all the tools you need to visualize, analyze and validate 3D fluorescence images. Main features: - Read a range of fluorescence z-stack images from widefield and confocal microscopes, and high content screening systems - Drag and drop your image files into the software to interactively explore in 3D

  • Publisher: PerkinElmer Inc.
  • Last updated: June 19th, 2014
SVC1080-LCA Analysis Software

SVC1080-LCA Analysis Software

SVC1080-LCA Analysis Software is a PC viewer for the SVC1080-LCA vehicle accident camera. With this program you can adjust video resolution and frame rate, overwrite old files on the SD Card, turn the audio recording on or off, password-protect the SD card, turn on the event alarm to make the unit ‘beep’ when the G-sensor has been shocked, set the GPS record time on the unit, and more.

  • Publisher: SmartWitness Group
  • Last updated: February 13th, 2017
KP1 Analysis Software

KP1 Analysis Software

KP1 Analysis Software is a companion application for the KP1 Witness camera. The KP1 camera can record video and audio, GPS information, speed and vehicle information, like the alarm, G-Sensor, brake, speed Pulse and RPM together. The recorded information can be analyzed and played through the KP1 Analysis Software.

  • Publisher: SmartWitness Group
  • Last updated: August 8th, 2017
QuantStudio Design Analysis Software

QuantStudio Design Analysis Software

The QuantStudio Design & Analysis Software allows you to open, run, and analyze experiments generated with QuantStudio 3 and QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR Systems. It also enables you to set up experiments, send experiments to the instrument, collect data, and analyze the collected data all in an integrated and streamlined manner.

CDR Data Analysis Software

CDR Data Analysis Software

This program can be used to analyze CDR (Call Data Records) files for crime investigation, e-mail forensics, etc. It allows you to track cell/tower information, IMEI numbers, map/location, nearest tower, cell ID, mobile operator, call duration, and other details.

DF50 ImpediMed Body Composition Analysis Software

DF50 ImpediMed Body Composition Analysis Software

ImpediMed DF50 is a single frequency (50 kHz) bioimpedance device for body composition analysis. This program lets you acquire data from ImpediMed devices. You can track Fat Mass vs. Blood Pressure during weight loss and exercise programs using this program; simply enter Blood Pressure results into it.

SureTrend - Data Analysis Software

SureTrend - Data Analysis Software

SureTrend is data analysis software that allows you and all your stakeholders to monitor environmental hygiene.Main features: - Track test results. - Quickly identify problem areas. - Analyze sanitation effectiveness.

  • Publisher: Hygiena LLC
  • Home page: www.hygiena.com
  • Last updated: February 12th, 2016
Data Analysis Software for 3455

Data Analysis Software for 3455

The Data Analysis Software for 3455 allows you to transfer saved measurement data from Model 3455 High Voltage Insulation HiTester to your PC. You can create graph of logging record data and step voltage test data; copy graph data to paste it in other documents; save data as CSV data format; create and print reports and using data and graph, and more.

  • Publisher: HIOKI E.E. Corporation
  • Home page: www.hioki.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2016
SVC1080 Analysis Software

SVC1080 Analysis Software

The SVC1080 Analysis Software allows you to view and analyze video footage from the SVC1080-LCA accident camera for commercial vehicles. You can open video files from the camera's SD card, save video to AVI, save and print images, back up event files, change the viewing settings, and more.

  • Publisher: SmartWitness Group.
  • Last updated: July 27th, 2017