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Print screen button printer in Title/Summary

RobSoftware Print Screen

RobSoftware Print Screen

RobSoftware Print Screen brings your Print Screen key back to life. With the touch of a single key, you can print the full screen or the active window to any printer.

Print Screen Now

Print Screen Now

With the Print Screen Now software on your computer any time you press the Prt Scrn key, the familiar printer dialog box will appear. You can then print your entire screen to any printer that is connected to your computer, including network printers and virtual printers such as PDF writers and fax software. It's that simple!

  • Publisher: Direct Logic Systems
  • Home page: www.directlogic.com
  • Last updated: February 21st, 2018
Print Screen Deluxe

Print Screen Deluxe

Print Screen Deluxe provides you a single button to print your entire screen using the default printer in your PC. You can also define a keyboard shortcut to take the screenshot of a Window. It has an "Auto Save" mode which saves all images in the default folder.

Print screen button printer in Description

Screen Capturer

Screen Capturer

Screen Capturer is an incredible free program, capable of capturing screens of almost anything on your screen. There is no better replacement for this free-to-use screen-capture tool, it is simply handy and effective with its capabilities to help you capture anything on your screen.

  • Publisher: ScreenCapturer.com
  • Home page: screencapturer.com
  • Last updated: December 20th, 2008


Using ScreenShot2Email, you have an opportunity fast and easy to send a screenshot by e-mail. All that you need is to press hotkeys on your keyboard, the program makes a screenshot itself and creates a new letter with already attached the screenshot.

  • Publisher: ScreenShot2.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


CapTrue is Microsoft Windows software for creating desktop screenshots very easily. It behaves just like your Print Screen button, but allows you to do more in a single keypress. It allows you to capture your desktop, window or screen region easily. Video players windows are also supported.

  • Publisher: CapTrue
  • Last updated: November 2nd, 2009
Screen Printer

Screen Printer

Screen Printer captures and or prints the entire screen, active window or a user defined area. Capture and printing can be triggered by the "Print Screen" key, a timer, one or more hotkeys, or select from a popup menu.

  • Publisher: Kayser Software
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2009


Print! brings your Print Screen key back to life. With the touch of a single key, you can print the full screen or the active window to any printer. This simple single-function program is always ready to print what you want with minimal effort. Supported features include scaling, centering, print date and time, automatic color inverting with dark images to save ink/toner. Go check out the free evaluation version for yourself!

Additional Print screen button printer selection

DevExtras - Print Screen

DevExtras - Print Screen

DevExtras Print Screen is a simple yet advanced screen capture and image editing tool for Microsoft Windows 7, Vista and XP. Microsoft Windows comes with a built in facility for capturing the screen contents. Pressing the Print Screen key on your windows keyboard will copy an image of the screen onto the clipboard that can then be pasted into any graphics program.

  • Publisher: DevExtras
  • Last updated: September 17th, 2011
Aquarius Soft Windows Print Screen

Aquarius Soft Windows Print Screen

No more multi-steps hassles while you can print instantly in 1 easy step.Aquarius Soft Windows Print Screen is a simple and fast software that lets you instantly go from print-screen (screenshot) to printer in one-step.Here's the how to print screen tutorial: Simply press Windows Key + Print Screen (or Fn + Win + PrtScn)

  • Publisher: Aquarius Soft Pte Ltd
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2022
Print Screen Works

Print Screen Works

Print Screen Works is a screen capture program. Besides taking snapshots, this program allows you to print, fax, email, and save them. PSW will rest as a tiny icon in the system tray, and it will open its main window when you capture a screenshot using the PrtScn key.

  • Publisher: AJSystems.com
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2010


PDFCreator lets you convert any printable document to PDF and other formats. You can encrypt your PDFs with AES and protect them with a password; by changing the security settings, you can prevent unauthorized access to your PDFs. You can also customize the output path with tokens like DateTime.

  • Publisher: pdfforge GmbH
  • Home page: www.pdfforge.org
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025
Easy Screenshot

Easy Screenshot

Easy Screenshot 2 is a very good name for this application because tells the two more important things you need to know about it: it’s a tool to capture images from your screen and it’s designed to be as easy to use as possible. It allows doing things you can’t do with the basic print screen ability of your operating system.

  • Publisher: Easy ScreenShot
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
CutePDF Writer

CutePDF Writer

CutePDF Writer can create PDFs from almost any application. It allows you to change document properties, add passwords with security settings and do much more. It also can password protect PDF documents with 256-bit AES encryption. Creating a PDF with this free PDF converter couldn't be easier.

  • Publisher: Acro Software Inc.
  • Home page: www.cutepdf.com
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2021
Gadwin PrintScreen

Gadwin PrintScreen

Gadwin PrintScreen is a simple tool to capture selected area of your desktop as an image. PrintScreen is the default hotkey combination for taking a screenshot. You can also choose from several hotkey combinations. You can copy the capture to the clipboard, save it to a specific folder, or even send it through e-mail.

  • Publisher: Gadwin Systems, Inc.
  • Home page: www.gadwin.com
  • Last updated: April 21st, 2021
Screenshot Captor

Screenshot Captor

Screenshot Captor is a tool designed for grabbing, manipulating, annotating, and sharing screenshots. It is optimized for taking lots of screenshots with minimal intervention with easy to add and edit callout arrows and text boxes. It features great special effects, including automatic active window enhancement, ragged edge splicing, pixelation, smart text removal, and many more.



Hit your Print Screen key and ScreenShot will save, modify, email, copy to clipboard, print and display your present screen. It is easy to use and even provides you with complete automation for each process. No nag-screens, includes cursor capturing.

Samsung SideSync

Samsung SideSync

You can spend the whole day jumping from your laptop or PC to your Samsung Galaxy phone or tablet, or you can connect them together using Samsung SideSync. This free and simple Samsung utility will let you put your mobile device and your PC or laptop in connection with each other so that you can use your phone from your computer just as if it were one more of your apps.

  • Publisher: Samsung
  • Home page: www.samsung.com
  • Last updated: June 24th, 2020